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Posts posted by Mishael

  1. On 8/9/2018 at 4:45 PM, other one said:

    with what we already know about what goes on inside the mosques and who owns them, they should not be allowed to build them at all...   

    BTW Liberals call many things racist that doesn't have anything to do with race, this is just one example as you state.

    I believe they should be allowed to build a mosque, but not conver other places of worship into mosques or preach hate in them.

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  2. Byzantium was a beacon of science in a dark world, while the Muslims and Catholics hacked each other to pieces and murdered their scientists, Byzantium was at its peak in science and philosophy. Meanwhile the Muslims didn’t know even know how to use soap and the Western Europeans had to rub oranges on their skin to rid themselves of their stench, Byzantium had the first public baths. I long to see Hagia Sophia as she was meant to be and I long to see Constantinople as she was meant to be.

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  3. 5 hours ago, other one said:

    Liberals call you a racist pig when you do that...

    Doesn’t matter, Islam isn’t a race it’s a religion composed of numerous different ethnic groups and races. Criticizing a religiom, its teachings, or its practices for logical reasons doesn’t equal racism. I’m not saying that Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to build mosques I’m saying they shouldn’t be allowed to convert that Church into a Mosque by the Christian community. Not to mention the fight it would cause those poor Iraqi Christians.

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  4. To taste Islam is to taste its oppression, the fate of Islam is its annihilation as happens with al lies, a lie may last a days, weeks, months, years, centuries, but it is always destined to be exposed. The truth however lasts forever.

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  5. On 5/17/2018 at 3:31 AM, KiwiChristian said:

    To Marry or Not to Marry? The Qur'an forbids believers to marry idolatrous women [Sura 2:221], and calls Christians idolaters and unbelievers [9:28-33], but still allows Muslims to marry Christian women [5:5].

    Will Allah reward the good deeds of Unbelievers? S. 9:17 and 9:69 clearly say no. However, S. 99:7 implies yes. Moreover, S. 2:62 promises Christians reward for their good deeds. But S. 9:28-33; 5:17, 72-73 calls Christians idolaters, and S. 9:17 is very clear that idolaters will have no reward.

    Does Allah's day equal to 1,000 human years (Sura 22:47, 32:5) or 50,000 human years (Sura 70:4)? --- According to Sura 56:7 there will be THREE distinct groups of people at the Last Judgement, but 90:18-19, 99:6-8, etc. mention only TWO groups. --- There are conflicting views on who takes the souls at death: THE Angel of Death [32:11], THE angels (plural) [47:27] but also "It is Allah that takes the souls (of men) at death." [39:42] Angels have 2, 3, or 4 pairs of wings [35:1]; but Gabriel had 600 wings. [Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 455]

    Heavens or Earth? Which was created first? First earth and then heaven [2:29], heaven and after that earth [79:27-30].

    Does Allah command to do evil? No [7:28, 16:90]. Yes [17:16, ]. Two examples are also given, where Allah clearly commanded or permitted indecent actions [2:229-230, 2:187].

    The pagan Arabs worshipped the Moon-god Allah by praying toward Mecca several times a day; making a pilgrimage to Mecca; running around the temple of the Moon-god called the Kabah; kissing the black stone; killing an animal in sacrifice to the Moon-god; throwing stones at the devil; fasting for the month which begins and ends with the crescent moon; giving alms to the poor, etc., 

    The Muslim's claim that Allah is the God of the Bible and that Islam arose from the religion of the prophets and apostles is refuted by solid, overwhelming archeological evidence. Islam is nothing more than a revival of the ancient Moon-god cult.

    One of the biggest contradictions in the Quran in my opinion is whether Iblis (Satan) is an Angel or Jinn.

    • Brilliant! 1
  6. The Jehovas witness and Unitarians actively corrupt terms in the Bible, mistranslate verses, and misinterpret verses to support their doctrine. A good example of a question that Jehovas Witness don’t like being asked about, is how come when Jesus said before Abraham was I AM, was translated as I was instead of I AM, yet the same Greek word is being used here as when God said to Moses I AM what I AM? Can I have a Jehovas Witness explain this dilemma to me please?

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  7. I’ve never understood Unitarians and Jehovas witness, they themselves aren’t sure if Jesus is a human appointed as son of God or the actual son of God, I’ve always found the Unitarian version of the divinity of Jesus to be foggy and very confusing since they claim he isn’t God or divine in anyway while still describing him to be the begotten son of God. Arguing with Unitarians or JWs is more sensible then arguing with Muslims as I’ve found it, as we can both agree the Bible is not corrupted, we can both agree that Jesus died on the cross to save the world, we just can’t agree on the explanation of the divinity of Jesus. The easiest way to refute Unitarianism and JWs is to ask them if they believe if Jesus is the begotten son of God, they will say yes of course, you say do you believe he’s one with the Father, they will say no, and that basically refutes their own claim of being monotheistic.

  8. 3 hours ago, Acacia said:

    Hi all up into this moment the trinity was a sure thing but someone’s reply made me think and I have googled and it says that trinity isn’t mentioned in the bible?

    Peace and truth be with your answer and reply in Jesus name ? 

    Many terms aren’t in the Bible doesn’t necessarily make it false, in Matthew 28:19 Jesus describes the Holy Trinity very clearly:

    Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

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  9. Jesus was worshipped by his apostles, claimed supreme divine authority that's usually given to God, and spoke of the trinity in plain words in the chapter of Matthew 28:

    Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


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  10. 23 minutes ago, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

    I have shown you the facts and you still wont see. You are just like me when I used to be a non believer; I often like to say that you could have shown me Jesus Christ face to face and I would still have blown him off as an alien from Star Trek or something. 

    You cant just go ahead and assume all evangelical websites are all liars. You cant just assume Hyslop is a liar. Nothing of the Catholic church has any biblical origins but was all adopted from paganism

    My question was clear, prove to me using historical facts that all the stuff I said was wrong.

  11. 2 minutes ago, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

    Of course no CATHOLIC sites will give you the truth, that shouldnt be a surprise to anyone who knows the truth. There is a good reason why we all know ROME is spiritual Babylon, its because its a total mess of pagan practices!

    Come on man dont waste your time with Catholic websites they will never give you the truth. Evangelical websites are quoting historical facts, so, what you think they are just making this stuff up just for the hell of it


    Show me the historical facts also none of the stuff you quoted were facts just propaganda. Lol, Evangelical sites are always truthful while Catholic ones are always liars, can you prove any of the information on the site as false if it infact is?

  12. 1 hour ago, HAZARD said:

    The poles were nothing more than to be placed through the rings of the ark and to be used to carry it. Nothing to do with worship.

    As for dagon, 

    The most prominent form of  worship in Babylon was dedicated to Dagon, later known as Ichthys, or the fish.


    In Chaldean times, the head of the church was the representative of Dagon, he was considered to be infallible, and was addressed as ‘Your Holiness’.


    Nations subdued by Babylon had to kiss the ring and slipper of the Babylonian god-king. The same powers and the same titles are claimed to this day by the Dalai Lama of Buddhism, and the Pope.


    Moreover, the vestments of paganism, the fish mitre and robes of the priests of Dagon are worn by the Catholic bishops, cardinals and popes.

    Look here, even Mary get a look in on this one. 


    Z 109..jpg

    Z 110..jpg

    The mitre didn't always look like that, if it wa me wrong to be based on worship of Dagon it would have looked like that from the beginning, honestly your arguments are quite pathetic.

  13. 17 minutes ago, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

    You are getting your facts wrong again Ishtar is EASTER/Astarte. And Christmas IS PAGAN which has been proven by centuries of wisdom not to mention HISTORY

    And as long as you keep turning a blind eye to the facts about the true pagan origins of the Roman Catholic church you are doing a disservice to those we are trying to get OUT of that evil entity. 

    And as for your foolish claim that Gregory never said anything about the Roman Catholic church meeting pagans halfway for goodness sake what kind of proof is good enough for you? I gotta go my library time is up

    Prove it's pagan from history, there's no proof Christmas was pagan that's a common myth I researched it myself. Since no catholic sources state Pope Gregory stating this and when I google it all I get are evangelical sites not one historical source states he said this, kind of proves it's a fabrication.

  14. 59 minutes ago, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

    Christians in the first century did not celebrate pagan feast days (the love feasts mentioned in the bible were themselves rebuked by the apostles as so many people were being left out that they said its better to eat at home first) and since the title of Pontiff/whatever never originated with Judaism it is a pagan title. And the whole concept of an earthly head of a universal church is also not of Judeo/Christian origin. The true "Vicar" of Christ on earth is the Holy Spirit alone, never a man. 

    And as for the Pope Gregory 1 meeting pagans halfway, incorporating pagan practices into the church, goodness man look it up! Why wont you do the work on your own when its plenty easy to find?






    And as for your comment that the papal mitre itsnt a Dagon fish hat because it doesnt look 100% exactly like a Dagon hat that is pure nitpicking. It is a Dagon fish hat regardless or whether or not it has eyes and fish scales on it




    The mitre was evolving throughout history and if was meant to look like dragons hat it would have looked like that in the beginning the mitre went from being flat shaped, to oval shaped, to come shaped, my goodness man I even posted the pictures of mitres for you. Also you can't prove Pope Gregory Actuslly sa that your just quoting from random sites that claim he said that, Christmas isn't pagan it has nothing to do with Ishtar whose cult was clready dead by the time the Catholic Church came along, nor was it copied from Sol Invictus since there's no mention of Sol Invictus having his birthday on December 25. Here's a pictures on the Catholic Mitre for you:


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