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  1. Thank you! I figured it is something that is beyond our understanding & not necessarily our business, and am learning to trust God's judgement..trust can be a tricky thing. Also, thanks for the reference to the book above..I will take a look!
  2. Wow, how interesting that you stated this. I actually first posted this question in another Christian message board with an example, but people were so focused on judging the people I used in the example that no real answers came, hence me asking it here without the example. I will post the example below in quotes (this is the exact full question I posted in the other forum. So I actually am concerned about others. I am also questioning the teachings as well. I am trying to understand. My inquiry is genuine, not for selfish reasons, not to avoid acceptance, but to understand..because I struggle to accept something that has seemed to be so unfair. I want the truth whether I like it or not but either way would like to have understanding of it. I can accept something I don't particularly like as long as I have some understanding of it. After all, how can someone understand if they cannot question? Please see below. "Hello, there are a few things about teachings that I would like to understand. I have asked this question before but without an answer, which causes more confusion. As I understand it, if someone knows about Jesus Christ, then if they accept Jesus as their saviour they will enter Heaven. If they do not accept Jesus as their saviour, they will go to Hell. I have a lot of questions around that but the main one is: (PS-I know indigenous people were not without violence, please don't point this out to me as counter argument..I just want to understand the answer to the question point blank, as well as in context of this situation outlined below. Thank you.). If someone doesn't know about Christ, and has never heard of Christ, then where do they go when they die? This brings up an example: Indigenous people who according to history have had the deepest connection with the Earth and nature, who by their teachings had a deep respect for our Earth and life itself..as far as I know they do not follow Christ. They were taught about Jesus in the most brutal and evil ways, which I've been told was not the work of Jesus but how could they be expected to go from their lives which were of deep connection to nature and themselves to following someone who they were taught about in brutal ways. Their lives became a version of hell because of invasion of their way of life. It makes absolutely no sense for them to go from a way of life that seems to have worked in deep relationship with nature to a way of life that in their experience caused unimaginable pain. I really deeply struggle with this. I would appreciate an understanding of the basic question I wrote above and also the situation that I outlined below the question. Thank you kindly."
  3. I think it is important that people understand that the gospel has NOT spread into every corner, nook and cranny of the Earth (yet). It has spread far and wide, but even very recently there have been tribes discovered deep in hidden areas who have had no contact with the outside world until now. They have their own distinct culture, language, way of life, and ZERO communication with the outside world. Yes, this is FACT. Not that it is the point of my question, if you think that is what my question hinges on, then you have entirely missed the point. Please know facts. Making assumptions is wrong and potentially dangerous. Straight forward answers about that don't dance around the point or personally judge the question are appreciated. People are turning here for understanding but there is a fine line where things tip toward causing more confusion and/or push people away. This doesn't mean at all that everyone needs to agree but please have the Grace to stick to the point. Forget about whether every human has already heard of the gospel - completely besides the point. I am starting to read the bible and seriously looking for guidance. It is frustrating for a genuine seeker to deal with.
  4. She's really open to it and I think most of her videos regarding this are on her facebook page. It is her shift that was the catalyst to me really starting to search again. I wondered how her vision of Jesus would be received. She recently said that she had a vision of the devil as well (almost exactly one year after her vision of Jesus) and she called for Jesus of Nazareth and the vision disappeared and she feels an urgency to share the truth and save as many people as she can.
  5. She is well known & active in social media so she will be easy to find!
  6. Thank you for the responses. I am understanding that this may be debatable amongst Christians. If the truth is that people who do not know about Jesus, who have literally never heard of the gospel at all, end up in hell, then why would God create them in the first place to be starved of that information only to be sent to hell for something they cannot help? If it is truth, ok, but please explain if possible. The only logical explanation to me is that these people are not created from God in the first place or God has a reason for it that we can't understand has humans.
  7. If someone doesn't know about Christ, and has never heard of Christ, then where do they go when they die?
  8. I am curious about what everyone thinks of Doreen Virtue. For those who are not familiar with her work, until last year she worked primarily with tarot cards, predictions, astrology, new age, etc. She spoke a lot about angels and sometimes about Jesus. She said that she felt called to attend church and started to go to church, and had a vision of Jesus in the church. She immediately renounced all of her work, stopped production of her products, removed all references possible to her previous work, and changed her life. It has been just over one year since this change, and she speaks publicly about her journey and how she is discovering some of her previous work is being distributed and is trying to stop it. She seems very genuine as she has faced a great deal of criticism from both sides (new age and Christian), and she continues to diligently follow the teachings of the bible. She also does bible study in social media, where she discusses the bible and encourages people to read the entire bible. I also saw a discussion she had with a fellow former-new ager on youtube named Steven Bancarz who had great wealth with his work but then found himself to feel empty despite his riches. He then became born again Christian and speaks about Christianity and renounces his former practice on youtube. I'm not sure how common this is but these were 2 high profile people in the new age lifestyle.
  9. I guess my short and simple response is: they are wrong.
  10. Hi Claudia, I really want to share something with you. The cells of our stomach and the cells of our brain start as the same cluster of cells in the womb and are very deeply connected. When there is something not well in the stomach and digestive system there is going to be an effect on the brain. It could be as simple as dietary sensitivites, but mostly there is an epidemic of heavy metal toxicity, chemical over exposure, food, water and air contamination that wreaks havoc on our system. Please look into heavy metal detox. I pray that the answers will come to you. I have a feeling it has to do with the environment and probable food toxicity. This can be healed and in many cases reversed. This is a silent epidemic. I would suggest you search while continuing to reach for support but honestly, PLEASE please please look into food, air, water, quality & it's effects on the body's system. God bless.
  11. If someone doesn't know about Christ, and has never heard of Christ, then where do they go when they die? I can provide an example if requested.
  12. With all due respect, the question isn't really answered here. You stated that God made everything in order to test them, but it does not answer why. Why would God want to make us in order to test us. Was God lonely? Was God trying to create something entirely new but could not do it without the angels and humans, etc? Either God had a goal that could not be attained without doing all of this first (creating angels, humans, worlds, etc) in order to accomplish his goal. OR God was lonely, or there is a greater purpose that our human minds cannot understand and no one really knows why God created all of us. But there was no question a desire there in the first place.
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