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Non-Conformist Theology
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Everything posted by Wade8888

  1. “Nor was there anyone to rescue” (Dan. 8:4) Naqdi: Psalm 83 War, “Come, they say, let us destroy them as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more.” (Ps. 83:4 NIV 1984) Naqdi: He [the ram] did as he pleased (Dan. 8:4) Naqdi, as all other IRGC soldiers and officers are devoted to the notion of spreading Iran’s Revolution all over the Muslim nations. I wrote about this in chapter 10 of Daniel Revisited. This is why Naqdi said, An Exaggeration There is one thing Naqdi said that was beyond what he himself will do: That will not happen until the Antichrist’s armies surround Jerusalem and enter the Temple area in the middle of the seventieth week. The flag of the “Islamic Revolution” will be different as well. Conclusion It is amazing to me that here we see yet another IRGC commander or spokesman speaking plainly of the Second Signpost. The Second Signpost is coming more and more into plain sight. Yet, the world and even the church does not see it. This is why the Second Signpost will be a true black swan event, not seen by the world at large, and yet you bet people will say it was obvious after it happened. Only those who are paying attention to the details in Bible prophecy (e.g. Dan. 8:17, 19) can see it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We know from Dan. 8 that Iran will first invade the middle east, second Turkey will crush Iran, and finally this new Turkish empire will be split into these four Kingdoms, four kingdoms of “bronze”. It is only at this final point that Revelation’s horses can ride because that is when the “mountains of bronze” are formed. This then gives us a rough timetable for the release of the four horses as “close” to the 70th Week, and after the Iranian invasion and after Turkey’s counterattack of Iran and after the division of Turkey into 4 sub-nations. Because none of these events have happened yet, we can surmise that none of the seals have opened yet as well. These events are all yet future. This must be farther in the future than you think, probably around Newton's 2065 figure for the "End of the Age"*. I say this, because Iran doesn't have a big enough army yet to fullfil the army in Revelation after the Euphrates dries up. Even China couldn't march an army that large even if they wanted to. Now if Pakistan allied with Iran, they could conceivably launch an army 200 million strong in a few more generations (generation ~ 20 years). * I wouldn't take this too seriously, everyone who tried to forecast the end of the Age from Revelation and Daniel has failed in the past. An army of 200 million soldiers is easy to defeat: Just launch a few well-placed nukes and viola, the largest army in the history of the world goes bye-bye.
  2. There are two "Witnesses" in the Book of Revelation who prophesy and do miracles during the tribulation.
  3. Allow me to add that from what I see concerning these stories, it is basically nonsense, which is probably why there isn't much about them in the canon. Nevertheless, the point stands that the authors were not talking about Dinosaurs when they mentioned this in Job and the Psalms.
  4. The Ancient Hebrews were never entirely monotheistic, even Moses called God "The God of Gods", as did the Angel when speaking to Daniel. Now it is interesting that two of these names "Behemoth" and "Leviathan" appear in the Bible, but they are never fully described in any of the books of the Bible. These descriptions that doe exist in the book of Job are sometimes incorrectly associated with Dinosaurs. That is not what these beings are. The Ancient Hebrews believed in several "Primal Deities" including a triplicate: "Behemoth, Leviathan, and Zu". It is these beings that the God in the Book of Job is referring to, when he states that He created them "with man". If you don't believe this, you can search Wikipedia for it, and there are encyclopedia articles explaining this in their text. These beings are again sometimes used by Young Earth Creationists to argue that Dinosaurs co-existed with the Antedeluvians and Noah, which is actually wrong and ridiculous. Behemoth, Leviathan, and Zu are stated to have been created before the Universe itself, so they are in a sense "timeless" beings created by God, in the same sense as the Angel in the Book of Revelation stating that there shall be "time no more". The Bible mentions these beings and gives brief, vague descriptions of two of them, but it is not clear to the modern reader that these are actually primal deities known to the Hebrews. The Hebrew reader would have known what he was talking about, whereas a modern reader, acquainted only with Monotheism, attempts to associate them with Dinosaurs, which as stated is wrong and ridiculous. The real God did not literally create the Earth at the same time as the rest of the Universe. The Earth is close to 1/3rd the age of the rest of the Universe, so there have been life forms and spirit beings greatly pre-dating the Earth in the history of the Universe. Some of them we are acquainted with, such as the Angels and Demons*, but some of them we are not. The Universe is such a large place that we will never know everything about it in this lifetime....and it may not be relevant to our lives in the Resurrection either. The Point of this post is to rebut the claim that these two (of the three) beings are dinosaurs. They are not dinosaurs, they are spirit beings, primal deities, created by "The God of Gods". While I am here, I may as well talk about the subject of Hell. The Bible states that Hell was created for the Devil and his Angels. At the place I used to work, there was an atheist who argued that Hell could not be a real place, because humans didn't exist throughout most of the history of the Universe, but this is not what the Bible says Hell was created for. Hell was created for the devil and his angels, and by being a rebel against God, unbelievers get counted as angels of the Devil. So anyway, since Hell was created for the Devil and his angels, then it can be older than man and can be older than the Earth. Also, I am not saying that anyone should worship these beings, that would be blasphemy. I'm just saying the Hebrew roots show that these beings mentioned in the Psalms and in Job are NOT dinosaurs.
  5. Atheists only believe in what they can touch with their hands and see with their eyes. They can't accept a God who is beyond time, because if they posit the existence of God, then they would be consenting to God's rule over all reality and to God's morality. They cannot accept God's morality, so they substitute their own version of facts and their own version of morality. Anyway, Jesus told the parable of the tares and the wheat, and he says the tares were sown by the enemy. Thus the tares are not meant to be saved, the tares are predestinated to be punished in hell fire. Jesus did not send the Disciples out to evangelize goats; He sent them to evangelize the lost sheep. The goats are unsavable. The sheep are savable.
  6. Yeah, just to give an example, Jimmy Swaggart sells study bibles for around $50 to $100 each, and claims they make it easier to read the Bible. I actually have one of the New Testaments which was actually given to me by Gabriel Swaggart, and I read some of the Gospel of Matthew and got sick of the text of the Bible always being interrupted by Swaggarts' oppinion. Now at least Gabriel gave away several of the Bibles at the youth conference one day, but that was not the norm. Normally they sell these things for about 2 or 3 times the price of an ordinary Giant Print reference Bible. But what does the Bible say about this? 1 John 2: 20-29 says we don't need a teacher to tell us how to read scripture or learn anything from God, because the Anointing from the Holy Spirit is sufficient to teach us all things. Teachers still have their place, but it's supposed to be an individual walking relationship with God, not a bunch of drones in a church congregation following a "king" or "queen".
  7. There are commandments in the Law of Moses against human sacrifice and "passing through the fire", so why do you think God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his Son? By mentioning 2 Timothy 3:16, you are making an "Appeal to authority" fallacy, or rather Paul was making a fallacy, and you are quoting Paul making a fallacy. As for the wind, I got that passage mixed up with something from Exodus. However, it doesnt' matter which direction the wind blows; Wind would not dry up a world wide flood 15 cubits above Mt. Everest.
  8. 3 John 1: 11. Beloved follow not that which is evil, but thtat which is good. He that doeth good is of God, but he that doeth evil hath not seen God. Jesus said, "Not everyone will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but He that doeth the will of the Father..."
  9. The short answer is there is no one rule that works: Every dream is unique. Whenever you have a dream you think might be from the LORD, ask people about it and see whether anyone can help interpret it. Pray about it. That's really all there is to do with it.
  10. The Cross and the Resurrection are what saves and sanctifies a believer, not the workds. If you have the Cross of Christ right in your life, then you will automatically do good works and avoid evil works. The focus of the dream seems to be the Cross of Christ, and this bodes well, as Paul taught in Romans 6, 7 and 8. You would do well to read this passage of scripture. Jesus left your side in the dream, but he is still present with you through the Holy Spirit, which is in Christ...."for the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."
  11. Read these passages, as they explain what the Holy Spirit does for the Believer. John 15:26-27, John 16: 12-16. 1 John 2: 20-29. The Holy Spirit will show you the future (does this quite often with me, usually relating to something personal or a natural disaster). The Holy Spirit will teach you ALL truth, not just some truth. The Holy Spirit will give you the inheritance of Christ, because he says that the Comforter will take of Christs and give it to you. Paul said the same thing using the picture of an adopted son receiving inheritance with the natural Son. The Holy Spirit MAY sometimes give you commandments that are difficult to discern. For example, The Holy Spirit commanded the prophet Hoseah to buy a harlot off the auction block and marry her.
  12. I have a youtube video which addresses a related topic, the "Anointing" and what its purpose is, but I don't know which sub-forum I'm allowed to post youtube links to. If someone would direct me to this again? I would be grateful and post the link.
  13. What makes you think that? God has said, "Behold, I do a new thing..." Is. 43:19.
  14. Maybe because there are a lot of pastors of different intentions who write books and make teaching CDs on the subject, and then sell them for money.
  15. Notice an atheist is there within 3 posts on that site, denying divine intervention, even though the findings are exactly what we would expect if "fire and brimstone" had rained from the heavens. I wonder what homosexuals will try to respond to this evidence anyway? It looks like God doesn't like it when gay men try to rape angels.
  16. It appeared as a "Grey Alien" and persisted harassing me for some time. It seemed like hours, but probably only lasted a few minutes. I commanded it to go away in the name of Jesus, but that did not initially work. There was a spiritual battle between that "thing" and me for some time, before it eventually left me alone. This was not an ordinary nightmare. As is usually the case when I dream about demons and "grey aliens", I was suffering from Sleep Paralysis. The creature attempted to get close to me, but I would not allow it. Since the devils have often appeared to me as the "Grey Alien", I think that people who report Alien Abductions are actually being attacked by Demon Spirits. I have probably dreamed about the Grey Alien 10 or 15 times in my adult life, and it is always accompanied by "Sleep Paralysis". A few times, they have been experimenting on me in the dream(s). Edit: Praise God, I'm doing something good enough that makes the devil mad enough to attack me directly. Praise God!
  17. Praise God! This is normal. Read Romans 6, 7, and 8 and things will get better. Victory over sin comes from the Cross of Christ: His Death and Resurrection, not self efforts. You seem to know self efforts don't work, so I urge you to study the Cross of Christ instead.
  18. It's a liberal media propaganda engine. I get banned from my own Facebook account any time I write something opposing the lobby of Homosexuality or abortion.
  19. yes, this is a real problem in some churches. This is "Necromancy", which is forbidden in the Old Testament. There is no "easy" way to deal with a friend or relative who is turning to the wrong things.
  20. Here's for one. Jesus said that many would say unto him, "Lord, Lord, we have done all these things in your name," but Jesus said He would tell them to depart from him because he never knew them. This is a class of people who "believe" in God, but are definitely not born again. (See Matthew 7: 21-23)
  21. I will answer your question if you answer mine. Who has backed up and confirmed every scripture that it is from God? The term "Witchcraft" appears in the Bible several times, but no defintion of the term is ever given. The term "Wizard" appears in the Bible a time or two, and it too is never defined. The word "Wizard" is derived from a term for a weapon smith who prays while forging weapons....and the Bible forbids this?!? The Jews were still using copper sickle swords by the time the East Indians had woost steel. Answer to my rhetorical question: Nobody. You believe in a canon of scripture out of habit or tradition mostly. Conscience is greater than scripture, because all scripture is subject to the conscience when reading and writing anyway. Very Well Moses backs me up: "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." The Game, Magic: The Gathering has references to sorcery and false gods in its flavor text and rules text. In the past I am always tempted to justify playing the game, because I liked the mechanics of the game and didn't go around casting spells on people for real. In this Vision, God showed me defilement associated with the game, and it is NOT okay to play the game. Edit: "Discenment" which is one of the Gifts of the Spirit, is intended to protect you when the Bible itself has no obvious solution to a problem. Being a child of the 1980's, I am addicted to video games and collectible card games, this is the stuff we grew up on. I would like to know from God which games are okay to play and which games are not okay, since so many of them have blasphemy in their story content.
  22. I had a vision a few nights ago, in which God both rebuked me and consoled me. The first half of the Vision was about the Collectable Card Game, "Magic: The Gathering". The dream showed me that this game defiles me. There is blasphemous material in this game, in some cases some of the best cards are intentionally designed to have blasphemy in them. This game is also addictive for some reason, like many other sinful activities, people have a hard time quitting this game once they start playing. The second half of the vision was about the video game, "Mega Man X", which the dream did not rebuke. There is no blasphemous content in this game. So apparently God is saying it is okay to pull out your old Mega Man cartridges and do some speed runs of those games, but it is not okay to play Magic: The Gathering.
  23. This is especially telling clue from inside the story: An East wind blows to dry up the flood in the story in the Bible. If this were a global flood, an east wind would do nothing to contribute to drying up the waters of the flood. Thus I conclude that the language of the Bible is intended to describe a regional flood, not a global flood. To my mind, the Black Sea flood discovered by Ballard, is probably the best candidate for the origin of the Biblical Flood story. I see no reason to argue for a literal world-wide flood any more, especially since the Apostle Paul said the stories in Genesis were an Allegory, and Allegory need not be literally true. For example, I don't believe the True God commanded Abraham to burn Isaac on an altar, as Human Sacrifice is later forbidden in the Law of Moses. I don't know where that story comes from, but was probably incorporated by a baal worshiper. Finally, the creation story in Genesis is also not literally, word for word true, as the 3rd and 4th days of creation are in the wrong order: The Sun, the Stars, and the Moon are all much older than Plants. The first day could be correct, because it could be interpreted as "Symmetry Breaking".
  24. It was a bad choice of words, that's all. In fact, the other day my boss told me he wished he had more employees like me. Second part: In the book of Acts, there was consistent outward evidence whenever someone received the Holy Spirit, and this outward evidence is always "Tongues" either directly or indirectly stated to be such...so much so that the sorcerer tried to buy the Holy Spirit when he saw that it was recieved with laying on of hands. Laying on of hands is not required, but it does help, but you cannot buy the Holy Spirit.
  25. Today, on my way to church, the voice of God spoke to me and told me that I do not need to pay tithe. He said that because I am a minister (spend most of my time trying to convince unbelievers to believe in God,) that I should receive Tithe, instead of paying tithe. But I have no congregation. I insist on keeping a secular employment so that nobody can accuse me of abusing my office and gifts, which is why the few times I have ever preached in person, I did not receive any tithes and offerings. In fact I've only ever received less than 10 dollars total in tithes and offerings. However, I know that it's not really possible to produce christian television programs and christian radio stations and forums without some form of tithing and offerings, I get that, but when people abuse their office that is one of my worst pet peeves.
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