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Everything posted by one.opinion

  1. That's possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen from WorthyBot, and that is saying a lot.
  2. Trump is such a strong Christian that if he evacuated to another state, the loss of Christian influence would be palpable?
  3. That sounds like a good idea as long as China is paying their proportionate share!
  4. As far as I know, the most recent data has indeed shifted the timetable. I’m not convinced that the situation is as dire as they are portraying now. It certainly isn’t as dire as was being portrayed 10 years ago. That does not excuse making up stories about what has been in IPCC reports. There is plenty of verifiable material that there is no need for fabrication.
  5. I’m sure it has not escaped your notice that none of these prediction were made in IPCC reports. I have no doubt that the IPCC reports got some things wrong. What we really should be doing is analyzing things that were actually reported, not making things up and defending false statements - as another poster is doing.
  6. I had hoped I would be wrong, but your response is as I’d expected. The IPCC never said that Florida would be underwater, yet you cannot admit the obviously false statement.
  7. I am just trying to see if you have the integrity and honesty to admit to pushing a false statement. Maybe if you own up to that, we can look at failed predictions that the IPCC *actually* made.
  8. For someone fully aware of the dishonesty of politicians, it is odd that you think Al Gore is incapable of coming up with this on his own. We can check out Al Gore’s quotes to see if we can get to the bottom of this - context and links will be helpful. Regardless, that does nothing to change the falsehood of the claim that “The IPCC said that Florida would be underwater”.
  9. You have already read my claim. In case you are confused, I will repeat it. "Your claim that the IPCC predicted that Florida would be underwater by now is a false claim."
  10. This is my argument - your claim that the IPCC predicted that Florida would be underwater by now is a false claim. You are destroying nothing but your credibility.
  11. So you say. What if I made the claim that the IPCC said the moon was made of green cheese and repeatedly insisted on it? What would that make me and what effect would that have on my credibility?
  12. You are claiming that the IPCC cannot be trusted because of supposed lies, but you are going to literally make up a story about the IPCC claiming that Florida would be underwater by now. To top it off, you probably do not even recognize any inconsistency.
  13. Look at the data I provided, then see if you can "dissect" that. Thank you for the good laugh, though.
  14. I'm not a climate scientist, so there may be better pieces of evidence, but this is my conclusion. There is very strong evidence that greenhouse gases have been steadily on the rise since the Industrial Revolution. https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/climate-change-science/causes-climate-change_.html It is quite likely that this increase in greenhouse gases is tied to the global warming trend. https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/GlobalWarming/page2.php The rate of increase has nearly doubled over the last 50 years. This graph is a little old, having stopped at 2005, but the warming trend remains steadily increasing.
  15. I’m not the one attempting to convince the audience that the IPCC claims things that are clearly spurious. It’s a pretty wild claim that appears to have no evidence to support it.
  16. If Gore said this, he was obviously wrong. I’m referring to the IPCC and your evidence-free claim regarding their report. Oh no, I dismiss the claim because you have not provided any evidence to support it. Others may accept this unsupported claim. I will not.
  17. Your assumption that “If Al said it, then it must have been in the IPCC” is inconsistent with your distrust of politicians (a distrust I frequently share). Do you not think it possible that he exaggerated? Until you provide evidence for your claim, I will continue to dismiss your claim.
  18. You are trying to bait and switch. You claimed the IPCC report stated that Florida would be underwater by now. You have provided no support for that claim. You just want to talk about Al Gore. This is not a good faith argument on two different levels. I’m sorry that it is troubling to you when I can point out obvious holes in your sources, but avoiding evidence altogether is not the answer.
  19. “That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.”
  20. For some reason, you’ve never actually presented evidence that the IPCC predicted that Florida would be underwater by now. It’s just so curious.
  21. Asking for evidence isn't the same as covering for someone. That's a bit of an odd conclusion.
  22. Is this another complaint about the IPCC that will disappear when pressed for evidence, like your claim that the IPCC predicted that Florida would be underwater by now?
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