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Hannah England

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About Hannah England

  • Birthday 09/10/2001

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  1. I apologize if this is in the wrong place...I haven't completely figured this site out yet, so hopefully this is posted in the right forum! Anyways, my family is going through a kind of rough spot right now, and we're facing the possibility of having to move out of state, which I am not excited about. I feel the need for prayer for guidance and strength in my life, but there aren't many people I trust or know well enough to ask for their prayers. There is a guy that I like and trust completely though. He and I go to youth group together (he is the youth pastor's son), and recently we have become close. He and I regularly talk, and I know that he is very strong in his faith and is a good influence in my life. I enjoy his company and have grown closer to God since I've known him. Part of the reason I am in such a tough spot right now is the possibility of me moving and him no longer being a part of my life! My question is, is it alright for me to ask him to pray for me? I'm sure he would in a heartbeat if I asked, but is that okay? Or would that be too spiritually intimate for us at this stage in our friendship/relationship? He is the only person I can think of who cares enough about me to genuinely intercede for me, and I need that right now. I need godly input on this one! Thanks!
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