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Everything posted by Joulre2abba

  1. A sodomite refers to same gender sex.. what makes it different to be called a shrine prostitute?
  2. Certain of the original copied manuscripts are not considered as authoritative as others, because each does have words or verses missing. The copyists were average individuals who were not so good at copying. So with missing words or verses, what else is there to do but honor it, or risk violating the Biblical directive not to deliberately add or take away from the text. Footnotes are also used to provide a literal word or meaning that is different and often better than the word that stands in the actual text. So with that goldmine, I think that putting the verse there that's missing in the actual text is also a lovely goldmine.
  3. Your opinions are an exaggeration. If the Living Paraphrase was communicating it's personal theology then it wouldn't communicate the gospel but rather be more like the book of Mormon which is truly that of a man's personal theology. Regardless if the King James can be understood (with some margin of difficulty) it is still antiquated with it's thees and thous, and especially durst. The average person reading the Bible should not have to reach for a dictionary in order to know what is being said, since it is supposed to be easy enough for the simple to understand. The King James is no better at "reflecting the Greek of Hebrew" since it and the modern translations all use basic english. The Living Paraphrase is even capable of "reflecting the Greek and Hebrew nuances". For someone like yourself who so dislikes anything but the KJV it's understandable that you don't like the Living Paraphrase, or The Message. But they still appeal to many.
  4. Jacob was in a difficult position because Esau had been born first so the blessing fell to him, however Esau didn't want it bad enough to keep it.. he preferred to eat one bowl of food instead. Jacob didn't leave empty handed. The blessing of God was upon him, but persecutions arise because of it. Laban took the effect of the blessings upon Jacob but didn't bless him in return. But God gave Jacob a way to be blessed in spite of Laban who gave Jacob the unwanted low marketable animals to raise. In our vernacular- God helped Jacob to make lemonade out of lemons. Esau still had provision but it came by his own ingenuity. Jacob became the blessed grandson of which God calls himself. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  5. The KJV was written using the language of that day. And, the Message Bible is also written according to the language of our day., as is "The Living Paraphrased" Bible. All Bibles have been written with intent that they would be understood by the people. The parables that Jesus used was so that the Kingdom of God could be understood by those who heard them.. making comparisons according to ordinary daily life. For God to be understood is what God wants. The KJV has outdated english that most just don't use in daily life anymore, so it's good that other versions have stepped in to make God's word updated again. Therefore, it's no sin to want to understand God.
  6. 1a. A maybe isn't a definite. I don't believe that men alone are capable of thinking up those verses. What's originally written comes straight from God, words that Jesus spoke and things inspired of God through the apostles. There's evidence that some words over time had been differently translated than what's in previous Bibles. 2a. To my knowledge, it was the Catholics in particular who wanted the apocrypha included in Bibles, those books aren't inspired. Not every KJV Bible has included them. 3b. I don't know what the "tons of other junk" refers to.
  7. I provided no evidence because there was no indication from the OP that I had to. Neither was I aware that my post would result in getting a reply like yours. Edited: I've just reread the OP and it does say that this thread is for the purpose to defend the pre-trib position. Your turn of phrase to accuse me that I made any such claim to know more than John Walvoord does not give me any reason to entrust you with what you would do to my compliance if I gave it. But irregardless, you have admitted that Walvoord is a pre-trib scholar, and his quote indicates that there are plenty of verses that indicate a pre-trib rapture so I wonder why you have said that my position has no basis in truth. I would wonder what Walvoord means by "there is nothing explicit" because I have read and heard from any number of Bible students and scholars alike that they have a firm grasp of their position and are quite willing to correct others who believe something else. No doubt any other who would post here would take up your request. Since this thread is like the other thread for those of the post-trib position, I mistakenly thought that this would be a friendly place to gather with the like minded., but with such evidence of your intent regarding me. And in view of my personal level of knowledge on this topic .. I am not inclined to have you be in position to judge it. Therefore it's wiser for me to decline to provide what you request.
  8. Because that is what the eschatological Bible verses depict. A person would have to be exposed to other alternate interpretations and accept those doctrinal interpretations as right in order to believe them.
  9. Engaging in flat earth discussion is off topic of the thread. It has nothing to do with people going to heaven when they die. The apostle Paul in particular taught the churches of going to heaven at the time of death, and at the time of the rapture. I'm sure that he could have overloaded his epistles with the extensive information that the OP has used.. but he didn't. Which means that he wasn't relying on academics but upon the revelations of the mysteries that God had showed him.
  10. Does the niv have Mark 9:29? Yes it does. It's the same verse as Mat.17:21. Does the niv have Lk.19:10? It's the same verse as Mat.18:11. The same with Mat.23:14.. it's in Mk.12:40 and in Lk.20:47. And so on with the other verse references, to be found in the other gospel accounts if not in Matthew. In the niv for John 5:4 is a footnote which has the full verse. And the same for Acts 8:37 it gives it in a footnote. And so on regarding the other verses in Acts. So, it's not as if the verses can't be found in that version at all as you apparently are trying to imply.
  11. Why should you expect an angry sinner to show you mercy? From where would they get that mercy? After all they don't know God who is mercy personified. Now, I hasten to say that I've met some kind people who might well have been sinners so there is that exception. But on other occasions I have encountered some people who were having a bad day and carrying a large chip on their shoulders. So they need to be given some slack from those who can give it to them. And, unfortunately I've even been the one to unintentionally cause someone to get offended. It's amazing how what I thought to be an innocent question can change the person's emotional state at the drop of a hat. We have experienced God's mercy in that He forgave us when we didn't even ask to be forgiven. So we receive His mercy and then are to go and give that mercy to others. Forgiving others is our calling from God. We are to be like a sponge that is so saturated with God's love and forgiveness that the slightest impact from any sinner will cause that love and forgiveness to squirt out. Why should Christians forgive those who are happy to hurt us? We've got the love of God in our hearts by the Holy Spirit that has been given to us. As we have received, so are we to give. We are to be slow to get angry and instead be quick to forgive. We are to forgive as God in Christ has forgiven us. That makes us the ambassadors of God to be ministers of His grace to sinners. For God was in Christ reconciling the world of sinners, not counting their trespasses against them. So after writing this I hasten to add, because I seek to forestall any upcoming situation where I have opportunity to yield to temptation.. may I remember to do this when next I encounter a situation where I could get aggravated but instead I am calm in undisturbed composure. And also that I do not offend others.
  12. Agreed. If the claw marks were vav or #6 that would mean that it's 6+6+6 which only adds up to 18
  13. The first point is different than what I conclude. The taking of the dead in Christ and the living will not be as a thief in the night because those dead died while expecting Him to come, and those living expect Him to come. When you are expecting, then you're aware, so it's not like a person unaware of the thief who brakes into their home at night while they sleep. Therefore, it is to the unbelieving that the coming of Jesus is like a thief in the night. To the church at Sardis Jesus said in Rev.3:3 be watching, or I will come as a thief in the night. Of course that refers only to His Second Coming as mentioned in Rev.16:15-16 verse 15 says Behold I am coming like a thief. {But} blessed is the one who stays awake/aware. While vs.16 states where the armies of the antichrist had gathered.. Har Magedon, or Armageddon.
  14. Yes, it's like a kid in school being required to do a science project while taking science classes, got their badge for their effort, but they don't go on to become a scientist. Such people who've been confirmed may have regarded it as no more than something they went through but it had no lasting significance for them. It's just a badge they trot out whenever anyone asks if they are saved. But on the other hand, there are those who regard their salvation as significant, yet they still sin.. so what's the difference?
  15. It looks to me like you are going by a simple attempt at connecting two separate occurrences by their similar use of the word "trump". You equate the 7th trump in Revelation as being "the last" and therefore it's the same as "the last trump" in the Corinthian text. But there's no supportive study behind your assumption. Read the context of each text. Notice that they both occur at different timeframes. The text in Corinthians is referring to the last trump which is a Jewish observance that occurs each year throughout the entire church age, while the 7th trump occurs once in it's due time during the Tribulation. The gathering of Christ is a specific term or phrase that is used in the same way that we speak of the rapture of the church. The last trump is a reference to the specific blowing of the shofar horn during the observance of the Jewish Feast of Trumpets. The last trump is the final note within a series of notes that are blown. The last note is sustained for as long as the person has breath. [find a video and listen to the series of notes, then the last note]. According to the Jewish information, that last note is in connection with the resurrection of the dead as Paul writes of in Thessalonians. Each observance of the Feast of Trumpets is a rehearsal until the actual fulfilling of that Feast. The seventh trumpet of Revelation has it's own surrounding circumstances. The trumpet sound is only an alert that herald's the circumstances that occur. That 7th trump being last in the series of 1-7 has no connection with "the last trump" blown at the Feast of Trumpets. This is just a small amount of the information that needs to be studied in order to get a full understanding.
  16. I too have rededicated my life to the Lord some years ago. I could have worried that the verses described me too. But in reading the text studiously and researching every word.. checking out reliable Bible commentaries, etc.. I don't believe that the verses are addressing a person like we who have been lambs that had gone astray and been returned joyfully to the fold. We had been young in the things of the Lord so our going astray is forgivable.. like even the prodigal son whom the father rejoices to have returned to him. To us is Psalm 25.. The Lord teaches sinners the way, directing those who go astray back to Him. To us is Psalm 51.. a very good template for rededication to the Lord. Far different is the description of one who is mature (enlightened) in the things of God.. like the apostle Paul himself.. and yet that person one day makes the irreconcilable decision to depart from God and once again be a sinner or even worse than before. Such a thing subjects the sacrifice of Jesus to public disgrace.. as if it wasn't good enough or powerful enough. Such a decision is made by such a person, knowing fully what they are doing when they do it. Knowing that they can never return again, being decided that they are fine with that, and instead they choose to be a fervent disciple of the antichrist. For them, the crucifixion of Jesus for returning to salvation is no longer available because the choice they made is final. They go down a road which leads only to destruction. Does it apply to Judas? I suppose that someone could make a case that it does. But such a thing is very rare indeed because God's mercy and grace is so great to prevent it from being a common thing, but yet the mention of it in those verses shows that it is possible to happen. But, let your soul remember God's Love for you.
  17. My information is purely a collection of non qualifiable conclusion that has no support by any articles from any reputable Bible studies from anyone, I really shouldn't have shared it here. I reproach myself for doing it. I've decided not to make it public anywhere else. So it's just as well that you have ignored it.. I hope that everyone does. Your information about Nero can be found in a number of articles on the internet, so it's well established as a working theology in some church circles.. however, the largest problem that I can see with it when reading the relating prophecies of the Bible concerning it, like Daniel and Revelation in particular.. is that your information is all historically oriented which unfortunately doesn't have any future application. (unless I somehow didn't notice it). With all due respect, in view of my small insignificant entry which embarrasses me now.. and due to your entry that doesn't have the possibility for thinking that Nero is going to be the future antichrist during the Tribulation. I will at this time withdraw from any further discussion.
  18. The number 666 is synonymous with the "Lawless one". The gematria of breaking down the #666 into 6, 60, 600 then taking the Hebrew alphabet letters of each, translates to vsartem. If you take 600, 60, 6 then you get metrasv. But vsartem is correct. There two verses in the Bible that has it. One of them is in proverbs. The other verse is in one Paul's epistles.. he eludes to it anyway. Though it's not the verse where he writes "lawless one". In other words the 666 is not about the name of a person, it's about their character. Good or evil. When working out 616 it doesn't mean anything in the Hebrew gematria so that's how to know that it's a dead end. In writing this I looked for the study I did on it but then I remembered that it's behind a password wall to my old computer account that I can't get to anymore. So I've had to rely on my memory on this. I guess I know now what to spend my time on in looking up all of that information again and compiling it into a new article.
  19. I was reading a serious of failed predictions (some from Christians, and others from various mystics, Jews and whatnot) and found this. In 1830 Margaret McDonald, a Christian prophetess, predicted that Robert Owen would be the Antichrist. The next line added: Owen helped found New Harmony, IN. I didn't read the Wikipedia on her yet. I just thought that it was appropriate to bring some perspective to Miss McDonald's questionable prophecies.
  20. It was eight days according to Lev.12:3. Medical doctors today do the same thing.
  21. I had no idea how the tags were going to go, so I hope it didn't cause any thoughts of being misled. While in Bible study I thought of the secular quote "the definition of insanity" who originated it and what was the full quote. Something like "repeating something and expecting a different result." I would like to know the circumstances that resulted in the quote. I need context to understand better what the originator meant. For instance was it a reference of obsessive-compulsive? But then I suppose that those of that affliction aren't attempting to get a different result. But what of the guy that invented a way to get electricity? He tried over and over with the intent of getting a different result. But that has to talking about experimentation to find what works. So now I'm back to requesting an example, either real or hypothetical. P.S. And, for some strange reason I also thought of Groundhog Day.
  22. I'm not familiar with that little ditty. I just know that our brain capacity increases with use, like any muscle in our bodies.
  23. Have you really been doing fifty years of stupid? Well I think that your wife might know. Anyway, Jesus said, "Come to me all that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart and you will find rest for your soul." As much work as you did, like as if you were a young person.. why do that when there are young people around.. Perhaps at your local church? Either that or ask God to renew your strength so that you can do things like a younger person without getting a pain in your back. Or take one project at a time, go slowly, take plenty of breaks before you're finished with each project. If you're not sure how many breaks to take, ask your wife. So, which is the more wise thing to pray for?
  24. In the given verse from proverbs the father wants his son's heart to be wise. But you think that those words mean that God has a physical heart like we do. Therefore you are confusing two different things. The inmost being is also referring to the heart, Peter called it "The hidden man of the heart". The inner core of the person which can rejoice. "I delight in the law of God according to my inner man". Your natural physical heart that pumps blood cannot be happy or sad. It doesn't have emotions. Jesus said "Out of the heart the man speaks". That is not talking about the physical heart, but talking about the inner man that is the deposit place for God's word, or the place where the word of God is sown. Our words are motivated by our convictions, our passions, our emotions. That's why the apostle Paul wrote "Let the word of God richly dwell within you". He also said that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit that dwells within. Paul also wrote that those that are led or motivated by the Spirit of God, are the children of God., He is in us to direct us to do God's good pleasure because He directs our hearts in the love of God and steadfastness of Christ.
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