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Everything posted by IvyLynn

  1. Medicine and doctors have a diagnosis for everything and everyone. There are several different types of gifts among us...
  2. Thank you so very much. If it wasn't for this wonderful man, I would NOT know truth... this is why I became a SDA i may struggle with certain things, but that is part of all of our journeys Im so thankful for everyone's thoughts and prayers...
  3. Blessings to you and yours... Thank you for commenting
  4. Ditto. I also have to read and cross reference everything even the oldest dictionary's for proper or changed definitions...
  5. Things seemed simpler in the 80's.... or again maybe just another sign of the end days....
  6. Absolutely, I think I ask questions some are scared to bring up...I have an extensive college education in medicine and science. I ask the questions!!
  7. i cannot have children i am 38, my fiancé is 55
  8. Oh, it's definitely difficult sometimes... sometimes I feel like an alien or the odd ball.... asking question after question
  9. I also miss the 80's so much legalism these days
  10. I was raised Methodist The man I'm marrying is a SDA, I started attending our church 2 years ago.
  11. There are things within my church that I necessarily don't agree with... or grasp... so I pray about it one day soon, we will all figure it out
  12. Amen!! Give it to God, and keep on plowing... bless you
  13. Educate and read Witness the proper way
  14. Correct about JC but, frowning on others that don't understand or don't actually know truth is not what JC did or does
  15. Struggles such as being exhausted... we are all gifted special qualities...my gift exhausts me
  16. We are all gods children... please don't judge, did JC judge?
  17. Ugh... the word is the word... this makes me think of the "comma theory" these are clearly the "end times"
  18. Let me explain... I don't actually believe I'm in a cult, I just have days that I struggle with...And was hoping to discuss these struggles with others that may be going through the same personal battles that we all face day in and day out... Thanks!!
  19. I'm was previously a Methodist and certain others in our community say I belong to a cult...obviously not true...just struggling
  20. It's not a cult, the rules and submission sometimes get the best of me
  21. It's not a cult, the rules and submission sometimes get the best of me
  22. I'm hoping to find out why I'm just not "good enough"
  23. Anyone out there a women of SDA or former???
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