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Everything posted by Malcomx

  1. The bible is not about picking a single text and explaining your thoughts. It does not work that way; we try to make it work OUR ways and that is where we find many questions and come up with many answers that leads us to many questions and those question then builds up and grow when more answers are giving which then leads to asking more and THE CYCLE REPEAT OVER AND OVER and as a result we come up with OUR own believe and those believes leads us to form many new Church which the Bible says no, Jude 1:19. For all the Christians, who those who break away or form new church brake the first bible text which is judge 1:19; their actions contradicted Jude 1:19, BUT that is not the first, the first begins when all the apostles died. But the questions what lead us to do such things if we have already receive the holy spirit as the holy spirit teaches us of every things that we are not sure of and lead us. what leads them understand bible differently and come up with new thoughts and form new church. why so many questions and breaking of Bible texts???????????????????why, can we ask ourselves whats wrong with us? Everyone want to either teach others or add on the discussion about what they already know and NO ONE WANTS TO LEARN. good but ask the above question. See you all next time if i come back, if not BYE.
  2. In the past during the time do Jesus, the people knew there will be a king from the family of David who will come to build the temple and when Solomon was born and became king he and the people thought the king is Solomon when Solomon saw the texts 1 king 8: 25 , 1 king 2:4, Isaiah 16:5, and build the temple. When Solomon become king and build the temple people thought that was the end of the promise. Some waited to see the king from the eastern sky and they are still waiting today. When the true and real king was born, people questions him killed him. People prepared the temple physically for 46 yes and build the temple the we see with our eyes while God did not work the way people think and plan and build the spiritual temple according to his plan and will. People in the past were confused and we are also confused . What is in the bible is Spirit and is invisible to human eyes but visible to spiritual eye as the words have been written in Spirit by those who were in spirit. Only Simian and the man from the east saw the texts and waited and see the son of God while others went blind and confused. We are repeating the same things.
  3. We try to explain but we used most of our own words and interepration and as a result switch the truth meaning. We collect texts that do not have the beginning and it's end. We just quote what is in the bible and support it with our explanation. If we have received the Holy Spirit then why are we having many answers to a question and why do we come up with many questions and why are we confuse which Jesus said the Holy Spirit will not make you confuse John 14:26.
  4. The man can be Jesus but are you really sure. Please study well this part and try dig deep to find
  5. This obviously indicated that you are trying to build another temple apart from the one Jesus build. John 2: 19-20. And please read this texts Matthew 21:23-43 and Matthew 23:37-39.
  6. Can we ask ourselves "why am I having many questions? And why I do not understand some of things in the Bible? "
  7. Can we ask this questions also, why the Jewish of Israel confused and did not see the son of God, and even when the the son of God perform miracles,why they did not see and believe him, or why they never went back to bible to find out and confirm with what Jesus was saying (when he say he is the son of God). Now the world say they know better. So who will learn the new things???
  8. What the body see is body and what the spirit see is Spirit we must not mix the two different things together and try to explain or find a answer to a question. The world can not see their image on the mirror to identify themselves to know instead pretending to know better which is very bad for them but the time is near.
  9. If there was map in front you, and you try to show it to others, you should have broke the map and take the middle part (piece) out and hold it up for the people to see but when people look at it, it will be a broken piece of the whole map. So you need to join it again and take the whole map to show the people so that they can see and must not be confused again.
  10. Dear Bob, What you wrote especially the text in revelation are Spirit AND they are invisible and the ones who wrote the bible or the one who wrote revelation was in Spirit. Inoreder to understand the text we have to see what is invisible with human eye but visible in Spirit eye. Non one understand every text in revelation and connect every text together to come up with one long text which will show a path to the father. The world can not see in spirit and that is the big problem we have today.
  11. When we go back to find out about the history of all the churches we attend, they have went through several rebirth and reformation, which we supposed not to do that, Jude 1:19 says those who reform or break way are not following the will of Holy Spirit. Several rebirth of the churches and reformation indicated confusions. If we already received holy spirit then why are we confused here? Can we understand that someone is wrong? We try to defend and yes the Jewish of Jerusalem and Israel try to defend the 10 commandments and and they did not want to lisen to Jesus. What they know lead them to confused as they did not know what will happen next? So our questions and answers indicated confusion, why?
  12. Our questions and answers indicated confusions amongst us. Why are we confused? Jesus said I will give you an helper and he will teach you of everything I teach you and you will not be confused? So why many confusion in our questions and answers? Can we understand that there is something wrong with us please. Why are we so stubborn?
  13. People in the past, the Israelite confused because they thought they already have the 10 commandments and they thought they already know God and as a result they did not see the son of God and killed him. So please read well.
  14. This may explain to you. The many churches and the people in those churches believe that they have already received the spirit of the truth which is the Holy Spirit when they first repent but that was not true according to bible. John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Jesus promised to his disciple the father will sent a helper in his name which is the Holy Spirit, Acts2:1-4 when the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. God sent his Holy Spirit down to all the disciples and they were speaking in different tongue. When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria, Acts chapter 8 verses 14. Acts 8 15 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. The bible says that, they WERE baptized in the name of the lord Jesus Christ but they did not receive Holy Spirit Why the people did not receive Holy Spirit because Jesus has promised them that will send Holy Spirit? Even when people believed and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ didn’t they receive Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ did not promise the entire people or the world. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you, JOHN chapter 14 verse17. Acts chapter 8 verses 15 to 1715 When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, 16 because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. Peter and John Placer their hands on them and they receive Holy Spirit. That indicated that they have not receive the Holy Spirit but only the disciple receive the Holy Spirit and they are the ones that can distributer Holy Spirit. Acts chapter 8 verses 15 started that “When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit” Acts chapter 8 verses 17staetd that “Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit”. Since they are the ones that receive the Holy Spirit they have the authority to distribute the Holy Spirit. Paul also did the same thing on the other side, Acts 19:1-4, While Apollos was at Corinthian; Paul took the road through the interior and arrived at Ephesus. There he found some disciples 2 and asked them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They answered, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.” 3 So Paul asked, “Then what baptism did you receive?” “John’s baptism,” they replied. 4 Paul said, “John’s baptism was the baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in the one coming after him, that is, in Jesus.” 5 On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Acts 19:6-7 6 when Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied. 7 There were about twelve men in all. Act 11:15 “As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came on them as he had come on us at the beginning. 16 Then I remembered what the Lord had said: ‘John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.’ They believe in Jesus but they did not receive Holy Spirit, and they did not know what Holy Spirit is all about, they believe in Jesus Christ. Paul placed his hands on them and prayed and they receive Holy Spirit. This indicated that the people who had the world goodness and then believe in Jesus Christ and baptized in the name of the lord Jesus Christ did not receive the Holy Spirit. Secondly, this also indicated the apostles receive the Holy Spirit and distributing them. Thirdly, the work of the apostles started. Fourthly, the work of the Holy Spirit started through the apostles. Fifth, the baptism of Holy Spirit which is placing the hands on people and praying over them started. Therefore this is the condition to enter the kings of God. First we must believe in Jesus Christ, (John 3:16, John 3:15). Secondly, we must baptize in water in the name of the lord Jesus Christ and Finally we must mist receive Holy Spirit (John 3:5-8). Different Churches There should have been only one church established which Paul was working on to build but other people were trying to build on top of the foundation using materials apart from the materials Paul was using and that was the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Other materials are such as grasses, silver, timber, gold and may more to add and one way or the other, they are going against the apostles—such people who go against Peter and Paul are not the Christ followers—Anti Christ, and are confused because they did not understand and as a result many churches are coming up from different angle based on different interpretation and believes which Paul refer to them as stone, Grasses, Silver, Gold, and others. Today, many churches are coming up because of such processes mentioned above—misunderstanding, different bible interpretation and believes and those churches with the people in it are confused as a result of confusions and misunderstanding and their bible interpretation are not similar to the person next to them in the church. More robotically, they never ask “why do we have different interpretations of the bible texts and different churches?” some try their best to answer the question but their answers leads back to the main topic, “everyone have different interpretation, answers, believe”. This, most importantly indicated that their interpretation is based on human understanding and is not lead by the Holy Spirit. They also never ask the question why ‘why many things that are in the bible remain unknown’—do not have answers — many question still coming up. People believe that since the Holy Spirit came down in the beginning, and they believe in the lord Jesus Christ, have automatically received the Holy Spirit at the time of repentances –water baptism, but not, as their interpretation of bible, different believes, formation of new churches make them go againt the bible and this does not indicated that they have received Holy Spirit due to the fact the Holy Spirit teaches the truth, and does not cause confusions but clarify everything Jesus thought. Jesus told his disciples that, “I will ask the father and send you the Holy Spirit and it will teach you of everything I teach and you will not be confused and alone”, John chapter 14 verses 16 to 17 & 26, and :15.26. Theses texts contradict the faith or believe of those who form many church, have different believes, have different bible interpretation etc. People have differed interpretation and faith which leads to different believes and many churches of today are formed as a result. Helen G white believes that the vision she saw regarding heaven and the coming of Jesus Christ is true according his own human believe or faith. Mrs White claimed to see in a vision of a narrow path where an angel was guiding Adventists. But she was not appointed to from new church-SDA, became she was not there with the apostles of Jesus Christ. Moreover, she never understood that all women are not allowed to lead the churches or open their mouth to say a single word if a man in a gathering, or teach a man. They are all supposed to keep quiet b under the under the authority of man as Law of Moses said. If they have something they want to know, they should ask their husband in silent or in their house. It is shameful for a woman to speak, (1 Corinthians chapter 14 verses 34 to 35). I addition, SDA day went to through several rebirth which triggered by the failed predictions of Williams Miller between 1843 and 1844, and June and October of 1844 and the failed predictions are the inductions of wrong, made churches based on human believe, confusions, misinterpretation, misleading and obviously it’s not a true church. The Catholic Church was believed to be the only true churches. But firstly, it was not started by any Apostles. And secondly, the true history of the Church was hidden from every people through rewriting of the books, letters and doctrines as stated on the web, "http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/secret-history-catholic%20church.html" http://www.end-times-prophecy.org/secret-history-catholic church.html. Yes, it is believed that Peter started the churches but believe and predication does not give a clear picture of who started the church. Does that mean Lutheran church is the true churches? The answer should have been yes for the people in the past but not for us today—our time, as many things within the churches, mind of people, and character of the people have changed. The people who worship in Lutheran church does to reflect the true image of HOLYNESS as the apostles of Jesus Christ do, this also indicated change within people The Anglican Church started because of an argument between the King Henry VIII and Pope over issue of an annulment as the king wanted to devours his wife. Henry VIII dissolves Pope as the head of the church and he becomes the head. He destroys everything within the churches, orders the grate Bible to be in the churches, and form the new church which is the Anglican Church. Therefore, all the church was not started by an Apostles of Jesus Christ. Secondly the church serves the interest of the king and not the interest of God. The above churches are the representative of the many churches we see around us. Every church we see around us is reformed from an already existing church or was formed independently by someone unknown to many church members. Those churches are not established by any of the apostles whom Jesus appointed to do the teaching and preaching and spread his good news. Within those churches, many people have different interpretations such as; some believe that eating pig meat is not sin and some believe its sins; some believed that bread and wine should not be taken during church services but some believe that it should in remembrance of Jesus’s body and blood, promised, and instruction, and more. Such confusions indicated that everyone have not receive the Holy Spirit; as the Holy Spirit teach us of everything that we are not sure of; and does not cause divisions and confusions amongst us. This also indicated that such churches have not been started by the apostles of Jesus Christ but by people who have different intentions; they not true churches as many people are confused and never know where they are heading. Those who travel around from seas to teach others and make them to join their newly formed churches, following their will, teach people to believe in line with how they believe, are wrong as they cause many to go to hell, Matthew chapter 23 verses 14 to 15, they are thieves who use the church as the hiding umbrella to: steal money from the people, Matthew 21 verses 13, to make a living, 1st Timothy Chapter 6 verses 5-6, as they are led by stomach, Malachi chapter 3 verses 5, which made to cheat and make money, Titus chapter 1 verse 11, they all are false prophets, Malachi chapter 3 verses 5, and because they are led by stomach which made them wanted to steal more to make a living, they form many new church which is not lead by spirit—do not have the spirit of the living God, Jude Chapter 1 verses 19. Churches confusing people Today, the churches confuse many people. The people who attend the church services already knew the name; God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith and Believe—no need to know for the second time—or allow someone to teach the names. For instance, other church members of a church want to discuss about God Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith and believe to the other church members, they either add on the discussion or subtract and as a result a debates stated within and amongst the churches. Both church members know everything and to defend what they believe, they debate to its maximum. Every church member seem to know everything and in that way the prisoned themselves—they do not want to understand in broad and depth of the things that will happen in the future—they lock their heart, mind, and ears with the church doctrines and the teachings and cannot accept anything, Isaiah chapter 6 verses 11 to 12. They stick to what they believe in –their church doctrines and teaching, and they LOOK but they did not SEE, they LISTEN they do not HEAR, and they cannot understand and comprehend anything, Matthew Chapter 13 verse 12 to 13. John further support, “the people of the world WILL NOT RECEIVE the Helper—Holy Spirit, because they do not SEE, KNOWS and REVEIVE him, John chapter 14 verses 17, thus, they did not know what has happened in the past, present and future, Matthew chapter 13 verses 10 to 16, because the people are holding the law—including 10 commandment, church doctrines and teaching tightly and thought Jesus was an ordinary man on earth—is not different from them. People, knowing the law, know more about God, read the properties in bible, should follow Jesus’s teaching instead of going against—find ways to kill Jesus—not believing in him. They know the law, read what is in the bible—prophecies, but did not know Jesus. Only few followed the start and saw Jesus. Many thought the king was Solomon and confused Jesus with Solomon and Jesus saw the confusions and “asked them a question. He said, “What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” The Pharisees answered, “The Messiah is the Son of David.” 43 Jesus said to them, “Then why did David call him ‘Lord’? David was speaking by the power of the Spirit. He said, 44 ‘The Lord God said to my Lord: Sit by me at my right side, and I will put your enemies under your control”, Matthew 22:41-43, this obviously indicated that the people confused Jesus and King Solomon because they did not understand the little in detail the text—words, in the bible like in Matthew 22:41-43. Likewise, many bible texts—Acts 8:14-15, 10:4 4-46, 19:1-7, says that the entire people have not receive the Holy Spirit because the work of the Holy Spirit stopped, Acts 21:11, 8:1-2, 7:60, 12:2, 4-5, in the past, many confused and still think that they have receive the holy Spirit which is not true. For you and I today, are we sure that we are not confused and have receive the Holy Spirit and will go to heaven?
  15. Several Bible text go against what you have just said. John 3:5-8, if anyone does not baptised in Water and in HolySpirit will not enter the kingdom of God. To go to heaven this has to be fulfilled. In after few days of the coming of Holy Spirit; which the apostles and the believers have received the Holy Spirit while there were some people who Heard the word word of God believe in Jesus Christ and Baptised in water in the name of Jesus Christ but have to receive the Holy Spirit to fulfill the condition in John 3:5-8 to go to heaven. Only when the apostles laid hands those people whe Heard believes and Baptised in water, they received the Holy Spirit. The apostles died and the work they did stopped while good news was spread. See Acts 8:14-16, Acts 19:1-7. The apostles have the power to pray for the people to receive holy spirit because Jesus only promise to give Holy Spirit to his apostles and not to the entire world. No one could take over from where the apostles left, because everyone, was not capable to take over. The apostles have the power to pray for the people in order for the people to receive the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit was first promised to be given to the apostles and not to everyone, and the apostles have the Holy Spirit and also have the power to pray and give Holy Spirit to others. Every people heard word of God, believed in Jesus Christ, and baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, but they did not receive the Holy Spirit. This indicated that the world had not received the Holy Spirit and all of them will not go to haven as John chapter 3 verses 5 to 8 says, “Without the baptisms of Holy Spirit, no one will enter the kingdom of God”.
  16. People try very best to at least gave some answers to a question and no one wants to learn. Those who provide answers never know that 3/4 of the answers are wrong when looking closer into Bible.
  17. Almsot all answers indicated uncertainty; partly confusing and partly correct. When someone try to answer a question, his or her answer go against other answer in other other topic. He or she try very much to answer the question but never know that he was wrong. Most of the answers of the question in a topic go against the other answer in the other topic. Why so many confusions?
  18. This is amazingly a very good questions? When read through, the passage seems like a plan. I am trying to think why you ask the smartest questions? And I am trying to image what you thought of when you ask such questions? And I am also wondering what makes you to ask question of such a hidden truth? I am asking my self how did he find out this questions? You many have an agenda to throw out such questions in the open air. I hope you are asking this questions to get the answer of the questions you are not putting out to the open air, you are too good in your questions. You put our the entire text in the first place without pin point a text to discuss. You want us to read through. Then people start asking for the specific questions as you have not pointed out what you want to discuss. You throw the entire passage and watched the reactions of the people and then you throw out the questions. Your excellent questions give rise to many unknown answers And non of those answers have come out yet. Can in inbox you.
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