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  1. going to town one day to sell some small articles. abba agathon met a cripple on the roadside , paralysed in his legs, who asked him where he was going . abba agathon replied two town to sell some things the other said , do me the favour of carrying me there , so he carried him to twon . the cripple said to him , put me Down where you sell Your wares , and he did so. when he had sold an article, the cripple asked, what did you sell it for ? and he told him the price . the other said , buy me a cake , and he bought it . when abba agathon had sold a second article , the sick man asked , how much did you sell it for ? and he told him the price of it then the other said , buy me this , and he bought it . when agathon having sold all his wares , wanted to GO , he said to him, are you going back ? and he replied yes , then said he , do me the favour of carrying me back to the Place where you found me , once more picking him up , he carried him back to that Place . then the cripple said . Agathon you are filled With Divine blessings in heaven and on Earth, Raising his eyes Agathon saw no man , it was an angel of the Lord, come to try him .
  2. On Spiritual Struggle The evil spirits are always wanting to interfere With whatever we are doing for Our salvation. Alas , we who are lukewarm usually say to ourselves. Wait i have not yet done this. I have not yet tried that ... I will repent later . After i have done all these Things i will repent . God and i will walk the straight path , wandering neither to the right nor to the left . this is exactly what the spirits of evil want us to do , they want us to put off Our salvation until tomorrow. or the day after , and so on and so forth, until the end of Our life . But the holy fathers say GO With the lord , GO today follow him :):):)
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