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Blood Bought 1953

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Posts posted by Blood Bought 1953

  1. 8 hours ago, John Robinson said:

    The SDAs (and others) seem to have infected Worthy, starting thread after thread after world-without-end thread here. I wonder how many people have been driven off this site because of it? I confess I'm about one hair away from going myself.

    To paraphrase Reese in the Terminator, they "can't be bargained with ... can't be reasoned with. [They] don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear, and [they] absolutely will not stop... ever" sowing their awful seeds of a works-based salvation here and elsewhere.

    It's sad, really.


    John...please don’t give in to the temptation to abandon this site.....somebody must put up the good fight against weak and mislead Believers that an on-watching world is witnessing.I believe that these legalists perform a vital function,albeit an unwitting one—-think how much good doctrine is revealed in these debates.Newbies to the faith will encounter these legalistic types eventually among their friends and relatives.This is a good place for them to see the true side of our faith. May God forgive me, but I enjoy it on a certain level...To me it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.Time to pick up that shotgun , John. Lol



    I don’t believe a person is a legalists for wanting to live a life of obedience....that desire came from the Holy Spirit......I have that desire.......That desire did not save me......it does not keep me saved......Salvation comes from believing Paul’s Gospel......after that my desires were changed.Insisting that an obedient life brings salvation or an obedient life “ keeps one saved is where the line is crossed into legalism.I am a free man in Christ who does a pretty good job of living an obedient life and is not the least bit concerned about it . Maybe that is the secret.....Trusting God

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  3. Luke was a supporter of Paul.  Anything that Luke wrote, Paul might as well have written


    Tristen......thank you so much for writing a masterpiece.

    I would only add that the author of the Bible whether it be Moses or Paul was The Holy Spirit. Those that put the pen to paper were merely secretaries. Thanks again for your excellent postings!

  4. What Is The Gospel?
    By Dr. Harry Ironside (1876-1951)

    "Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the Gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures" (1st Corinthians 15:1-4).

    It might seem almost a work of supererogation to answer a question like this. We hear the word, "Gospel" used so many times. People talk of this and of that as being "as true as the Gospel," and I often wonder what they really mean by it.

    First I should like to indicate what it is not.

    Not The Bible

    Pastor Harry A. Ironside - Man of GodIn the first place, the Gospel is not the Bible. Often when I inquire, "What do you think the Gospel is?" people reply, "Why, it is the Bible, and the Bible is the Word of God." Undoubtedly the Bible is the Word of God, but there is a great deal in that Book that is not Gospel.

    "The wicked shall be turned into Hell with all the nations that forget God." That is in the Bible, and it is terribly true; but it is not Gospel.

    "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God." That is in the Bible, but it is not the Gospel.

    Our English word, "gospel" just means the "good spell," and the word "spell," is the old Anglo-Saxon word for, "tidings", the good tidings, the good news. The original word translated. "Gospel," which we have taken over into the English with little alteration is the word, "evangel," and it has the same meaning, the good news. The Gospel is God's good news for sinners. The Bible contains the Gospel, but there is a great deal in the Bible which is not Gospel.

    Not The Commandments

    The Gospel is not just any message from God telling man how he should behave. "What is the Gospel?" I asked a man this question some time ago, and he answered, "Why I should say it is the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, and I think if a man lives up to them he is all right." Well, I fancy he would be; but did you ever know anybody who lived up to them? The Sermon on the Mount demands a righteousness which no unregenerate man has been able to produce. The law is not the Gospel; it is the very antitheses of the Gospel. In fact, the law was given by God to show men their need of the Gospel .

    "The law," says the Apostle Paul, speaking as a Jewish convert, "was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ. But after that Christ is come we are no longer under the schoolmaster."

    Not Repentance

    The Gospel is not a call to repentance, or to amendment of our ways, to make restitution for past sins, or to promise to do better in the future. These things are proper in their place, but they do not constitute the Gospel; for the Gospel is not good advice to be obeyed, it is good news to be believed. Do not make the mistake then of thinking that the Gospel is a call to duty or a call to reformation, a call to better your condition, to behave yourself in a more perfect way than you have been doing in the past.

    Not Giving Up The World

    Nor is the Gospel a demand that you give up the world, that you give up your sins, that you break off bad habits, and try to cultivate good ones. You may do all these things, and yet never believe the Gospel and consequently never be saved at all.

    THERE ARE SEVEN DESIGNATIONS OF THE GOSPEL in the New Testament, but over and above all these, let me draw your attention to the fact that when this blessed message is mentioned, it is invariably accompanied by the definite article. Over and over and over again in the New Testament we read of the Gospel. It is the Gospel not a Gospel. People tell us there are a great many different Gospels; but there is only ONE. When certain teachers came to the Galatians and tried to turn them away from the simplicity that was in Christ Jesus by teaching "another Gospel, "the apostle said that it was a different gospel, but not another; for there is none other than the Gospel. It is downright exclusive; it is God's revelation to sinful man.

  5. Chris....People that have never been through depression do not have a clue as to what it is like. people are well - intentioned, but it’s kinda like explaining color to someone who can only see in black and white—it can’t be done.Unfortunately, it has to be lived to be understood.People think it’s sadness and that is part of it,but the sadness is rooted in the fact the one suffering from it feels dead . Make a list of 50 things that give you pleasure in your life,then take that list ,wad it up and throw it in  a fire.Nothing gives you pleasure and you can go outside into the sun and do jumping- jacks all day and it ain’t gonna help. I basically sat on my bed and stared at the floor for five years. I hid from friends and basically talked to nobody. As bad as all of that sounds—Do Not Give Up! Go see a doctor and get help.  Medication can help immensely.The bible says that “ blessed men GO THROUGH valleys of weeping”.......Believe Gods Promises and He will get you through this valley....as He did me—- in ONE day.God put me back in the ballgame that quickly and He  can do it for you! I will be praying for you as will many others......it is not an accident that you came here. God bless you

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    Personaly I loathe long posts, but this fictional interview will answer many ,if not all of you questions.God bless

    Stachys: Can we talk about your teachings?

    Paul: By all means. The Lord revealed to me doctrines, which I termed “secrets” (μυστήριον). I designated them so because that is what they were. The Lord had not revealed them to Israel’s prophets, nor to the Twelve. He also had kept them hidden during His earthly ministry. They were revelations the ascended Lord revealed exclusively to me.

    Stachys: What were these secrets?

    Paul: One was the gospel of the grace of God–that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (Acts 20.24Galatians 1.11-12) Another was salvation by faith alone–believing the good news that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead for our justification (1 Corinthians 15.1-4).

    Stachys: Peter and the Eleven did not know this gospel and salvation by faith alone?

    Paul: No. Peter and the rest preached the gospel of the kingdom which had begun with John the Baptist. That gospel focused upon the identity of Christ–who He was–the Messiah, the Son of God. They looked for the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth with Christ ruling as King (Matthew 6.10). I received my gospel directly from the risen Lord (Galatians 1.11-12). It focused upon His work–that He died for our sins and rose from the dead. The faith part of the gospel of the kingdom was believing Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God (Matthew 16.16John 11.27Acts 8.37). But in addition, that gospel also required repentance, keeping the Law, and water baptism for salvation (Mark 1.416.16Luke 10.25-28Acts 2.38Acts 15.15). My gospel (Romans 2.1616.25Galatians 2.272 Corinthians 4.32 Thessalonians 2.142 Timothy 2.8) requires but one thing: trust in the death and resurrection of Christ. When Peter preached the Lord’s death, he did not preach it as good news but as a Jewish crime (Acts 2.22-243.13-15). He demanded the nation repent of it (Acts 2.36-38). For Peter, the significance of the Lord’s resurrection was He could return and establish His kingdom on earth–if the Jewish people would repent (Acts 3.19-2025-26). The gospel the Lord gave me proclaims His death and resurrection as goodnews (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). My gospel is a gospel of grace and faith alone (Romans 1.16-173.2226284.5Ephesians 2.8-91 Corinthians 15.1-4). The Twelve had no idea Christ’s death and resurrection had paid for the sins of the world and that God had reconciled the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5.14-21). This truth remained hidden until the glorified Lord revealed it to me. The Twelve learned this truth from me (2 Peter 3.15-16).

    Stachys: Wow. That’s not what most people have been taught.

    Paul: Well, that’s not my fault (smiling). I wrote these things in my letters. They are there for anyone to read. In my first letter to Timothy, I wrote I was the first (πρῶτος), God’s prototype or pattern (ὑποτύπωσις), for those who would follow in this new salvation (1 Timothy 1.15-16). To the Corinthians, in 1 Corinthians 3.10-11, I expressed this truth with an illustration of architecture. I wrote them, “as a wise master-builder, I laid the foundation” (ὡς σοφὸςἀρχιτέκτων θεμέλιον ἔθηκα). The foundation is Christ Himself, specifically His work on the cross and resurrection. The Church, the body of Christ, is the creation which came into being based upon His death and resurrection. The Lord also revealed to me many other truths He had kept hidden.

    Stachys: What were these?

    Paul: Well, to continue, one was the Church, the body of Christ, in which those who believe my gospel become members of His body. No difference exists between Jew and Gentile in this relationship (Galatians 3.27-28). This was unknown to the Twelve.

    Stachys: Peter did not know about the Church? Some teach that the Church came out of Peter.

    Paul: Well, no one thought so in my day, especially Peter. Peter knew nothing of the Church. Peter and the rest of the Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles. Peter, James, John, and Jude wrote to Jews and never mentioned the Church, the body of Christ, in their letters. Peter left Jerusalem to visit Cornelius only through direct communication and prodding from the Lord. And after he returned, the believing Jews in Jerusalem upbraided him for having gone (Acts 10-11). God designated me as the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13) and designated the Twelve as apostles of Israel (Matthew 19.28Galatians 2.7-9). The ascended Christ revealed to me, not Peter or the other apostles, the secret of the Church, the body of Christ (Ephesians 3.2-71.22-23Colossians 1.191 Corinthians 12.12-27Galatians 3.28).

    Stachys: The Church did not begin at Pentecost?

    Paul: Read Luke’s account. What is the definition of the Church, the body of Christ? It is that body in which Jew and Gentile are equal in Christ. Whom did Peter address at Pentecost? Jews or Gentiles? He addressed Jews. Pentecost, or the Festival of Weeks, was a Jewish feast day, held 50 days after Passover. Peter called on the Jewish nation to repent from the murder of the Messiah (Acts 2.5142236-39). If this was the birth of the Church, why did Peter not address Gentiles? We find the same thing in Peter’s second sermon, in Acts 3. He addressed Jews only (Acts 3.1225). Throughout his messages, he quoted the prophets. The Jewish prophets meant nothing to Gentiles. If the Church came into existence at Pentecost, why did no evangelism of Gentiles occur? Read the Scriptures. Peter and the Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles.

    Stachys: Few seem to know this. What else?

    Paul: The Lord revealed to me that when one believes my gospel he is identified in Christ’s death and in His resurrection (Romans 6.3-58). This identification is the basis of our hope of resurrection and the key to victory in the Christian life (Romans 6.6-7). Peter and the other apostles knew nothing of this identification truth–of believers being baptized and identified in His death and resurrection.

    Stachys: Other truths?

    Paul: Several more. The Lord revealed that the one who believes my gospel is under new administration: Grace, not Law (Romans 6.14). God gave the Mosaic Law to Israel, not to Gentiles. The Law’s primary purpose was to condemn and to reveal sin. It had no power to make one better. Peter and the Eleven continued to practice Judaism under the Law of Moses. They knew nothing of a new administration of Grace which replaced the Mosaic Law. Peter finally understood at the Council of Jerusalem that through my gospel one is saved by trusting in Christ’s death and resurrection alone, apart from the works of the Law. Once he saw this, he sided with me (Acts 15.7-11).

    Stachys: The Law was bad?

    Paul: Heavens, no! The Law was holy, righteous, and good (Romans 7.12). The problem was not with the Law but with us. This is another truth the Lord revealed to me alone. The nature we inherit from Adam cannot keep the Law. I learned this truth through hard experience and wrote about it in Romans 7. When the Law encounters our fallen, Adamic nature it excites sin. It does so because our fallen nature, which I also called the flesh, is in rebellion against God (Romans 7.811212325). To counter this and conform us into the image of Christ, God has given us a new nature (Romans 7.222 Corinthians 5.17) and placed us under the administration of grace (Romans 6.14). By this arrangement, we can more ably obey Christ. This new relationship operates through faith, hope, and love. The love of Christ constrains us (2 Corinthians 5.14) and through the superintending work of the Holy Spirit, God transforms and sanctifies us to Himself (Romans 8.29), in a way the Law never could (Galatians 5.16-26). We are to “reckon” or “consider” (λογίζομαι) ourselves dead to sin but alive to God (Romans 6.11). This is an act of faith and the key to sanctification and living the Christian life.

    Stachys: What about national Israel? What is their future? Do they have a future?

    Paul: Yes! God’s covenants and purposes for Israel will be fulfilled. When God establishes a plan and makes a promise, He keeps it (Romans 11.29). At present, national Israel is blind. God revealed this secret to me and I wrote about it in Romans 9-11. When God called Abraham, He began a new program. He laid the foundation for the creation of the Jewish people. He revealed Himself to them and gave them covenantal promises. God promised they would become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19.6Isaiah 61.4-6). He promised they would become the preeminent nation upon the earth and that He Himself will reign as their King and rule the earth (Deuteronomy 28.113Zechariah 14.9). But at the present time, they are blind (Romans 11.7-8). God removed them (they removed themselves by rejecting Him) from the place of blessing and placed Gentiles into that position. But God will reestablish them into the place of blessing (Romans 11.11-1225-27). One day, they will recognize Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah. They will repent and be saved (Matthew 23.37-39Zechariah 12.10-1413.6Romans 11.26). The prophecies and all God’s promises to Israel will be fulfilled. But this cannot occur until the Lord removes the Church, the body of Christ (Romans 11.25-26). Therefore, the future of Israel is bright!

    Stachys: What do you mean, “removes the Church?”

    The Ἁρπάζω

    The Ἁρπάζω: the resurrection of believers of Paul’s gospel.

    Paul: We can close with this secret–the believer’s great hope (Titus 2.13)–the return of the Lord and the resurrection of our bodies. People get confused about the subject of the Lord’s return. The Lord revealed to me His return for His Church, the body of Christ. This return was a secret and an entirely different event from His return which the prophets taught and which He taught in His earthly ministry. That return will occur at the end of the Tribulation, to deliver Israel and the nations. The return the Lord revealed to me comes before the Tribulation. The Lord will deliver the Church from His wrath (1 Thessalonians 1.105.9). This return was secret (1 Corinthians 15.51). The Rapture and the 2nd Advent are separate events and cannot be harmonized. The word translated “Rapture” comes from the word ἁρπάζω I used when I taught the Thessalonians this wonderful truth (1 Thessalonians 4.13-18). It means to seize or snatch away, which describes what the Lord will do for believers–He will snatch them from the grave and from their mortal bodies and transform them to have resurrection bodies. In my follow-up letter (2 Thessalonians), I wrote to correct the false teaching that the persecution they were experiencing was the Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, I used the word ἀποστασία for “Rapture.”

    Stachys: Can you say a bit more why did you use these words? Snatch away and departure from what?

    Paul: Jewish theology has two great themes: One is the kingdom of God on earth, in which Christ will rule and Israel will be supreme among the nations, and the other is the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord encompasses a long period. It begins with the seven year Tribulation and continues to God’s creation of the New Heavens and New Earth. But most of its focus is upon the Tribulation–when God will exercise His wrath upon the earth. David was the first to write about it in Psalm 2–which is a short course and summary of Jewish theology–no extra charge for that (laughter). But before God pours out His wrath upon the earth He will remove His body, the Church. No believer of my gospel will experience the judgments in those terrible seven years. I taught the Thessalonians this comforting truth (1 Thessalonians 1.105.9) and used ἁρπάζω to describe how the Lord will “snatch away” believers to meet Him in the air before He begins to vex the earth. This amazing truth means one generation of believers will not experience physical death. I had hoped to experience this myself but had no idea the Lord would extend His program of the Church for so long. I used ἀποστασία to correct the false teaching the Thessalonians had received that they were experiencing the Tribulation. Believers will depart (ἀποστασία) before the Antichrist, the Beast is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2.1-3). They will experience none of the events of the seven years of God’s wrath.

    Stachys: Why do so few know these things? Why is there so much confusion?

    Paul: Several reasons account for the confusion. The primary reason is the failure to recognize the vast differences in my ministry and the ministry of Peter and the Eleven, or put another way, God’s program for Israel. When one reads my doctrines and the secrets the Lord revealed to me–God’s program for the Church, the body of Christ–into His covenantal program for Israel, the result is confusion. The two programs are entirely different and cannot be mixed. If they are, confusion results. I dealt with this regarding the gospel at the Council of Jerusalem in 51 A.D. Fortunately, God had prepared Peter for that battle long before, when He commanded him to go to Cornelius’ house. Because God gave him that experience, he was able to grasp what I was saying and come to my aid. Beyond justification, on the matter of the believer’s sanctification, I wrote the whole book of Galatians. The Galatians, influenced by the Judaizers, were being taught that believers of my gospel had to obey the Mosaic Law. They were abandoning my teachings of grace and placing themselves under the Law. They thought they could be conformed into the image of Christ through the Law. I fought that battle but lost. I lost all of Asia. I had spent so much time there–in Galatia, Ephesus, Colossae, Iconium, Derbe, Lystra, Antioch Pisidia–I lost them.

    Stachys: You lost them?

    Paul: Yes. It was a bitter pill and heart-wrenching to see these believers abandon their freedom in Christ and the truths of grace for the yoke of the Law. I wrote Timothy of this great tragedy (2 Timothy 1.154.14-16). The syncretism in Christendom today–the mixing of Law and Grace, conflating God’s program for the Church and His program for Israel, failure to distinguish the Rapture and the Second Coming, not understanding salvation by faith alone from salvation by faith and works, thinking God has replaced Israel with the Church, believing Peter and I preached the same gospel, the teaching that Peter and the Eleven ministered to Gentiles–I could go on–all these have their roots in the battle I fought in my lifetime. Confusion results from failure to understand the Scriptures–to understand my letters–to see God saved and commissioned me as THE apostle of the Gentiles and that with me He began an entirely new program, the Church, the body of Christ.

    Stachys: Thank you. This is sobering. It also is an encouragement to concentrate on your letters and study the truths the Lord revealed to you. Finally, what are your thoughts about today, what concerns you most?

    Paul: I am the epitome of God’s love and grace. I was so misguided. I thought I was doing God’s will but had become a religious monster. But God loved me. He chose and commissioned me to reveal His grace and revelations He had kept secret–to all–Jews and Gentiles. God chose me to be to the Church what Abraham and Moses were to Israel. My greatest concern is for those without Christ, without hope, and without eternal life. God wishes all to be saved and come to the truth (1 Timothy 2.4). Christ has done all the work and has made salvation so simple. One need only trust in His work–in His death and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Living the Christian life is not easy. But God has provided freedom in Christ. Peter noted at the Council of Jerusalem that the Law was a burden, a yoke (Acts 15.10). It was. I know. I was a Pharisee. But those who believe my gospel are under grace. They are free. God has given us the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us. As we came to life by faith, we are to live by faith. God is Life. The more we trust Him the more alive we become. He is our blessed hope–and He is coming–soon!

    1 This fictional interview serves as a vehicle to present Paul’s life and doctrines. Luke’s account in Acts is distinctly Jewish and differs in emphasis from Paul’s letters. Luke’s intended audience was Jews and his purpose was to explain Israel’s fall from God’s favor and why the kingdom of God did not come. Paul’s letters addressed Gentiles primarily. In them, we find Church doctrine–doctrines the risen Lord gave for the Church, the body of Christ.

    • This is Worthy 2

    Did all your “study” lead you to conclude that love saves? Faith in the Shed Blood of Christ is what saves. Love is a fruit of the Spirit, and of course Paul is correct, Love is more important than anything else.God bless


  8. 23 minutes ago, john1 said:

    Mark chapter 4 verse 19

    but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.


    Proverbs chapter 10 verse 12

    Love covers all wrongs


    1 Peter chapter 4 verse 8

    Love covers a great many sins.


    Aint no doubt about it......Love is a great thing........unfortunately, it doesn’t save. The guy in your example never was a Believer....he was bad soil.....some would say he could have been a saved man who received no rewards.....take your pick

  9. On 1/13/2018 at 3:11 PM, john1 said:

    I believe your faith has to express itself in love, to be saved.

    Galatians chapter 5 verse 6

    The only thing that counts if faith expressing itself in love.


    The more you love the greater  your reward, but you don't have to go without, though you can.

    2 Corinthians chapter 8 verse 12

    For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.



    One should not not put the cart before the horse.....believe Paul’s Gospel and all the works and love will follow

  10. Men are to love their wives as Christ loved the Church.....Christ gave His life for the Church. A husband who treats his wife like gold, even to the extent he would give up everything for her will have no trouble finding a wife that will happily submit to him.Submission does not give a man the right to mistreat or to be a controlling tyrant.He neither has the right to demand her to do anything against Her conscious. She is a companion, not a Slave.

    • Loved it! 1
    • Brilliant! 1

    Several people have correctly pointed out that tithing is part of the Old Testament Law which no longer applies to us.Those thAt think we are still bound to give according to the Law should realize that there were 3 tithes and the Israelites also were required to bring their annual  “ first fruits” which today would be equivalent to handing over your entire first paycheck of the year.As far as who receives the tithe,one should give to wherever they get their Spiritual food.One should not eat at McDonalds and then give their money to Burger King because they need the money more.Paul taught that we were to each decide how much we choose to give,keeping in mind the more we give the more we will receive. I sure wish I had the faith of John Wesley,who reversed the tithing principle—- he gave 90% of his income and kept only 10%...... think of the rewards awaiting him! Hope all of this has helped you some.God bless

    • Huh?  I don't get it. 1
  12. 3 hours ago, brakelite said:

    I don't know of any groups that believe they are 'good enough' for heaven on account of their law-keeping, care to enlighten us? 

    While I'm on that subject, is not refraining from sin the same as keeping the law? Is that so wrong?


    I would consider it an honor to “ enlighten “ you. The “ good enough”, self-righteous people do not belong to     Any particular group.  No “ Church of Latter Day, Freewill Pharisees” exists anywhere.They are mixed together,kinda like wheat and tares.Millions of them attended church today ,sitting in pews, self-satisfied and being ignorant of the purpose of Gods Law to show them to be bankrupt  , foul sinners in  Gods view. They can’t keep Gods Law so they grab hold of it and reduce it to a level they think they can keep.They are still blinded living in their Fools Paradise. Until you are brought to the point in your life where you identify with the publican who proclaimed.. “..Lord, have mercy on me a sinner” your heart is not ready to seek Salvstion.The first half of Paul’s Gospel thAt saves involves seeing you are helpless sinner that had to have a Savior to pay the price for their sins.....The group who unknowingly live in their Fools Paradise are Church- goers and non church- goers alike. They will stand before their Maker reciting their list of all the good things that they had done and all the bad things they did not do. Paul said we will be judged by the Gospel he preached.Did we BELIEVE it?  Both parts? Not just an intellectual nod, but a true repentant ,heartfelt belief.


    In regard to the second part of your post, “ refraining from sin “ is always good , but it won’t save you. If you have been saved by believing the Paul’s Gospel in 1 cor15:1-4 if you avoid sinning you will avoid chastisement

    Be sure to check back for further “ enlightenment”...... I live to serve ,wise-guy!


    • Haha 1

    Yes it is repentance, Johns preaching penetrated their hearts,convinced them they were sinners.Hard hearted Pharisees thought they were “good enough” because they were under the delusion that they kept the Law.we still have the same two groups with us today.I wonder if today’s Pharisees recognize themselves.


    Repentance involves a turning toward God with a contrite heart.....turning from whatever beliefs you held that did not see the need for a Savior, to a new insight that you are a hopeless sinner who’s only hope is a Savior...the publican who cried out “ God have mercy on me  , a sinner” shows true repentance.He had the self-insight to see what he was , and the wisdom to turn to the only one that could help him...And yes, this is a vital part of Salvation seldom touched upon......one can never be saved until he understands he is lost,that is the crux of repentance.



    • This is Worthy 1
    • Praise God! 2
  15. This is for keyman only.......best example of repentance would be woeful, Wolverine fans “ changing their minds “ about who is the superior team.Repentance is not a one time event. Wolverines do it annually. Yuk,yuk!

    • Haha 1
  16. Problem is ,  false teachings require people to ignore God's Word and Truth,  < shrugs > ,  and they LIVE LIKE they LIKE ignoring God's Word , ignoring God's Justice,   and since they are in error,  in false teachings,  they cannot come to grips with the Truth, not even from God, so they deny the Truth and believe the false teachings (not just this one only, but several others that go along with it in people who are deceived all their lives ) ......

    All of the above is said in ignorance......How do you know how I live? I would wager ,not that it really matters for Salvation, that “ I  “ keep the Law better than you because I never try to. If  you ever reach maturity in your Christian walk , you will understand that. I hope newbies to the Faith will understand it’s the Spirit of the Law and not the Letter of the Law that God is concerned with.Try to learn from the mistakes of the Pharisees instead of blindly joining them in a ditch. God bless
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