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Everything posted by Kristin

  1. I decided on my drivers license to be a donor. After reading all this I feel not so sure ?. I don’t want to be a cadaver in a lab! My other fear was they might not revive me or whatever if organs are to be had. Well, huh. As of now I’m a donor.
  2. I’ve heard old and sick people are at risk. I had it. It’s a strange flu. I prayed over myself in Jesus name the whole time. I was healed in 3 days. I haven’t heard of children getting it. Wash your hands a lot.
  3. It is the GRACE of God that leads men to repentance.
  4. I always had the idea that America isn’t mentioned in Revelation because of the rapture. I’m an optimist and a believer. I also know there are tons of Christian churches in this country. I drive across it and see them everywhere. So that’s my take. Things do look grim right now though, I admit. But God...
  5. We are great because of the grace of God. We were founded by Christians escaping European persecution. We stand by Israel, which God commands us to do. Things seem bad right now, but God always wins. Americans’ eyes have been opened. Never worry, always PRAY.
  6. Israel is God’s earthly country and people. The Body of Christ is His heavenly people. We are not a country. I love America. I hope God has grace and mercy on this great land and people. Civil war seems to be where we may end up, but I think that is unwise. Things look dark now, but hopefully we are stronger than we know. Obviously Christians must take a political stance these days. Let’s not opt for war until our civic duty (voting) and our prayers aren’t fulfilled. I have faith that we will win that way. Through voting and prayer. If not, bring it on! Lock and load. But let’s be sure.
  7. I may sound repetitive but it bares repeating: The truth is Jesus Christ. Nothing else will do anything for you except lead you hell. His name is TRUTH. NEVER even consider another religion. They are of satan. Every single one. Don’t bother reading about lies.
  8. Yes. The gathering together of the saints is a miracle unto itself. Go to church. Trust Jesus. He is Truth
  9. He is defeated. The seals in Revelation are a picture of God unsealing the Title Deed of Trust for the Earth. We as the Body of Christ have authority over the earth now believe it or not. But when Christ returns with the Church, He will take full control.
  10. I was arrested once err twice. The cops were very mean. I’m a pretty white lady. They were very rough and overly mean. I don’t think it’s all race. It’s POWER.
  11. Interesting. My instinct is to always keep praying. I’m not a bible scholar tho.
  12. Of course all people are subject to death and illness and poverty on and on. We place ourselves low. We give up our aspirations for the call of God. Where is low?
  13. That is how we all look around here now! My friendly grocer is unrecognizable. We cannot see each other
  14. LadyKay, it’s gone a bit crazy here. I had no idea we would be “locked down”. We have no masks to buy, yet must wear one! I came to help my mother. She made us a couple of masks from a T-shirt and hair rubber bands. I had to go get a couple of things and watchers are about! Glad I had a cover.
  15. It’s very concerning. My small city all look like hazmat people. I’m kind of freaking out.
  16. I should have left off the word “always”. It’s not true. I believe our God heals, yet we still die. Im nervous today.
  17. I wouldn’t ever say that. We all know we are assigned to die at some point. I meant to say that God is a healing God.
  18. Move where? There are more Christians in California than the entire population of some states. Voting has been corrupt here. I know Californians are fleeing here because we are being abused!
  19. I think Christians can get this, but will recover always.
  20. Here in California you can get fined $1000.00 for not covering your face or standing too close to someone in public. Yet no masks are available. My old mother is trying to make us some out of a T-shirt! I never imagined we could become prisoners overnight. I’m trying to not be afraid, follow “protocol” not get fined or thrown in jail! It’s crazy.
  21. @Melinda12 it does seem scary right now. Wet markets seem abhorrent to us, but I assume those people eat what they can. Chinese citizens are very poor for the most part. We need to pray for them as well as for us. I read that there are more Chinese Christians in China than America’s entire population. There are many of our brothers and sisters in China. They probably don’t like their lives in communism. I don’t like restrictions being made on me either. We should have concern and mercy for all people, especially fellow Christians.
  22. They like to work. Strange times. I hope we can all afford to float each other during this down time.
  23. Restaurants have laid off everyone. One of my daughters is a chef one is a server. They are unemployed now.
  24. Yes probably our original infidelity is against God. Then we have committed infinitely to our brethren. We repent of it!
  25. He came to Jerusalem weeping yet triumphant!
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