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Everything posted by GeorgeTwo

  1. I know that is what it means. But, since Badjao33 said he studied the Qur'an so much, I wanted to know if he knew what it meant.
  2. Thanks for your story. I have lots of questions. First, do you speak and understand the Arabic language? Second, please interpret the following verse for me: Surah 2:62: Shakir Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. Thanks.
  3. I studied the Qur'an and continue to do so. I use Islamic commentaries; have the first biography of Muhammad and use The Reliance of the Traveler for Islamic jurisprudence, and listen to Muslim debates, read their articles on their websites. I have spoken to many dozens to Muslim over all these years. I continually read what they claim the Qur'an says with the Qur'an itself. I ask the same questions of different Muslims to see if I get the same answer. They come to Christian sites with allegations against Christianity and Jesus, most can be traced to Islamic sites. If you have ever done what I have done it is easy to see how they intentionally mislead people about Christianity. Are you a Muslim?
  4. http://www.answering-islam.org/Responses/Osama/index.htm
  5. Answering-Islam answers Muslim objections to the Bible and Jesus. They quote Muslim polemics and answer their objections. They will correct any error on their part.
  6. Answering Islam is an excellent source. It uses Islamic sources.
  7. Christianity did not copy from paganism; the roots of our faith is Judaism. "Historians" claim it? LOL
  8. And the Qur'an never mentions the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  9. I have shown you verses in context that destroy your claim of "Muhammad in the Bible." Jews agree that Muhammad is nowhere foretold in the Hebrew Bible in all the verses cited by Muslims. I have discussed their Scriptures with them and many know Hebrew; in fact, one of the teaches Hebrew.
  10. Non-Trinitarians get a lot of things wrong, but they are short in numbers. Muslims get a lot of things wrong too, like finding Muhammad in the Bible. As I have shown you, none work when put into context. Don't tell me to ignore Mishael or anyone else. That is not your place.
  11. I was brought up in a Christian family, but it didn't "take." I considered myself an Atheist for many years. I didn't believe there was a God at all. And then 9/11 happened and I discovered an Islamic discussion board, borrowed a Qur'an from the library and started asking questions as I read verses in the Qur'an. I wanted to find out what they believed. I knew next to nothing about what was in the Bible. I met some very nice Muslims on that site from, England, Pakistan, Singapore, Egypt, Canada and the United States and a few who weren't so nice. Reading the Qur'an forced me to read the Bible because the Muslims kept asking me about things in the Bible -- the Trinity and the talking donkey ("Oh, no there is a talking donkey in the Bible? Donkey's can't talk!!!) and I had to look them up and read commentaries. I like to think God sent me there because once I started reading the Bible -- studying it and commentaries -- I became a believer. I can't pinpoint the exact date I became a Christian. I used to think I was OK not believing in God; I was all right the way I was; I was a good person. But once becoming a Christian I knew I wasn't OK. I know the difference between what I was then and who I am now.
  12. There is a big difference between God's wars and Allah's wars: http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Arlandson/allahs_wars.htm http://www.answering-islam.org/Shamoun/q_amalekites.htm
  13. What I can "mainstream" Christianity have the same beliefs. Some who think they are Christian are not, like JW's, etc. No Mainstream Christians reject the Trinity.
  14. I've been studying Islam for about 15 years or so now, started before I became a Christian.
  15. My point is there is a diversity of beliefs in Islam.
  16. Within Islam there are many sects and they all use same Qur'an. SUNNIS: Sunnis are Muslims who are considered the more "orthodox" believers. Sunnis follow all the most traditional beliefs and actions. SHI'ITES: The term Shi'a is a shortened from of Shi'at Ali, which means "the party of Ali" and at the time of Ali's death in 661, that is probably all it was: a party or tendency of people who supported Ali's claims to the caliphate. Over time, they became the largest non-Sunni sect in Islam. SUFIS: Sufism is important to the development of Islam because it is in this tradition that the more spiritual and mystical aspects were preserved. This stands in contrast to the mainstream of Islam which, through its first centuries, was more concerned with the expansion and organization of the general community. Whereas in orthodox Islam there is a firm belief in the absolute transcendence and the majesty of God, in Sufism, God is in all things and all things are in Him. All visible and invisible beings are an emanation from Him, and are not really distinct from Him. This Sufi understanding of God leads to another heretical belief that man can attain divine-hood by being absorbed into the being of God. For the Sufis what counts is a personal relationship with God and that is the really important thing in life. KAHRIJITES: In Arabic, their label means "to go out" – they were, in effect, the first Muslim dissidents and rebels, being present almost from the dawn of Islam. Like later dissidents, they chose to separate themselves from the main body of believers, feeling that the majority of Muslims had lost the "true path. "WAHHABIS: Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab could be considered the first modern Islamic fundamentalist. He made the central point of his reform movement the idea that absolutely EVERY IDEA ADDED to Islam after the third century of the Muslim era was false and should be eliminated. ISMAILIS: An early Shi'a sect which split from the main group because of a dispute over who should be considered the next Iman. ZAIDIS: Formed by Zaid, a grandson of Jusain, the Zaidis have believed that the true Iman must publicly assert his claim to the title and seek to overthrow the corrupt regime run by unacceptable rulers. FATIMIDS: The Fatimids are a successor movement to the Isma'ilis and are descendants of Fatima and Ali through the line of Isma'il. In the tenth century, those descendants asserted themselves as caliphs in North Africa, and ruled Egypt from 969 to 1171. NIZARI: This sect is actually very well known around the world, but under a different name: the Assassins. DRUZE: The Druze comprise another sect which is not widely regarded as being "truly" Muslim. This group diverged from mainstream Islam in the eleventh century when some Isma'ilis started to believe that God became manifest in the personality of a prophet or iman. BAHA'I: Baha'i is another movement which is descended from Islam, but which most Muslims today no longer regard as authentically Islamic. Baha'i is an eclectic religion that boasts a prophet, Baha'u'llah, who supersedes Muhammad and has temples scattered around the world. NATION OF ISLAM: I don't know what they believe, but I've read that Islam does not look with favor on them. SIKHISM: Located in India. I don't know what they believe. QADIANIS (AHMADIYAH) A heterodox sect formed by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed, a punjabi, who has been labelled a heretic. He declared himself a mujaddid (a renewer of faith) in 1882 and set about spreading his message. He ruled out jihad against the kuffar who occupied the Islamic lands. He alleged that Jesus(a.s) had escaped from the cross and had attained the age of 120. He further alleges that Jesus(a.s) was buried in Sringar. Ghulam then went on to allege that he was the Mahdi, the second coming of Jesus, and the last avatara of Vishnu. They also deny the virgin birth and sinless nature of Christ, discrediting any superiority of Christ over Muhammad. They are the most active Muslim missionary group in the West. ISMAILIS: It is well known that from an early stage in the development of Shi'ism, the imams had been looked upon with such reverence, that some people ascribed to them qualities, such that they were looked on as more than merely humans. Some people saw them as the visible manifestations of the spirit of Allah(swt), astagfullah. Coupled with this was the idea that the Quran not only had an open obviously clear meaning, but it also contained a hidden truth. YAZIDIS The Yazidis call themselves the Dawasin. The Yazidi religion has elements of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, as well as some paganism. They consider the bible and the Quran to be sacred. They are also well known as 'devil worshipers' by other people who live near them. The 'Peacock Angel' is their symbol for a fallen angel Malik Taus, who is their euphemism for evil or the devil, who they fear and seek to appease. According them evil is part of divinity as is good. The Peacock Angel is used in their festivals where they carry out strange and very secret rituals. THEY ALSO BELIEVE THAT EVIL IS FOUND IN LETTUCE, AND ARE VERY CAREFUL AROUND LETTUCES. The Yazidis put God on the top, but only as a creator, he is no longer seen as an acting force. This responsibility is taken by Shaykh Adi and the Malik Taus. Malik Taus is said to have repented for his sins, and cried for 7000 years filling 7 jars full of tears, which were used to put out the fire in hell, thus there is no hell in Yazidism. Yazidis pray twice a day towards the sun, making sure there are no non-Yazidis around them, dedicating their prayer to Malik Taus. In August they go on a pilgrimage to Adi's tomb for six days. Here, they practise many strange rituals, such as sacrificing an ox, which they all eat. They also wash figures of Malik Taus, dance and sing songs. Many of their rituals here have never been seen by outsiders, and are thus unknown. They also have a three day fast in December. The Yazidis are organized in a tribal system each with a chief. They don't talk to other Kurds, and marrying of non-Yazidis is forbidden. They come up with the pathetic story, that they are the only descendants of Adam, while all the rest of mankind descend from women, and are thus inferior. Noone would want to convert to Yazidism, but they would not be allowed to if they wanted to anyway, you have to be born Yazidi. The worst punishment in Yazidism is expulsion from the community, which they say means your soul is lost forever. If a married Yazidi man stays abroad for more than a year he is divorced from his wife, and is not allowed to remarry a Yazidi woman. All their children must be baptized, male circumcision is also performed, but is not compulsory. When they die they are buried immediately with their hands crossed pointed in an Eastern direction. ALAWIS: The Alawis call themselves the "followers of Ali". In reality they are an ethnic group as much as a religion, and are found mainly in Syria but also in parts of Lebanon and Turkey, It has been suggested that they are in fact the descendants of a South Arabian tribe who emigrated to the north. Alawis seem to have originated in the Sevener Movement, A PRE-ISLAMIC CHRISTIAN GNOSTICISM. Later influences from the Ismailis seemed to have caused them to incorporate more Islamic ideas into their faith.
  17. Have you read CARM's Methods Muslims use to attack Christianity: Number 7 applies here: No. 7 Switching topics when challenged.
  18. Shia says so because they see Ali as a mediator. They think that Ali is closer to Allah than common people and will listen to him and his prayer early than them. In another word, they are seeking help from Allah through Ali. It is like saying *Ya Ali pray to Allah for us. * So basically they do not actually pray to Ali but Allah. https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Shias-say-Ya-Ali-Madad-Oh-Ali-Help-Shouldnt-they-be-praying-to-God-or-asking-from-him
  19. Show me where they worship Ali. Also, plenty of Sunnis have lied to me.
  20. If some Christians lie, they are not following Jesus. Aren't Muslims allowed to lie?
  21. Jesus is not like Adam. Adam was created; Jesus was conceived.
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