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Billiards Ball

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Everything posted by Billiards Ball

  1. I used to believe firmly in predestination, then God changed my mind for me, as He'd planned to do.
  2. God loves everyone and died and rose to offer them salvation. God has special caretaking for those who've trusted Him for salvation. Have you trusted in Jesus for salvation or are you working hard to solve your own problems only?
  3. Christians are in general less exposed to world culture/more naive. Christians try to be kind, giving, rather than shrewd/manipulative.
  4. In this particular sin, "Kill my brother!" Cain was not forced against free will to give in to temptation.
  5. Mainline is usually older denominations that have fallen to apostasy and heresy. For example, gay pastors, allowing divorce for a variety of reasons, claiming the Bible is myth, etc. Evangelical tends toward fundamental beliefs and trusting Jesus personally as Savior to distinct Christians from churchgoers.
  6. My church attendance has been limited to where seminary is unimportant, elder character is all-important. I also encouraged our pastors to shorten messages than hold Q&A's on Sundays and they've done so.
  7. Because The Chosen is a lovely TV show, but the Bible gets more done with less. The BEST way to fill in details is to look for hidden pictures of Jesus in both testaments. For example, in The Chosen we get an imagined backstory where Simon the Zealot is brother to the man healed at Bethesda in John 5. But if the man picked up his pallet onto/across his shoulders when commanded--He looks like Jesus on the cross. Neat, huh? The Bible is the Word of God and you don't need The Chosen to get all God has for you--but the "more details" comes from studying the Word rather than television--and from discussing The Chosen with believers in the context of the Word of God.
  8. We learn behaviors. Sin/crime equals opportunity plus motive, therefore, children whose parents are alcoholics who drunkenly leave the liquor cabinet unlocked . . . does that help you understand?
  9. A regular occurrence at the literal Gates of Hades, in Caesarea Philippi, was for the men to have sex with animals outside Jupiter's Temple--this occurred in New Testament times also.
  10. You can't get help from Christians? Have you pursued Christians who have experience with releasing demonic strongholds? You need specific intercessory prayer, and strong Christian counseling. Send me a PM. You are NOT alone.
  11. A genocide is never justified, we Jews escaped one under Haman.
  12. My former does abbreviated sermons so the congregation can ask questions of the speaker, even anonymously by text if desired.
  13. Greed = Get rich quick Biblical Growth = Get rich slowly, with wisdom The real answer is don't invest in Bitcoin until you come to understand it. The same for general investing, it's not "gambling" it's "high risk, high reward" and "low risk, low reward" -- and LOSS.
  14. The thing holding you to OCD is guilt. Guilt is tough, because it never says you've done enough, prayed enough, washed enough, cleaned enough, etc. The Bible says to take those thoughts captive to Christ. I feel dirty because . . . wait, that's not who Jesus made me to be. I've nothing to feel guilty of. First, ensure you've trusted Jesus, not yourself, for salvation. Next, get with some folks who can help you to have extended time alone in nature and steer you to encounter a LOVING God.
  15. Have you trusted Him, not yourself, for eternal life? It ALL begins there.
  16. If you are blocked from experiencing happiness and peace, you need to get intercessory prayer and biblical counseling at a believing church. Too difficult to help you much over the Internet.
  17. TV is wrong for you to watch (sin) because your faith disallows it. Read Romans 14 to learn more about how some things are sin, for some. If you think the same exact things are sinful to all, you would have either said TV is sinful or sinless rather than ASKING. Romans 14 will help you understand this.
  18. God is the opposite of demonic pleasures--illicit sex, drugs, etc. You can go deeper with God and get a high that is soul-building and better than illicit pleasures. God MADE pleasure. Enjoy Him! Trust Him for eternal life!
  19. Here is scriptural advice regarding the vaccine: video link deleted--please post video and video links only in that area of the forum.
  20. Don't confuse salvation, a one time gift, with sanctification, a process of becoming (a little) more like Jesus. Christians will not be without sin/morally perfect until they meet Jesus in person to be changed (Raptured). TRUST Jesus ONE TIME for salvation = saved Christian aka born again Christian TRUST Jesus for daily needs/trials/growth/faith, etc. = being sanctified aka Christlike aka growing as a Christian--all Christians sin and stumble until the Rapture, the "blessed hope"
  21. 1) Are you born again? 2) Do you love him indeed if you won't have marital relations? Do you know the NT teachings on marital relations? 3) Have you tried alternatives to talking, like writing or sending him a gift, something experiential?
  22. Neither, the one who is born again . . . is born again. Judging by externals works only some of the time, per the Bible.
  23. Righteous Old Testament saints resurrected - "He went on high and gave gifts . . . " Hebrews Some saw and were frightened and spread the word.
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