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Undoubting Thomas

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  1. Carbon dating is only accurate within a few thousand years, and even that is a stretch. There are other forms of dating involving radioactive decay, which are said to go millions of years plus, but there is a lot of data that doesn't go along with the narrative that mainstream Scientism reports. The problem with Scientism is that people believe so strongly in numerous unsubstantiated claims out of appeals to authority, mostly. 'I don't have time to research that, so I will take your word for it". On the surface, this mentality seems like a logical progression, especially when a foundational theory is 'proven'. However, this assumption is dangerous to science. Unfortunately, the universities promote fallacies over real science and many well meaning students and professors are caught up in this trap. When a scientist spends half his life on one particular facet assuming his predecessors did their job, he is unlikely to then rock the boat, especially when his livelihood may depend on him going with the flow. Materialism holds a commanding position throughout the world today in the scientific community. The materialistic paradigm has earned this high status position because it has bared fruit for science in the last few centuries (physical sciences and biology). The Materialism model has created and reinforced the strong belief that materialistic science will eventually explain everything, including life and consciousness, given enough time. Although there may have been those in the beginnings who blindly pushed theories based on their own bias, I believe Materialism has become Scientism, a blind faith in the authority of scientists. Many doctrines in biology, cosmology and astrophysics are protected by this construct and smart men and women not remotely imagining they could have been told lies.
  2. Since coming to Christ at age 45, I have read the Bible and studied it so I can know God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit better. After only reading a little bit, it is obvious that Catholics are fooled into thinking that Mary can hear prayers and act or pretend this doesn't occur under the RCC doctrine. I was raised Catholic and my mom, brother, sister and good friend are Catholic still. When discussing this topic with my mom, she will not see this connection. She just shuts down and denies. I will continue to pray so that scales will fall off eyes. When pointing out the Rosary guides one to pray to Mary 53 times and God the Father only 9 times, my mother says she doesn't pray to Mary. The prayer goes "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for our sinners, now and at the hour of our death", or something like that. Not only is it praying to Mary, but it is calling her "mother of God" and exalting her above Jesus and the Father. Not to mention, the disgusting idolatry many millions practice with Mary, specifically, and the "repetitious prayers". Other than prayer, what else can I do? The only mediator/intercessor to the Father is through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
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