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Everything posted by KingJamesVersionBibleOnly

  1. Spend time to show him you care! Thank you https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=3u8xW9LXHMOg0wLr1Yy4Bg&q=Praise&oq=Praise&gs_l=psy-ab.3...
  2. There are sinful acts that can completely separate you from the father. - 1 John 3:15 (KJV) 2 Corinthian 11:3-4 (KJV)
  3. Reasons why I could personally never chose to be Catholic: Baptist prospective 1st of all, comparing spiritual things with spiritual, I feel that as old as the Roman Catholic Church is; it still has not worked out it's kinks. - 1 Corinthians 2:13 (KJV Bible) I feel like if I'm going to partake congregationally to worship, it is a absolute must that i am 100% comfortable with the Church and its Doctrines, all elements combined. - Galatians 1:6-7 (of Galatians 1:1-12) (KJV Bible) It is well known most Baptist have issues with Catholicism because of the Catholic claim of: transubstantiation. Within the ritual of a catholic mass, the pope holds a piece of bread, turns his back, and while his back is turned. Proclaims that it "literally" turns into the physical flesh of Christ. 3rdly, Christ is the head of the Church, There is absolutely no need for a Pope. It is opposite of scriptural and from what Iv heard, Pagan derived. - 1 Corinthians 11:3 (KJV Bible) God Bless you, I have large hopes that you find a profitable King James Version Only proud and preaching Church near you & find the Bible way to Heaven.
  4. A King James Version Sermon: (Meaning, this sermon is written for the King James Version Bible prospective and meant to be studied using the King James Version Bible, For your safe experience) - John 8:44 - Romans 3:23 - 1 Peter 5:8 - Isaiah 59:2 - John 3:20 - 1 Corinthians 10:21 - Ephesians 5:11 Christian views on world morality: (Christian morality on world morality) - Matthew 18:7 - 1 John 2:15 - 1 John 5:19 - Matthew 7:13-14 Satan is only the force that works against you: (Even sometimes through a false sense of loving affection) - Not with the wisdom of men, but with the knowledge of our Lord: Fight firm, Quick, thorough, all without doubt in action. Satan does not hesitate. Absolutely have to be ready to quickly as possible make the right decision no matter the cost and/or amount of reproach from peers you might endure. - Romans 6:16 - Ephesians 6:10-18
  5. A KING JAMES VERSION SERMON: - Hebrews 4:12 (KJV) - Psalm 12:6-7 (KJV) Notice the word "preserve", meaning God's word is already present in our times. - Galatians 1:6-7 (of 1:1-12) (KJV) Notice "of Christ", meaning sadly there are trying Christians attracted by the overwhelming affection of Christ, only to be misled by a Gospel that is not "of Christ" - 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (KJV) Scriptural changes differing in meaning broadly spread through the many so called, "modern English Bible Translations" published since the King James Version Bible (KJV) or its birth in 1611 as the Authorized Version (AV). Here is our History: The Authorized Version: Translated from the Textus Receptus and finished in 1611; Through God's will a breakthrough for the Protestant Reformation, for Christian believers with beliefs protestant to the Roman Catholic Church; Later revised as the King James Version Bible. The MOST respected Bible, standing out as a strong spiritual asset. The one and only true word of God (in the English Language). The Holy Bible. - Proverbs 30:5-6 (KJV) Pre 1611 (Old Testament): Was known to be in the Hebrew Language. Pre 1611 (New Testament): Before year 1611, The New Testament was present on earth in the Greek language; in texts known as the Textus Receptus, Yet, not yet translated into the English Language. ............................................................................................. Pre 1611 English Bible translations (To solve confusion): These books were not known to be as spiritually profitable, but are very evident that the puritan reformer group in their day were not happy with Catholicism and the Roman Catholic Church, desperate and determined for liberty in faith.
  6. something I find in the KJV vs Modern English Translations - KJV argument is always only strengthened while newer translations feel they are stuck defending their perversion of choice. (not a sign from God alone? Then let it take from your spirit, leaving you unhappy) - Everyone always runs to the KJV for final authority confirmation. - Because Satan is so ever working as much as God Himself, 1 Peter 5:8 (KJV), The newer translations as a group attack the King James; usually differing doctrinally. Please have a Blissful awakening.
  7. Matt. 20:20 & Acts 12:4, show different scripture in these two different translations. Something to be aware of & think about.
  8. Regardless of all, I use the 1769 modern day slandered text not both. I Believe that is truly the most preserved word of God, they might have had very small issues with the AV, I am a King James only believer. ............................................................ This is a Bible Translation its self with a foundation that I promise will never fade and doesn't quit. Endorsed by the Father.
  9. Regardless of all, I use the 1769 modern day slandered text not both. I Believe that is truly the most preserved word of God, they might have had very small issues with the AV, I am a King James only believer.
  10. That is a truly sad statement, I feel like the King James Version Bible is a flawless and 100% whole and perfect translation of God. By God's Decision, Shown in proof by God's work and will , in efforts for it to be chosen to lead the English speaking people to God's absolutely pure and perfect word. - 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (KJV)
  11. The two elements i feel you need to consider: - I feel the text was in the Textus Receptus years before the Geneva Bible. In my mind the Geneva is only a Enlgish Bible printed before the KJV in its AV time period. - What Bible overall won in populatiy and fruit by the works of God Himself as an english language Bible. Why would anyone still be concerned by what overall wasnt chosen by God to bring the most fruit in the english language? There are currently no laws against using the Geneva Bible within my knowledge, Yet, Still the KJV is highly favored. - 1 Corinthians 2:13 (KJV)
  12. A KING JAMES VERSION SERMON: - Hebrews 4:12 (KJV) - Psalm 12:6-7 (KJV) Notice the word "preserve", meaning God's word is already present in our times. - Galatians 1:6-7 (of 1:1-12) (KJV) Notice "of Christ", meaning sadly there are trying Christians attracted by the overwhelming affection of Christ, only to be misled by a Gospel that is not "of Christ" - 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 (KJV) Scriptural changes differing in meaning broadly spread through the many so called, "modern English Bible Translations" published since the King James Version Bible (KJV) or its birth in 1611 as the Authorized Version (AV). Here is our History: The Authorized Version: Translated from the Textus Receptus and finished in 1611; Through God's will a breakthrough for the Protestant Reformation, for Christian believers with beliefs protestant to the Roman Catholic Church; Later revised as the King James Version Bible. The MOST respected Bible, standing out as a strong spiritual asset. The one and only true word of God (in the English Language). The Holy Bible. - Proverbs 30:5-6 (KJV) Pre 1611 (Old Testament): Was known to be in the Hebrew Language. Pre 1611 (New Testament): Before year 1611, The New Testament was present on earth in the Greek language; in texts known as the Textus Receptus, Yet, not yet translated into the English Language. ............................................................................................. Pre 1611 English Bible translations (To solve confusion): These books were not known to be as spiritually profitable, but are very evident that the puritan reformer group in their day were not happy with Catholicism and the Roman Catholic Church, desperate and determined for liberty in faith.
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