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Called Out One

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  1. What more is there to say @TomatoHorse. John was testifying to something he was an eyewitness to; thus most definitely not hearsay. If you do not accept that, there is nothing more to say. I am praying for you along with my prayers for Vince, though.
  2. @TomatoHorse - The Bridegroom has already sent out the invitations. As the parable goes, those who were invited refused to show up because they kept giving excuses, so others were invited in their place. Sorry @Walk Softly ... didn't mean to derail ... but the Lord strongly impressed upon me to share this.
  3. *This* is a pure, unadulterated nugget of gold right here. It literally boils down everything the Lord has been teaching you into it's simplest form. Thank you for you faithfulness and steadfastness in what the Lord has called you to do, knowing that you *will* be as strongly opposed and attacked ... exactly as Jesus said we would be.
  4. Let me tell you a little secret ... every single christian is far from trustful and faithful. We have *all* failed Him ... repeatedly. But when we fall, we get back up, dust ourselves off, and get back to running our race in such a way as to win the prize. Now we have to stand on that ... I do it like so ... Father God, I confess my sin to You; I repent of it and ask You to forgive me and cleans me according to Your Word. I thank You and praise You that You *are* faithful and just to cleans me from *all* of my unrighteousness. Thank You, Lord ... in Jesus' Name. Amen.
  5. Repentance and confession of sin to Him *always* reopens the door of communication. God's Word has many promises ... here are just two of them ... and While looking those two up, He just gave me yet another one for you ... A few more things which have helped me with lack of faith is to read the Scriptures out loud [faith cometh by hearing, hearing by the Word of God]. Finding Scriptures that relate to my situation and praying them back to Him ... doing this out lout also contributes to the hearing referred to above. Okay ... He is also giving me this Scripture ... Whenever I am having difficulty with my thoughts being contrary to the Word of God, I have used this Scripture as a prayer ... like so ... Father God, in the Name of Jesus, though I walk in the flesh, I do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of my warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. I am destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and I take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Other times, I rebuke, renounce and reject *every* thought which does not line up with the WOrd and the Will of God. Then I start confessing what Scripture does say ... for example ... "I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me." Above all ... I just want to encourage you and exhort you not to give up; don't believe the lies of the devil ... put on every single piece of the armor of God [Ephesians 6 starting in verse 10], then use that shielf of faith to quench *every* firery dart of the enemy ... and when you have done all that you can, then just stand ... in Him ... and on His Word. Stay strong friend. You are not alone; and He will *never* forsake you. God Bless,
  6. I have given you several Scriptures. I am done with this conversation. Have a good day, my friend. I will pray that the Lord grants you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation into the knowledge of Him [Eph 1:17] ... especially with respect to this topic.
  7. I very strongly commend your desire to have the Word to be your all. All I am asking you is not to condemn others who have the SAME EXACT desire as you do; especially those who choose to do what the Bible explicitly says we can and should do ... i.e. seek spriitual gifts ... and NOT to forbid the speaking in tongues ... solely based upon the fact that *some* abuse the gifts, or because satan's minions counterfeit them.
  8. Did you not see my post above with respect to the Holy Spirit giving Believers the spiritual GIFT of Discerning of Spirits? Are there people in the church today who abuse the Gifts? Yes. Are there counterfeit gifts? Yes, there are. Do that mean that ALL who speak in tongues are doing something against what the Bible teaches. No, absolutely not. It is clear you only want to condemn everyone who speaks in tongues, regardless of the fact that the Bible tells us we can and should seek to do so. There is no point in any further discussion with you. You have made up your mind, and there is no benefit in any further discussion. HAve a blessed day, my friend.
  9. There are likely some who do go by feelings. Yet that does not negate the fact that another GIFT of the Holy Spirit is Discerning of Spirits. When a false tongue is given, God's Spirit will most assuredly cause a Believer to *KNOW* ... NOT by feelings, but by virtue of this Gift of Discernment, to know that the tongue is false. I get it ... you don't speak in tongues ... nor do you want to ... that is all well and good ... but you should not condemn those who choose to seek and receive what the Bible clearly tells us we can and should. To do so causes unnecessary divisions in the Body of Christ. This ought not to be.
  10. It is very easily verified. ANY interpreted tongque which does not line up with God's Word is obviously a fake tongue. The devil most assuredly counterfeits everything that God does. Just because there are counterfeits, does not negate the fact that there are true gifts ... in fact, the very existence of counterfeits proves the existence of the authentic.
  11. I do not see anything in the Scriptures that qualifies this commandment to only the first christians. All of us are commanded to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. And exactly as He did in the past, He still continues to accompany the preaching of the full Gospel with signs, wonders and miracles.
  12. My "concept" is nothing but Scripture ... Jesus said that when He went to the Father, He would ask the Father to send us His Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit disburses His gifts ... it is exactly that ... a gift ... to be used as He sees fit, when He sees fit to bestow it upon His children. None of that is based upon feelings. It is based upon faith and obedience to God's Word to seek His gifts for the benefit of the rest of His Body.
  13. Speaking in tongues, like every gift of the Holy Spirit bestowed upon a believer as He sees fit, like everything that is part of the inheritance of God's children, is received by faith. It most assuredly does not force anyone to rely upon experience as the validator of anything. Tongues, like everything else, needs to be tested against Scripture which is the sole authority for everything for the Believer.
  14. With every repetition, you deny the Words of Christ Jesus the Messiah as recorded in Matrhew 12:13. Jesus also said ... As you are wont to say to others ... be vigilent, dear reader.
  15. Then you, my friend, are calling Jesus Christ the Messiah a liar according to the Bible.
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