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About LeslieAnn

  • Birthday 05/01/1961

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  1. That was helpful. Thank you for the advice/scripture. I have a verbally abusive mother which is very hard to deal with. forgiveness is such a challenge!
  2. Yes. I agree. After being in a judgmental church you became warped that way. My formative years were spent under that. But the response falls rather flat in that I am struggling to win this war and live this Christian life properly and I need some advice and one or two answers. I don’t want to be this person and it is not Christlike.
  3. Raised in strict fundamental Baptist Church since 4 yrs of age...left in twenties after college to attend a sound Bible-based nondenominational church. My former church had “all the answers” and everyone else was wrong. I attended Bob Jones University which I disliked immensely...another story where they had “all the right answers too.” The judgemental approach of that former church almost made me throw the baby (salvation/Christ) out with the bath water but b\c of my illness I knew I needed God in my life to continue in life and endure. B/c my former pastor focused on the OT God and His fury rather than adding the love of Christ and his sacrificial death that covers our sin, mentally our minds were fixed not on love but judgement. My major internal battle is that I am very compassionate as a person in heart (one of my spiritual gifts) but can be very judgmental in mind. So basically a war arises. I believe it has been from a faulty belief system yet how do I unravel it all??
  4. I appreciate your response so much on my post. Empathy is so important for other human beings. We may or may not understand the depth of pain people go thru but we can always respond with empathy rather than judgement...that would be Christ’s response. I look at mental illness as a passageway to demonic oppression/possession. I have seen it and experienced it. My friend, I appreciate just a prayer, a single prayer, for it means so much!! May God bless you on your journey to healing!
  5. That you again for your caring post and for your prayers!! They mean more than you can know.
  6. Wow I am rejoicing for you...your depression has disappeared!! I know what that is like when I am mildly manic!! I am starting to exercise; I know it has helped in the past...eating right is hard for just one person on a really tight budget! i love your statement never give up and everything can change in a day (you had me in tears). I know life can change on a dime and that faith plays a major role; why is faith so complex yet Jesus says it’s simple?
  7. Thank you Justin for your response back; I do appreciate what was said by you and do agree. FYI my Christian therapist is female and will be using a scriptural approach. I also agree to “you are what you think” and that I need to think about what I am thinking about. I also understand that my DNA from both parents bloodline has severe mental illness and deep anxiety and fear issues. Suicide runs on both sides. My dear father passed away because of it. I also agree with you the importance of faith and prayer...just know that someone with mental illness find it extremely hard to concentrate and remain focused in prayer and reading scriptures. I’m just saying it is not an easy road and a lot of people don’t understand or grasp the depth of suffering it causes. I believe that is why Jesus healed so many people who were demon-possessed. I am beginning to perceive that mental illness is a total work of the devil and that some can become possessed thru mental illness. The enemy is out for the mind. Well now that I have opened up to you...please pray for me. I need it
  8. Thanks for the wonderful advice mixed with compassion. I appreciate your lack of judgement and your practical advice. My heart is confirming with your advice that I do need to start exercising slowly and watching more what I eat!
  9. This advice is not helpful especially if you would have fully read my response to therapy. I have only sought out Christian therapy and do not consider secular therapy or psychology helpful. I have acknowledged to God that I am nothing and He is everything!!
  10. Very good advice...I need to start exercising right away!! Also stop isolating and trying to be upbeat and not letting people in about my pain.
  11. I am not turning away from God and we all have repentance to do everyday. I just happen to like psychology and there are great CHRISTIAN psychologists whom I have seen and currently seeing. That is not the issue that I am in error for I am Christian in psychology. During the past two weeks I have had a slight change in medication. It becomes very difficult to stay focused during your devotions and prayer when you are in mental torment and fear. This is more a mental issue than spiritual issue. I can do so much more with my life however I am bound by this. Hope this helps.
  12. My major depression has turned into deep discouragement and frustration which I’ve been fighting for 38 yrs. It has been affecting my spiritual walk with Christ within the past two weeks. I am just getting so tired of fighting. I am on medication and see an excellent doctor but I have no desire to do anything...I will sit on my couch for hours and not accomplish anything. I need a job and have no motivation to pursue one. My heart & body hurt ?over this. I am just so tired and frustrated. This depression is such a major bondage that I don’t understand why God is allowing it? I have asked over and over that He take this away. I don’t know if my heart can take anymore.
  13. Thank you for your Christian advice! It is unsettling how as my mother has gotten older she is more self-centered, manipulative and domineering. I have trouble with setting boundaries with her due to intimidation and being "bulldozed" by words. Sometimes her words are shockingly cruel and there is no response that I can even think of; I'm caught that off guard! Still seeking too!
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