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Mei Kor

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Everything posted by Mei Kor

  1. Overall, same experience as you. House visitation was, Yes, irritating for some. Got a very good idea that those who come the first time to church will give them sign a visiting card for further connection and fellowship, would be the best. I also had encounter with JW years before.
  2. I thank the Lord for leading you throughout your life, did a supernatural encounter, prepared for people to mold you and guide you. It is amazing testimony that yes, you must share to others and they will see Christ. God bless you!
  3. Thank you dear Blade for sharing! Your story speaks God's call to everyone if even we ignore to Him. May I read your book, who is the author?
  4. Thank you for sharing your life experience with the Lord. Yes, God never forget us!
  5. Dear @Stewardofthemystery, your testimony was amazing. God has called you in a specific way. I was overwhelmed of reading how God led your life. May the Lord bless you!
  6. Dear Vine, I praised God what He had done your life. Yes, God is real. Your encounter with the Lord speaks to me, how important of a Sunday School as a primary foundation for youth and children. Please pray for my areas we will have Sunday school class every village.
  7. Thank you for sharing your encounter with God, I am blessed to see how God led you! And I believe you have been in Burma? I appreciate for the word "Thank you" in my language! ☺️
  8. I will share it first. When I was born, we lived in a hillside area and very poor, no Christianity in our community and never heard of Christ. Our forefathers believed in animism, worshiping objects such as stones, rocks, mountains, trees, and sacrificing animals to them. Around 1992, a missionary came to our village, despite much resistance by some villagers, our parents converted to Christianity, and today the entire community embraced Christianity. However, there was no Sunday School class at the village that I had limited knowledge of salvation in childhood but only a regular church member. When I was 19 years old, I received Christ on November 8, 2009, through a preacher during a particular occasion. What supernatural encounter has touched you to see Christ?
  9. Thank you for asking! My favorite Psalms is 91.
  10. Until.... And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come. (Matthew 24:14, NLT)
  11. Many years ago, before I experienced a spiritual transformation and got saved, I grappled with the challenging task of forgiving those who had deeply hurt me mentally. This inner turmoil continues to be a part of my journey as I pursue a career in ministry. Despite the ongoing mental struggles, I draw my strength from the Lord. I can now proudly say that I've managed to find the strength to forgive and let go of the past, which has been a transformative and liberating experience. Amen!
  12. Good morning! How powerful is your holding Book, the Bible! Suppose you were stranded on a dimly lit street in an unsafe city neighborhood. You occidentally drive over a sharp metal object and two of your tires go flat. As you contemplate your next move, a dozen young men spill out of a nearby building and walk toward you. You can already see yourself being dragged from the car, robbed, and beaten. Or worse. What difference would it make if discovered that you these men were on their way home from a Bible study? Such news would make even an atheist feel better. After all, one of the primary reasons we believe the Bible is the Word of God is its power. "Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?'" (Jeremiah 23:29 Esv). This does not mean that people cannot resist God's Word; they do so all the time, often with great fanfare. We've already learned that the Bible has been the target of sustained criticism and venomous attacks. Yet millions who have accepted its message gladly speak of its transforming power. An angry young man stood at the back of a train and threw the new Bible his mother gave him as far as he could. Yet months later he returned, repentant that he had mistreated God's Book. He learned that the damaged Bible had fallen into the hands of a child who read it and was converted. Now both met as brothers in Christ; the one as a restored believer, the other as a newly converted twelve year old. What other book can soften the heart of an angry man and convert a child? Only the Bible. Your respect for God can be measured by your respect for the Bible; the Bible is not God, of course, so we do not worship a book. But we regard its message as God's letter to us. When the Bible is open, God is speaking; when it is closed, He stops speaking. And when He speaks we begin to see ourselves as we really are.
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