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Everything posted by yaussyp

  1. She is a believer but not baptized (yet) because her family are all atheists. She believes because of her encounter with Jesus when she was little. I was trying to make a different point than I came across as making, I suppose.
  2. Jesus cast 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene before she joined and followed him (presumably she was a prostitute) Sometimes the enemy can hold people captive who God desires to use.
  3. I mean... I think the fact she told me on her own "I trust my Lord and savior Jesus Christ" means it passed. How exactly do I test it? "So... were you sent to me from Satan to deceive me and destroy me?" "Dang. You got me. Boss, he knows!"
  4. Y'all don't understand lol. If I wanted to find "someone", I would just find someone. Or get a hooker. A prostitute is "someone"... God told me and confirmed through others there is a "daughter of the most high" coming to me so we can fulfill our destiny serving/ministering together. A particular woman, not just someone. Since I had a feeling for some reason I was looking for a "Magdalene", and her name is Madeleine...
  5. If you were demon "possessed" you would not be in control of your actions and maybe not even self aware to an extent "Oppression" and "possession" are two different things. If she told you that you are possessed, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
  6. That was due to a voice i heard one night say someone's name (Hosanna) but we we're never actually together. I was confused about what I heard, but that person was never actuallt interested in me. Yes, i know "Hosanna" also means "Salvation has come" or more literally from Hebrew "Save, please" so very well may not have been a name i heard spoken to me.
  7. No it has not, not with so many signs like this. *Rejection in general? Yes. Constantly.
  8. That's the point. Not normal does not mean impossible. What the Virgin Mary went through with Gabriel was not "normal" either. Not comparing her to the Virgin Mary, but I'm just saying. People are always scared of what they don't understand. Me? I crave what I don't understand. I don't feel a purpose otherwise. Not at home in THIS world.
  9. I know. I have been doing both. Not praying for her to change her mind, but against whatever evil spirit is working through her family and that man
  10. I wasn't saying otherwise, but I can see how the Devil used him to split us up. Then the Devil planted in her mind at the same time "All the attacks you are going through are because of Pearce. If you leave Pearce, it will stop." Not exactly a lie. Just clever. I know how that SOB the devil works. I know his methods.
  11. I truly believe I heard correctly. I have already had very bizarre words spoken over me in the past, most notably "You are him!!" It all made sense when i met her. I was thanking God. I have been praying for her constantly but nothing has changed (yet)
  12. A few months ago I was (I believed) devinely connected with a girl named Madeleine online. I had been praying for God to send a wonderful wife to me, and i felt him confirm it to me when i met her. Directly. The first 3 days we talked, I felt the presence and annointing of God on me so strong, it was like a tangible physical substance flowing through me, and sometimes I would laugh with joy uncontrollably. I also fasted fpr 4 days straight almost unwillingly. Did not even feel hungry those 4 days nor did I want to eat. I felt God saying to me "Pearce, this is her. You will not get your heart broken anymore, I promise. You can trust her." She later told me her story. When she was 5, while fighting for her life after a brain injury due to a reaction to a vaccine, she was called up to heaven and sat in Jesus' lap, wearing a white gown, and he told her "Its going to be ok." Since then, she has had multiple encounters with God's Angels (as well as fallen Angels, she said) and one angel of God told her "Madeleine, start looking for your husband. There is a man for you that will love you unconditionally in the image of Christ, and you will give him something in return for his love." Another encounter was with a woman (angel) at a well, who gave her water to drink from the well, and told her it was water of "youth" and "nourishment", and that she would give that water to others one day, that she would be a "mother of nourishment" Also said an angel wearing a veil told her in a vision "you will walk alongside the chosen one" Now me being a person of faith and believing God can do anything, i decided not to run away, but jump right in and see where it went. I went to visit her in Texas for 3 days, and it went great, but the miracle we thought god was going to do between us (that the one angel told her about, what she would give me to help me heal) did not happen. I could see the enemy fighting against our relationship every step of the way. Her family hated me because I believe in God (they are all unbelievers except her) and they were attacking her and calling me a loser and telling her she should leave me. She promised me She would always take up for me and never leave me, but the attacks got worse and worse. Nevertheless we were going to get married and find our calling together. She wanted to do ministry full time with me someday. What finally happened is her brother's best friend, who had been a family friend and their roommate for years, and had always left her alone, decided to start making advances on her and trying to make her sleep with him. She told him to stop and even had to close herself in her room to get away from him sometimes, but eventually he won. She broke up with me and now is with him. After all that? How could God confirm so clearly to me she was the one, and we had a very special destiny, only for her to be stolen by another man (who is an unbeliever, as far as I know)... This is not a normal "Oh well, that sucks. Gotta move on."...i can't move on from that. I feel deep down that I need to do something. The enemy has her captive and is winning right now...
  13. Why was the link removed?? I know that people wouldnt have to "view" anything as a god for it to give legal authority to demons. That's definitely one of the Devil's schemes against us, tricking us into having these little "decorations" in our houses, while he accuses us to God for having idols. Some people have been sick for years and haven't known why, and it was something like a sun god poster or dragon poster that they had no clue was an accursed object at all. There are real testimonies. I'm just saying.
  14. If this thing is some sort of a Sun God artifact, and if it it could invite evil/witchcraft spirits into my house? It's sitting on the mantle, belongs to my roommate, who says he got it from a "girlfriend he used to have" I have been having horrible spiritual attacks lately to the point I have almost died, and I believe God pointed me to this as the source.
  15. Well, I have no clue what I need to do
  16. I have asked God "What am I supposed to do?" or "What to I do?" many many times. I have also asked him to do it for me. Either one would be fine.
  17. Ask for help? I never thought of that. You mean God would have helped me if I had only asked sometime in the last 11 years? Wow.
  18. I'm not entirely sure that experience was God... was it? Could it have been the effect of some kind of witchcraft or voodoo? I really don't know.
  19. That would take a lot to believe. So many people have pretended to "care" about me, until it's more convenient to stick a sword in my chest instead... I don't trust anyone anymore. It seems like everyone is the enemy in disguise.
  20. I think it's strange that in that particular bible, Isaiah verse 6:66 was on page 666 and the verse also happens to be God repaying his enemies what they deserve. I think he was telling me I'm getting what I deserve, because I'm an antichrist, and I belong to the devil.
  21. No, I meant I asked him "Why won't you help me?" and my eyes were led to that verse. Also one time I did the same thing, and I just happened to flip to page 666, and Isaiah 66:6. I think he is trying to tell me something... Usually when I ask for answers I get nothing but crickets.
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