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    Somewhere very cold. Physically and spiritually!
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    Sheesh.. I have a four yr old and lupus. I think Sleep! And praying. Sometimes praying for sleep!

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  1. I clearly stated that I am not divulging until I understand if it was from Satan or God. Most people putting out visions they saw without checking who sent it are the ones sharing false info. Isaiah was in correlation asking whether it was from God or not. I understand what Isaiah 13 is about. I am not and did not say anywhere I was talking about end date! I clearly stated it had to do with Spiritual warfare in vision. Quite frankly I would like to know why you think you know my relationship with Christ or the father enough to tell me repent? "The first two parts to fall, were the witch covens and demon hordes/fallen angels, in Oct. 31st, 2015 and Oct. 31st 2016). Those two groups in the past remain unseen from the Christian's eyes and hence many are receiving visions indicating their existence now, as the veil on their deeds is being lifted now, as the unseen become real. " Why is it fine for others to see visions of these things? and it's evil and not me? And I should repent? No need to reply. You cannot possibly answer what my vision was about if I did not disclose it. I am sticking to Justin and Igors answer, since they are more biblical and filled with FACT not opinion and judgment.
  2. Hi Eileen, Thanks for the reply. Have you had personal visions or for people? I could have missunderstood. what you said. Very tired today. Did you know immediately and share? Or did take time to figure out? I do know there is spiritual warfare going on now. both on world scale and personal as well. My only concern is sharing something that is not from God himself. I know the enemy can make people see as well. I have warfare going on in my own life because I refuse to fall away. what I saw is nothing about what mark speaks about from what I've heard about him. His is specific regarding politics. I don't think he is the only one out there. But there are many that are false prophets out there. But I know a vision when I see one. My eyes are open and I see a movie playing and nothing else from my surroundings. Just what I am being shown. The last one I had was meant specifically for me and I was positive from God. It was literal warfare I saw in the heavens. I was reading bible just a minute ago asking Heavenly Father what he wanted me to know in regard to, "was this from him or not." Because I need to verify from him not the enemy. (psychics also see things. Doesn't mean it's from God but deception.) ( after reading about gideon as Justin Adams suggested.) But I referred to bible instead for word from him. Anyway when I opened up bible I came to Isaiah 13:9 and read on...(which kind of seemed along lines of what I saw in it's own way.) So off to go do my prayers for the night.
  3. Thank You Igor. Ya that messing with will of God is reason I'm trying to figure out if from him or false. I'm still waiting on an answer. I won't hold it back if it is truly from him! But at same time, there are plenty of deceivers out there passing false information, and I don't want to be one of those. :-)
  4. Thank You Justin! Point you made is why I am leery of sharing with anyone and I will Read about gideon. Maybe this post should be pulled down? Many people including me have ADD! I only included history because I know there is serious warfare in my life which could lead to main question. Thus the confusing one you mention Hasatan. Or maybe I should keep it up for others that come up with same situation for same reason? If you think it will confuse people you can yank it off and I can redo in smaller post at later time if I am stumped. Off to read about Gideon...
  5. UPDATED: I have been trying to research. And I have been praying for clarity. And maybe it will just take time for me to understand what I need to understand. When I became a Christian again after a very long hiatus. Like over 25 years! I learned more about the 7 gifts. (I had a pentecostal friend that told me of them in passing before I rededicated). Anyhow, I never asked for any in great depth, but said in passing in prayer I really would love to heal people for him. I never pushed though, because quite frankly, I didn't want God to give me something I wasn't prepared for instead of what I asked. HA! But last night while I was praying I was telling him whatever his will was regarding a situation I would understand. Well, in the middle of the night I was woken up, and I was very awake. Very aware I was awake, and worried I would miss my appointment at hospital in morning if I couldn't get back to sleep, type of awake. Well I had a vision! *sigh* It was extremely intense. And I realized he was showing me something really important. ( not sure I should go into it unless I understand things first. Unless I should for helps sake?) Cross that bridge later in this? But now I am trying to discern and pray for a little bit of understanding. And Test the spirits comes to mind. But when I was calling out heavenly Father the vision over and over, it did not go away. (Even when I walked away I still called out his name in fear of spiritual things and whatever was tormenting me so to speak, it would go away immediately. Not during this vision. So, I am thinking it definitely from the Heavenly Father. It was about spiritual warfare that I know. I'm not sure if about me (I'm leaning toward no) or it about things coming and glimpse of what's really going on in (war in heaven) coming here. It seemed metaphorical in some parts and literal in others parts. I am so confused. For those that have this gift... What can you advise? How do you know to interpret? How do you test the spirits? I mean technically this could be the enemy coming to confuse me. I could not shake the feeling it gave me all day. And I realized if indeed this was his plan all along all those years ago... And that is my gift I will take it. And I realized I don't mind. (not that I'd really have a choice if i said I'd follow his will not mine). I find it odd timing. Also please understand this.. When I pray and pour my heart out.. I do it in my head. My eyes are closed. The reason I do this is because I am very aware how the enemy works and if he hears me, or sees my actions or emotions, he knows how to try to prevent me easily knowing how to mess with me. So now.. this gift. Or is it? When do I know to share them? How do I know it really is a gift and not deception from other end? Just how exactly do I "test" the spirits? When do I share these things I'm shown? I started a blog a bit ago, so I can help other people understand the much deeper picture. And I thought also.. great timing... I put it off awhile and then I realized I was pushed to do it. So I guess this "gift" if real will be shared there as well, if and when I get to understand better if indeed real gift. Am I allowed to ask for other gifts???? I really still want to heal people. Including a healing over here would be great. lol Hard to do as much as I need and want when barely functioning. OK Thanks in advance for any input! :-) A little history: When I was a very young I was very sick. In hospital a lot since a baby. But around 3 I started to see things and for some reason I calmed down when I saw something in my room in corner just standing there. I knew it was there to protect me, yet it still made me a little fearful. I had other experiences. But I was not born to Chrsitian family, so had no clue. They didn't go to church until I was older. I became a christian when I was early teens. After I left home I had visions off and on. And were never wrong. Even though I wasn't Christian anymore, I still "believed" somewhat and had in back of my head. But I ended up praying and asking he take this away from me. (I never actually knew about Christian prophecy per say, and thought it was only in bible times. ) And I walked away so that would not have done anything for me or him. The ability to see was taken away as I asked. I was relieved!
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