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Everything posted by ForHisGlory37

  1. Hi Dennis, I can't really plant my garden until June 1st! With that said, I usually have to pick my tomatoes green because they never have time to ripen. I have not had very good luck with cucumbers either. I did have lots of chili peppers last year. I don't know if people know this, but if you did not get your seed orders in like a few months ago, it is slim pickins! SeedSaver, and Territorial have no seeds whatsoever. I did see seed packets in stores but if you are trying to get them online, you don't have a lot of choices. I have one site that you can go to Kitazawaseed.com They are the oldest seed company in America. I don't think too many people know about them. If you are looking for seeds, anyone, try there. They also sell in bulk. I feel in my spirit that there is going to be widespread famine. Growing your own food might make a difference and freeze, can, or dehydrate what you don't eat or use. I am going to try and plant lots and lots of dwarf bok choy. I am hoping to get a greenhouse or build one in the near future. That might help me with prolonging my growing season just a bit. I love growing things in the garden, it is so satisfying! :D
  2. The prophet Amos was a seer. Amos 7:12 Then Amaziah said to Amos, "Go, you seer, flee away to the land of Judah, and there eat bread and there do your prophesying! Amos 7:1 Thus the LORD God showed me, ....... Amos 7:7 Thus He showed me..... Amos 7:8 And the Lord said to me, "What do you see, Amos?....... A seer can see in the Spirit realm, through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Praying for you brother! Father in the Name of our Lord Jesus, I loose your warring and ministering angels over our brother and that this spirit of fever, sickness be bound and cast out in the Mighty Name of Jesus! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER! I pray the blood of Jesus over this fever and sickness. There is power in the blood and it washes and cleanses and heals! By faith I believe that our brother is already healed at the cross! Thank you in the Mighty Name of Jesus! AMEN!
  4. Whatever you want to answer with. I am interested in both. :)
  5. So my question is missmuffet, why do YOU think Jesus preached to the dead? From all the knowledge of the Scriptures, leading of the Holy Spirit, why do you suppose Jesus preached to the dead????
  6. Hello Your closest friendnt, I thought it was God through His Holy Spirit gives us faith? Without the Holy Spirit, we would not have faith or even seek Him. Romans 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. I don't think we give faith to our children. We train them up in the way they should go. It is God who draws us. Again, why did Jesus preach the Gospel to the dead if there was no hope for them? Is there hope for them? If so, where does it say in the Scriptures?
  7. Hello Justin, could you give me the Scripture reference for the above info please? thanks.
  8. Thank you for your input missmuffet. But in 1 Peter 4:6 it says For the gospel has for this purpose been preached even to those who are dead, that though they are judged in the flesh as men, they may live in the spirit according to the will of God. How was the gospel preached to the dead if someone didn't go there? And if there is no chance as we have all been taught, that once you die, there is no repentance, why did Jesus preach to the dead?
  9. I believe brother Jostler that satan has not been cast down to earth yet..... because in the Book of Job, he came to God saying he had been roaming the earth...and I believe he still has access to the courts of heaven. In Scripture, it also says that he is the accuser of the brethren, he has to be present before the Lord to accuse us in the courts of heaven. Just my thoughts, but I believe you are right, the time is very close to when he is going to be cast down and no longer have access to heaven and he will be mad! very mad indeed!
  10. Wow! Thanks everyone for your input, there is a lot of words...LOL..... A LOT!!! It will take me hours just to read all your input and then get back to you all! Appreciate the discussion though and I like that we can do that because iron sharpens iron! Thank you all! blessings! :D
  11. Hello All, I wanted to ask your opinion on what your thoughts concerning these passages: 1 Peter 4:6 King James Version (KJV) 6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. 1 Corinthians 5:5 King James Version (KJV) 5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Why did Jesus preach to them that were already dead? What does it mean "to live according to God in the spirit"? What does it mean that the "spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus?" What are your thoughts as to the meaning of these passages? Is there hope for those who are dead?
  12. Hello brothers and sisters! I always seem to find a new favorite song every couple of months. Just wanted to share, for I love songs that truly worship our amazing Lord and Savior Jesus! blessings! <3
  13. Thank you sister! I believe with all my heart that our Lord and Savior is coming soon! We must prepare ourselves spiritually and be ready to share the Gospel of hope when great shakings come. We must endure to the end and our faith will be tested and made pure! Oh what glory! Oh how wonderful our Father in heaven is! I'm scared and excited at the same time! We are to be here for such a time as this! blessings to you, Kwikphilly! <3
  14. Like I said, I don't claim to be a prophet... but I hear in my spirit for Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice.... I am more like a watchman on the wall, if I see the sword coming I am going to sound the alarm that I don't have your blood on my hands. Take it to the Lord and ask Him for discernment.
  15. Thank you @IloveyouGod.! I have been making bags using those bags that have cat food, dog food, feed bags... I shall have to post them next! :D
  16. Hi Everyone, I haven't been on here in awhile.... but I wanted to share this with you all.... you can take it to the Lord in prayer for discernment. I had been on a 90 day challenge of praying in the Spirit for one hour everyday. On March 25, after praying I wanted to ask the Lord if He wanted to tell me anything so I sat and waited, and this is what He gave me. I have heard from Him many times but I hadn't sat still long enough in a long time. I also write down what I hear in my spirit. So this is what I heard and I know I need to sound the alarm. I pray that you have ears to hear and eyes to see..... I don't claim to be a prophet but I just humbly ask that you read and take it to the Lord as to what you are to do with this. Thank you... Daughter, go about your business, keep busy, prepare, for a day of reckoning is coming. Be ever in My Presence. You will find peace and joy in the midst of disaster. There is joy in the LORD. Watch, pray, be MY Light. Great shaking coming Prepare. Trust in Me, do not doubt! My Power will be displayed to wake up the sleeping giant (The Church). THERE WILL BE BLOODSHED. WAR! Take shelter in Me. Do not look to the world, it will not save you. Hear My Voice My People! I AM COMING! I AM COMING! I AM COMING! Then this came the next day..... You know in your heart what to do. Meditate on MY WORD. feast upon it, it will give you strength to endure what is coming. My provision will come at the right time (finances to complete an assignment) You are to walk by faith and not by sight. There is danger coming, the wicked will not prevail. Manifestations are coming, manifestations of My Glory. Take heed My child, much deception. Encourage others. You will soon see Me, coming in My Glory. So please brothers and sisters and any unbelievers out there, prepare for the King is coming! Let us not be found being slothful but going about our Father's business! Get your house in order and study, meditate, and read His Word! blessings, FHG
  17. China has been using this Big Brother surveillance for awhile now and they are using it to pit people against one another, to use people to spy on each other for the government, and to basically control the masses. There was a report that a reporter who was going to write a negative article on the Chinese government was censored and then they put him on a list with his face so that he cannot travel by using any of the public transportation system. The Chinese government also uses the pictures of the citizens and displays them everywhere digitally on big tvs, screens, to humiliate people saying that their "citizen score" is very low and for other people to ostracise them and to not associate with them, and limit their travel. They also give points to people for their purchases and what the government deems as "good" for citizen points. Of course this is all presented to the public that it will keep us more safe and secure. Which is a total LIE! IT IS ALL ABOUT CONTROL. And to think that the young people here in the USA think it would be a good thing that we become a Communist Nation. :/ All these things were foretold in the Scriptures. People get ready, Jesus is coming soon! Get your house in order! Prepare for the great tribulation that will come upon all on the earth and be ready to be a testimony unto Jesus and love not your lives unto death! Oh Glory be to God!!! Hallelujah!!!
  18. You yourself say that he who endures to the end will be saved, but if you take the MOB, that is NOT enduring to the end. LOST FOREVER, NO REPENTANCE.
  19. I agree with you in most of the points you made. The last trump is the last trump...the same as the trump of God... but I just wanted to point this out, "He who endures to the end, he will be saved." doesn't this also include NOT TAKING THE MOB?
  20. Cletus is right that there are other things that one can fast from other than food. Last year I felt burdened to fast from two things that I really enjoyed doing. I felt that the Holy Spirit was saying that these things could be an idol. So I fasted from those two things for almost a year now. One was my all time favorite PC strategy game, and the other was watching my Korean Dramas. I did not play my game but could not bring myself to delete it completely. I thought in my heart that I could play it once in awhile. But as I continued my fast from the game (it has been almost one year now) I felt convicted that I must really redeem the time and I have no more time to squander with "childish" things. I told my husband that I was thinking of deleting the game, he said that he didn't think it was wrong to play once in awhile and there was no harm. Then the Holy Spirit gave me the response, What if we know the ship we are on was sinking, would you want to say, oh, let me play this game? I believe that is how the Holy Spirit was showing me what situation we are in. These are the last days, things are coming to a head. I don't have time to mess around anymore. I have since deleted my game. I don't have the desire to play anymore. I have not watched any Korean Dramas..... I am trying to redeem my time by reading my Bible and praying. Fasting is another thing too that I have been burdened to do..... sometimes it's very hard and other times it is easier. Either way, one needs to be specific about what they are asking the Lord. We don't receive because we don't ask... but by asking, seeking, and knocking we can get answers. Each time I've fasted, my body has reacted differently. As long as it is done to honor the Lord, He will help you through the fast! There was 3 days that I fasted from both water and food. I did feel closer to the Lord spiritually and that it made me more aware, um, I don't know how to say this... I guess of spiritual things? Jesus even said that certain strongholds can only be brought down by prayer and fasting. Maybe that is what many of us Christians need to do to bring down the strongholds that have entangled this nation.
  21. Hello Sister in Christ! You have been indoctrinated by our public schools and made to be confused about your sexuality and sexual preference. The push by the LGBT and transgender groups have been coming on strong for many years now and you are a victim of that, unfortunately. But I see that God is leading you in the right direction. You may think He hasn't answered you but He has. You have been convicted by the Holy Spirit and you don't want to sin anymore. You are on the right path sister! I love to play video games, especially the fantasy type strategy games too. Although I was convicted by the Lord to give it up in the last year. Time is short and I must redeem the time and draw closer to Him. I will be praying for you. If you have repented of those things, then let the Holy Spirit continue to help you be set free from those sins through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. You have been bought with a price and washed with the Blood of the Lamb. Now live your life for Jesus for it was ransomed by Jesus. READ YOUR BIBLE SO THAT YOU THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL LEAD YOU INTO ALL TRUTH AND RENEW YOUR MIND. SPEND TIME WITH THE LORD EARLY IN THE MORNING AND FAST AND PRAY. Be encouraged dear sister, you are on the right path! If you ever need to talk to someone, you may also pm me! blessings, 4hiz
  22. I've become more aware of fastings in the last two years and I believe we are called to fast. I don't think the churches teach enough on this subject. The most I have able to fast without drinking or eating was three days and if it is Spirit led, it is doable. I do believe that if you receive your answer before the time you allotted to fast, it is more difficult! Because you got your answer! LOL We as a nation need to be fasting and praying more. I will have to try those other fasts that you have written here. Thanks again Angels! Please keep me posted on how your fasting and praying goes! When you share, it exhorts us all to do the same.
  23. Thank you sister for this post! I hope you don't mind but I am going to copy and paste it and then make a real copy to have in my hands! :D blessings!
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