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Billiards Ball

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Everything posted by Billiards Ball

  1. Astonished to see something like this OP run on for five pages. Does a vision match Bible truth or no? Period. End of story.
  2. I agree with you both. I do wonder about statements like "the stomach is for food yet God will do away with them both".
  3. I'm not questioning the Lord's expectations. I would question what you're calling sanctified, since full sanctification, biblically speaking, unto moral perfection, occurs only at the Rapture. That's why Christians do better or worse, at different times, depending. Many Christians confuse salvation (one time act of receiving a free gift) with sanctification (ongoing desire and effort to become more Christlike, not fully Christlike before the Rapture). Thanks!
  4. It's fine to ask such a question. Biblically speaking, people can progress up and or down that scale at times! After all, we are Jekylls and Hydes and frequently alternate between good and bad behavior. For this reason, Jesus died and rose, the perfect for the imperfect. Anyone who trusts Him for eternal life is forgiven now, transformed to PERFECT when they meet Him!
  5. Use discernment. When you watch a film--not just a religious film--check what you see against the Bible's teachings. We enjoy The Chosen TV series very much--and I'd recommend it to watch also--but there is much in there that has been added to clear biblical teachings.
  6. He said YOU (others) should pray to OUR FATHER. Jesus prayed differently to HIS Father. Jesus is God, you may pray to Him at will.
  7. Of interest, the local Roman legion bore the mascot of BOARS. The Greek word for swine also means BOARS. Mic drop, Jesus!
  8. If you have ever sincerely trusted in Jesus, not yourself, to save you--you are saved. If you remain unsure, you can pray something like this, "Jesus, I cannot save myself or bring myself to Heaven by being a good person--I don't even know where Heaven IS. Only perfect people can live in a perfect Heaven. Jesus, thanks for loving me. Thanks for dying on the cross and rising from the dead. I trust you today to take me to Heaven. Enter my life and help me feel my salvation and understand my salvation as I read and study the Bible. Amen."
  9. The early church needed no canon—the patriarchs passed copies of the letters back and forth, used them, even memorized them, and knew what scriptures were and what false writings (apocrypha) were. When false teachers claimed certain books weren’t included, the councils began to meet to affirm which books were already known to be true, not to “discard some books they didn’t like”. And a "Berean Christian" studies the books for themselves and makes their own decision. However, here are some reasons I do not accept books beyond the 66. These other books: 1) Aren't accepted by the Jewish people 2) Aren't accepted by 99.99% of church sects 3) Do not say, as the Bible says over 6,000 times in the OT alone, "This is the Word of God!", indeed, they often say things like "Here's wisdom my grandfather told me!" 4) Contain teachings that contradict the Bible 5) Contain impious or "dirty" passages that are more sexual or violent in nature than the Bible, which is itself often raw, honest writing 6) Were reluctantly placed in some movements to keep the peace, while adding footnotes like "of unknown origin/veracity" 7) Contain self-contradictory teachings, like Person A disagrees with Person B within the same apocryphal book 8) Shows lack of character: wise Daniel tricking people instead of being an honest witness, the child Jesus strikes a fellow child dead, etc. 9) Do not withstand any type of codes/gematria analysis
  10. TITHING believers have a promise that they'll have adequate food and clothes. This was true for born agains through the Depression, the Holocaust, etc. YES, born again believers.
  11. I swear I don't understand your question. Just kidding. Some of Jesus's prescriptions aren't absolutes but principles, in this case, be MOST careful with your oaths. Note how Paul's oath led to him being taken under guard--eventually to Rome and martyrdom.
  12. Some would say remain unmarried until the abandoner enters into a new relationship (sexual immorality), waiting for and praying for the wayward spouse. Some say to separate from a physically abusive spouse, which may not include a divorce. What do you think the Bible says about winning over an unsaved, difficult spouse?
  13. People have free will, God sometimes intervenes via his free will, to say "They're not going to ever receive me trust, we're done now." It's that simple. Beware any answer here that lacks concision.
  14. If there is no tsunami within their time limit, it would seem...
  15. One simple explanation is that God is magnificent and has many names in the Bible. This particular prophecy, however, emphasizes that God is WITH people in human form--in Jesus Christ.
  16. It depends on your age group and the age group/lifestyle of the man you seek. Start with attending a large Bible-believing church with a good singles group or two--a safe place to meet men who are accountable for others for honest, chaste relationships/courtships.
  17. There are biblical statements misunderstood, for example the Bible term "pillars of the Earth" in context could mean "human rules of the Earth" or even "subterranean pillars that held back the floodwaters of Noah", etc. The Bible says the Earth is spherical, suspended in a vacuum (Isaiah, Job)!
  18. We ARE saved by faith not works, unsaved Jews are ISRAEL and Christian Jews like me are the ISRAEL OF GOD. Thinking Jews aren't still Israel causes a lot of NT errors in interpretation. Thanks.
  19. God the Father is married to Israel! "Return O Israel, for I am a husband to you." And God HATES divorce and does whatever he wants, "Our God is in Heaven, He does whatever He pleases."
  20. Romans 10:17 -- "People who respond to God's prompting within--most often from scripture--will trust God for salvation."
  21. A very nice post but I've not read 1 Cor 14 as "three utterances". In the synagogue, you can have a rabbi speak and a separate cantor and a man from the congregation and a Bar Mitzvah . . . in the NT a traveler could also speak--that's five people in one service, for example.
  22. No, the Spirit is received immediately upon trusting Christ, as a deposit guaranteeing salvation (Eph 1). At other times, one is to be filled with the Spirit.
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