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Unwavering Faith

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  1. Although calendar days weren't created yet, and it is unsure what is classified as a day in God's timing (unlikely the 24 hour day we go by), tradition has always held Sunday as being the day of completion and the Sabbath
  2. Hello, May I suggest listening to praise music and reading the Bible? It helps me when I start stressing about things in life. It reminds me that God is in control. Praying for you my friend
  3. Oh I completely understand you. I am in prayer for my husbands salvation. When we met neither of us were rooted in the word. Now, I am, and praying for his salvation has been a battle. Not a battle between he and I but between the forces of evil and darkness. It just seems like as soon as I got into God's word and started praying for his salvation Satan has been at work overtime to discourage me. One day can be beautiful and then the next day or sometimes the next moment he will say something or do something that is completely against what I am praying for. It is very difficult and very discouraging I know God's timing is perfect. I know He hears me and I just have to wait patiently for him to move in my husbands life. I see subtle changes already and I have to praise God for that. I know He is working in him. God will send him through something where all he has to look to will be Him. He did the same for me, and I am thankful for it everyday. Trust me I know what you are going through, I am going through it as well. I cry almost everyday. But in the midst of my tears I praise God because I know He has heard me and is answering my prayer everyday. The breakthrough won't happen overnight, but when it does I will have a praising partner. You will too. Just keep the faith my sister. Don't give up on God, He hears you and is working on your husband, just as he is working on mine. God bless. I am praying for you
  4. Quick answer to both is YES! I have seen and heard of miraculous healing powers. Cancer here one day and gone the next. Overnight completely healed leaving doctors baffled. God can reveal many things through dreams, I am a living witness
  5. David numbered the people of Israel and felt he had done wrong? And his indecisiveness? 2 Samuel 24.10 David's heart smote him after that he had numbered the people. And David said unto the LORD, I have sinned greatly in that I have done. 2Samuel 24:13-15 "Shall there come on you three years of famine in your land? Or three months of fleeing from your enemies while they pursue you? Or three days of plague in your land? Now then, think it over and decide how I should answer the one who sent me. David said to Gad, "I am in deep distress. Let us fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is great; but do not let me fall into human hands." So the LORD sent a plague on Israel from that morning until the end of the time designated, and seventy thousand of the people from Dan to Beersheba died.
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