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  1. Your not married to your in laws. The Bible is clear that the only grounds for a divorce is if infidelity has occurred. When you say he behaves inappropriately what does that mean, in what manner? My question is do you love him and did you not see any of this when you were dating. I would suggest you speak to your pastor. Do you go to church? are you a born again believer in Christ. If not you need to commit your life to Jesus, get involved with a good Bible believing church and go from there. Start praying for your husband too. Blessings, RustyAngeL Dear Rusty Angel, I am sure you mean well by your comment and actually believe what you say is right.. Colosians 2v 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, taking it out of the way and nailing it to his cross.. Jesus obliterated the law when he was crucified in our place, and as believers who are saved by grace through faith in Christ, we are no longer under the law but under grace.. Yes we might make poor choices, that can be as a result of our level of revelation but it is not a barrier to our salvation because we are not saved through our works. The holy spirit is there to replace the law and he does this by teaching us the way we should go and not by demanding it as the law does. You are not in a position to point out what the bible says under the dispensation of the law to a believer who is under the dispensation of Grace through faith. Everything that happened before Jesus said "it is finished" is under the law and we are free from the curse of the law. We should be able to rightly divide the word of truth 2. tim 2v15. Please let not put burdens and Yokes on our fellow believers by teaching the law and grace mixed together.. her choice may not be ideal but that is for the holy spirit to lead her, it does not affect her salvation in ANYWAY if her faith and hope is still in Christ Jesus. There are tons of divorced preachers and Christians in this world who are living for God in spirit and truth. If she can avoid fornication and sexual immorality then I see absolutely no issues with a christian being divorced if she is unhappy in her marriage.
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