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Co - heir in Christ

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Everything posted by Co - heir in Christ

  1. (This is just a brief - ish book recommendation.) "The Book of Mysteries," by Jonathan Cahn, is probably the best book I've ever read, w/ the obvious exception of the Word of God. God brought it into my life not all that long before the hour of my visitation/my test, because it helped get me to a point where I'd make the right choice when the moment came that everything'd be at stake. I cannot recommend the book highly enough, and I recommend it to every believer I know, and many non - believers. The book really delves into some of the amazing profundities of Scripture, that many overlook. While I'm giving recommendations, some other great books are: "Ancient Prophecies Revealed," by Ken Johnson, Th.D (although there are a couple of little things he says that I don't agree w/), and, "The Mystery of the Menorah: and the Hebrew Alphabet," by J. R. Church, and Gary Stearman. There are many other great books (e.g., by Joyce Meyer, Lester Sumrall, Charles [Chuck] R. Swindoll, and Dr. Keith Ellis, etc., etc., but I don't have the time or space to include everything).
  2. One of the best books I've seen on the issue (although it appears deceptively small or simple) is, "The Total Man: Exploring the Human Spirit, Soul and Body," by Lester Sumrall. Rather than just parroting everything the book says, I'll just highly recommend the book. The Holy Spirit brought the book into my life after I'd been newly born again, because it was stuff I needed to understand in my walk w/ Him.
  3. The demons were revealed to me first (in dramatic fashion [I was actually possessed for a while, etc.]), and I was given a test. I chose God and He revealed His Holy Spirit to me, and came through for me in many ways. One of the things He did was teach me how to notice when I'm being attacked by demons, so I'd know when to rebuke them, etc., and so I'd never end up their slave again. They kept attacking, in a multitude of ways, in rapid succession, and I became quite overwhelmed (I'd been forced to give up all other physical obligations just to fight them, and I was exhausted, and in despair). I finally broke down and started crying uncontrollably. I called out to the Lord, I said, "God, I don't know what to do!" Instantly, every demonic presence around me was expelled, and I was held/enveloped by God's amazing love. That's how I usually describe it, but I'll never be able to put it in words. I felt absolute, perfect bliss, happiness, ecstasy and peace beyond imagining (and in every level of my being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and it was totally pure (no drug could ever compare). At this point I was still sobbing, but they were no longer tears of sorrow, but tears of perfect bliss. This is also when God implanted the knowledge into my soul that my brother was saved (he'd committed suicide a few years or so previously) as I've mentioned elsewhere), and He told me some things about my future. As I was sobbing, I kept saying, "Thank You, thank You...," over and over again. God wanted me to see that I can't do it alone (although, it was partially a test, too, to see how hard/long I'd persist in resisting the enemy, or if I'd give in to him) - that I have to always rely on Him, and that He'll always be faithful to deliver me. Before I came to know God (even during those periods of my life when I was trying to live for God [although nowhere near as well as I could've/should've been], and I believed His Word), I didn't understand how those Heavenly creatures that are permanently/eternally in God's presence (before His Throne, worshipping Him), could have a fulfilling existence; it seemed to my unenlightened mind like it would be a dull way to spend eternity. I was ashamed of these thoughts - I knew they were blasphemous - but try as I might to eradicate them, they were always hovering in the background. Due to the aforementioned experience, I now know that to be eternally in God's presence would be the absolute BEST way to spend eternity; there would be NOTHING lacking. I had just a tiny glimpse of what it would be like - I wasn't even truly in His actual presence, I was still in my cell - but my every need was fulfilled, and I no longer had any of my past worries, concerns or pain. I was as I was meant to be. God showed me how much He loves me. And I know He loves everyone just as much as me. God loves you w/ a pure and perfect love beyond what you could ever comprehend; you are PRECIOUS to Him - one of a kind, and it breaks His heart when you feel pain. But, God truly is the only One worthy of honor, glory and praise. God showed me (I've talked about this elsewhere, too) that ANYTHING good about a person (whether it be a personality trait, a talent or an achievement, etc.) is a gift from Him (and we can use these gifts for good - for Him - or we can waste them). God is the only Uncreated Being (and He's absolute perfection and love), and absolutely nothing good can exist that is separate from God. So, it's imperative that we acknowledge that God is the only One worthy of glory, and that we render this glory to God (He more than deserves it - both for His greatness alone, and for everything He's done for us [e.g., creating us, performing countless miracles and fulfilling a ton of prophecies, giving us His Word, saving us, giving us His Holy Spirit and eternal life/happiness, etc., etc.]). God is not some megalomaniac. He just wants us to rely on the only perfectly reliable foundation there is - Him. It's just the way it is; if we rely on anything else, we will falter. He keeps reminding us to give Him - and not ourselves/mankind - the glory because He knows that if we begin to lack appreciation for His glory, then we'll start trusting in our own ability (which is useless); we won't be resting firmly on the only Rock that can give us a secure foundation, and He doesn't want us to be lost or experience all of the pain that would lead to. I wanted to include this because of something else I saw you say in the thread. The reason bad things happen is because God loves us too much to ever take away our free will and turn us into robots. This life is a test. It wouldn't be much of a test if we never experienced pain, discomfort or doubt - if it were always fun and games. We'd never truly understand happiness and love if we'd never experienced sadness and hate. But, God doesn't just watch these tragedies happen. He feels all of the pain that we all experience (even the Scriptures say that when we neglect to feed the poor, etc., it's the same as if we've done it to Yeshua/jesus). God's Holy Spirit is everywhere. He's always calling to people, knocking, and hoping He'll be let in. And, He's always protecting us. All of those tragedies would be indescribably more tragic if it weren't for God protecting us (that old, anonymous 'Footprints in the Sand' poem/writing is 100% true; God showed me that He was always w/ me in my life - even during those times when I was cursing Him). God sees all of time, including the entire future, at the same time. His plans are way more complex than we know, and there's a reason for everything, even if we can't make sense of things as they're happening. All things work out for the good for those who love God. God can, and often does, use horrible events to save people's souls. I was hopeless in worldly terms, when the hour of my visitation came, but I chose God, so He delivered me from my enemies, got me out of prison early (when I would've been a lifer otherwise, due to things I was forced to do), and now He's using me to spread His healing and joy all over the place. When God revealed His Holy Spirit to me, I learned - once and for all - that there is NO cruelty in God, and stories in the Bible that used to be a little odd to me, finally made sense. But it's hard to explain it to someone else; one really has to experience it for oneself, so I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to impart this surety to you.
  4. I'd like to delete 1 of my posts, "Holy Spirit Censored," but I don't know how to go about it.
  5. I wish I could answer that in a way that was perfectly comprehensible to the modern, scientific mind. When God reveals His Holy Spirit to someone, there's no mistaking it, and their life is never the same again. But until that happens, a person is blind (and I don't say that in a spirit of condescension towards others; I was blind until God opened my eyes, and it wasn't my efforts that brought that change to bear, but God's incredible mercy), and spiritual truths are foolishness to them. There were times in my life when I did all of the things a person is supposed to do to be born again (and I was genuine), and at the time I considered myself born again, but I didn't know God. There's a huge difference between a person being converted to Christianity (although they're certainly on the path to salvation), and a person being spiritually regenerated and actually having a relationship w/ God. (The Scriptures make it clear that for one to enter the Kingdom, they must know God, and not just nominally be a Christian.) We comprise a body, soul and spirit. Before a person truly comes to know God, they're dead, spiritually, and our spirit's the most important part of our psycho - physical complex. It's like they're 2 thirds of a full human being. When someone comes to know God, they're given new life, and their connection to God is restored (but they still have to pray for God to increase their spiritual discernment, as the enemy will always try to assault our faith and deceive/tempt us, and if we allow the enemy to disrupt that connection, he can [even after one comes to know God]). I was on the right path to be born again (during those times when I thought I was born of the Spirit, but wasn't), but I wasn't there yet. Like the parable of "the sower and the seed" talks about, I allowed the enemy to knock me off of the path before I could actually come to know God. But the seed was still there, waiting to blossom and flourish. God just had to purge all of the filth around it that was choking it, and He won't ever take away our right to chose, so that's usually a pretty lengthy process for most people (and I was no exception). But God recognized my attempts to come to Him, and He was always working to mould me in ways that'd bring me closer to Him. Usually, that meant I had to be purged, and my branches pruned, so that I'd bring forth more fruit. Unfortunately, we are quite stubborn, and oftentimes pain is the main thing that brings about the changes necessary for us to truly submit to God. And God is primarily concerned w/ saving our souls; the body is a lesser priority (although He does want us to be happy even in this life). If God had revealed Himself to me at any earlier point of my life, I wouldn't have been ready to fully submit, and live for Him; I'd have been lost forever (for, once one comes to a knowledge of Christ, if they become entangled again in the world, it would be better for that person to have never been born). I'd have gone back to my vomit, and I probably would've drowned in it (the enemy's attacks are much stronger when one's come to know God, because it's pointless for them [the demons] to continue to try to hide). God knew what I needed to learn, and His timing is perfect - He knows better than us. He knows us better than we know ourselves. Some rough ways to know who knows God: if something's from/of God, it won't violate God's Word, or love (I call those 'the 2 guideposts'). If someone says they know God and they hate their brother/sister, they don't know God. And although some of the Scriptures can be a little difficult (especially if someone doesn't know God), there are certain core tenets of true Christianity; if those are violated, the person violating them doesn't know God: Yeshua/Jesus is the Son of God, and part of the Godhead; He came down, in the form of a man, and suffered and died for the sins of all human - kind (even though He was and is completely w/out sin); He then was resurrected from the dead, having conquered death and hell, and all who fully believe in Him (and all of us require this sacrifice of Christ, as we are all sinners and fall short of the mark), and what He did for us - and repent, and accept Him as their Lord and Savior - are washed clean of their sins, and will inherit eternal life; and, lastly, there is no other path to salvation. If a person knows God, they will produce good fruit, and their conversation will be holy. That's not to say that they'll never screw up, but they'll do so less and less, and they won't be in total bondage, like someone who doesn't know God. There'll be an obvious change in their lives; they will produce good fruit, and they'll have a strong desire to lead others to Christ. It's God giving them the ability to produce good fruit, though, not their own ability. The writings of Paul and James don't contradict each other. By grace and faith we are saved (lest any should boast), but if one knows God, their faith WILL produce good works. Many perceive a non - existent conflict between the writings of these 2 authors - a conflict shown by the phrase, "faith 'or' works." But there's no conflict. A good way to approach the relationship between the writings of these authors is shown by the phrase, "faith 'that' works," as faith without works isn't really faith at all (even though it's not our works that save us). I don't think it's a bad thing that you apply logic to the Word - I wish all scientists would study the Word (and I believe true science doesn't contradict God's Word, but confirms It). Our reason is a gift from God. But some things can only be spiritually discerned, so I encourage you to try to nourish your faith, and to really ask God to answer your questions in a way that makes sense to you. And, the closer we're living in accordance w/ God's will, and the more we believe He'll answer us, the better and sooner we'll hear His reply.
  6. That's because many people don't know God. If a person doesn't know God and they ask Him for clarification or knowledge about something (and they truly are seeking to get to know God), then they will get their answer eventually - usually, when they come to know God. If a person already has a relationship w/ God, then asking Him is like asking one's Best Friend (Who happens to know everything); it's the only perfect way to get answers that are 100% accurate. This, at least, is in my experience - I respect your right to have your own opinion.
  7. Thank you, but I can't really take credit. God's blessed me w/ a lot of good foundational knowledge, experience, enlightening Christian literature, fellow Christians who've taught me a lot, and even then, it's the Holy Spirit who gives me words to say in the moment.
  8. Even w/ the trials and tribulation, my life is indescribably better than it ever was before I knew God. Plus, when I suffer, it's my own fault - "Let it never be said that man is tempted of God." And, when God delivers me from a trial, He always explains why He allowed me to go through it (what He wanted me to learn), and, I emerge from that trial much closer to God than I was before, which more than compensates for the pain of the trial. The Creator of all that is wants to be my Friend and adopted Father, and He's already sacrificed His Perfect Only begotten Son for my hideous sins - how could I ever refuse Him? He freed me from a lifetime of slavery, and gave me a peace I never would have thought possible. I used to hate this life, and I saw no meaning in it, but God has filled my life w/ the highest meaning and purpose. He put up w/ all of my pride, and all of the pain I put Him and His other creations through, and then He erased all of that filth, and instead of chucking me into the cosmic garbage for what I'd let myself become (and He would have had the right), He gave me new life, and poured blessings on me. Plus, everything I do I do not only for me, but for everyone around me. If I were to forsake Christ (God forbid) just for material gain (dirt, if you really think about it), I'd be helping the enemy (who's been torturing me and trying to kill me my whole life, and who's been torturing and killing my family members and friends, etc.) to lead countless souls to the pit. Even w/ whatever material "pleasures" I received, I'd be miserable, because I wouldn't have God, and I'd have hell to look forward to after that. God revealed enough to me that I know the truth of His Word. I refuse to love a lie so I can be wicked and lead others to slavery, including those closest to me. God'll get me through anything I face. What's a little more pain if it aids God's perfect redemptive plan, and leads more people to God. And, there's comfort w/ that pain, as God will never leave me, and even periods w/ absolutely no pain, which is impossible in a life w/out God. Before I knew God, I said a lot of prideful things. I spoke a lot of foolishness even against God. God's explained my whole life to me - why I went through the things I went through. He's given me enough knowledge that I'd have no excuse except cowardice if I forsook Him. How could I ever look myself in the mirror? Before I knew God I'd say to Him, "If only you'd do 'such and such' for me, I'd be fine." Well, God's given me everything I need, so it's time to put my money where my mouth is. I simply refuse to be such a worthless, disgusting, degenerate coward that I would refuse my Lord and Savior - after He's shown me that He's perfectly loving, merciful and just (and that He's always been w/ me) - just because the enemy (who's already stolen the first half of my life, and murdered my brother, etc.) has offered me dirt, slavery, misery and eternal damnation. I'll take any trials this world can offer (w/ a relationship w/ God), over every material thing the devil offers (and my relationship w/ God, integrity, worth, courage, peace, happiness, meaning, and salvation all forfeited).
  9. Yes, it is a Biblical truth and history bears it out. We see the truth of that verse w/ many nations, e.g., Egypt, Babylon, most other nations in the Middle East throughout history, Greece, Rome, Russia, Germany, and even the U.S., etc.
  10. The life of a born again believer is filled w/ constant trials and sacrifice (Paul said, 'It is our path to suffer unto salvation,' and he also mentioned that we must partake of the sufferings of Christ so that we may partake of His resurrection [not verbatim], etc.), so there's no "easy" calling, in that sense, but in other ways of looking at it, callings can vary considerably. But, any calling from God is incredibly important. Sometimes part of the test is maintaining faith when it doesn't appear that your efforts are making an impact in many people's lives. The enemy will always try to make you think that your efforts are in vain (along w/ a host of other lies). All callings are big. If a person reaches one person (who might not've been been saved if it weren't for their efforts), that one person they led to Christ may become a stage preacher/author/praise singer/prophet/healer, or whatever, who leads to millions being saved. I heard someone say that when the redeemed meet God, He'll show them the effects of every sacrifice they made in life, of every time they witnessed to someone, of every time they were observed by others courageously enduring tribulation, and so on, and that He'll show them the millions of positive effects and saved souls that all of those actions of theirs led to. Please don't ever think your calling isn't vastly significant. God's plans are too big for us to fully understand, so we may not always see every aspect of our individual roles, but if we're called into God's service - in any capacity - then our actions take a part in shaping the world through those wonderful plans of God.
  11. Show love and compassion to others as much as possible, for love covers a multitude of sins. Forgive others always, and don't look down on others. Pray w/out ceasing, as Paul said. Keep a joyful tune to the Lord in your heart. Stay away from negativity, or sinful entertainment. Get rid of anything in your life (e.g., actions, habits, objects or pursuits,etc.) that's contrary to God's Word. "Touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you" (might not be verbatim). Study the Word as much as possible. At least once a day; it is spiritual food. Meditate on it. Give all your cares and baggage to God - He WANTS you to. He's God, you're not going to overwhelm Him, and He's already paid for it all. He can take any sinful struggle away. Call out to Him, and trust that He'll respond. Trust Him completely in everything; rely on Him for everything. He is our strength - our Rock. Realize that w/out Him we can do nothing. Dedicate every thought and deed to Him. Make Him the central pillar of your life. Praise Him always, and always thank Him for everything, even things you'd normally view as trivial. God really respects a thankful heart, and we take so much of His amazing grace for granted. Even though you're saved, still, every morning put on the whole spiritual armor of God, and invite the Holy Spirit into your life again, to take the reins to every aspect of your life for that day. Banish any demons that may be around you by the Name and Blood of Yeshua/Jesus. Ask God to put people in your path who you can help. Ask Him to remove any blockages you still may have to the free flow of His Holy Spirit - any strongholds and fortifications the enemy might've built up in your mind before you came to God. Witness to others whenever you get the chance - "He that gathereth not, scattereth." When you're actively doing God's work, He'll really shower you w/ blessings. Always stand for Him, no matter how others view you for it. Seek His guidance constantly. Really try to hear what He's trying to say to you. He's always calling to us, always trying to teach us something, but it can be hard to hear Him at first because we let the devil's attacks drown out God's voice, and God is too loving and respectful to just usurp our will. Sometimes God does speak to people w/ His voice (although you have to test the spirits), but He'll often speak in subtler ways. One of the most common ways He'll speak is through coincidences that can't be coincidences (I don't even believe in coincidence), or what some call "synchronicity." He'll often communicate through other people, your enviornment, your conscience, your intuition, etc. But, w/ all of this you have to have spiritual discernment, too, as the enemy tries to disrupt and/or corruptly counterfeit everything God does. If you're in a stressful situation, don't just give in to negative moods or thoughts. Realize that, simultaneously, the enemy is attacking you, and God is presenting you with a lesson/opportunity for new growth. Remember that you are not your own. You are the temple of the One True Living God. If you lust for someone, it's as if you've thrown bricks through the windows (your eyes) of God's house (as just one example), so repent as soon as you've realized you've screwed up, no matter how many times you have to repent a day, and do your best not to grieve the Holy Spirit anymore. But, while you should have a contrite heart, don't hate yourself - you are God's redeemed creation. Try to see everyone, including yourself, through God's eyes and not your own. Reflect often on the incredible things God has done, for everyone and for you, now and throughout history. Remember that God is both the Lord of the Universe (and thus we must fear the Lord), and He also wants to know us intimately, as our "Abba," "dad(dy)." Try to balance these perceptions of Him. He deserves our UTMOST respect, but He's also our closest Friend and Confidante. Praying in tongues REALLY helps me. It's an incredible connection. I don't know what I'm saying, but it's EXACTLY what needs to be said, and it really refreshes me spiritually. Set time time aside for God every day. I try my best to give God every second of my life (and I fail miserably, but He's building me up), but the 3 main times I try to devote to God are: morning (right after I wake up), noon (the center of my day, since He's the center of my life), and night (my down time before going to bed). I'm sure you already knew a lot of this, but I wanted to be thorough since I've no way to know where you're at. You're seeking to know God better, so it will happen - just stay on that right track. One thing I forgot: try not to ever look at serving/obeying God as a burden, or wearisome chore - it is our reasonable and due service, and our honor and wonderful privilege (by God's grace). We've been called to be set apart as holy vessels of God's Holy Spirit, and beacons to show the world His glory. There will be trials and temptations, But He's also the God of Peace, and it's a much more fulfilling life.
  12. Sorry, I was locked up for a long time, so my gaming development was basically arrested at about the "Super Nintendo" level (aside from a handful of times playing on a PS3, or something), and I just never really cared enough to pick up everything I missed. Some games I'd never play for spiritual reasons, such as the infamous "Grand Theft Auto," or anything similar to it (i.e., anything that glorifies sin - and, unfortunately, it's getting harder and harder to find games, movies, or tv shows, etc., that don't fit this category). I'm more into abstract, strategical board games, and card games, etc. I got into RPG's for a bit in prison, but I cut that short when I came to know God (although sometimes I think about possible ways of creating an RPG that's not a stumbling block, and possibly even helps Christians to practice and develop sound principles of spiritual warfare). I'm pretty sure you'll find some fellow gamers though, eventually.
  13. It's not about magic - it really happened. Everything in the Word actually happened. There were always things in the Word that didn't sit perfectly well w/ me before I knew God, even during times when I was really trying to live for Him (and I'm not saying you don't know God; I'm just trying to urge you to really inquire of the Lord). After God revealed His Holy Spirit to me, He explained those parts of His Word that were really hard for me to accept. I'm not saying I perfectly understand God's Word. It is so incredibly profound and powerful, that probably none of us could ever fully understand every mystery It contains (especially during this life). But I understand It WAY more than I ever used to, and God's shown me enough that I fully believe that everything in it is 100% Truth. The Holy Spirit is our greatest Witness. If you ask God to explain anything you don't understand in his word, He WILL explain it to you in a way you understand (but not always according to our schedules, and how attentive we are to His instruction can also play a role in how quickly we assimilate the lessons). If we're covered by the Blood of Yeshua/Jesus, and we're not harboring unconfessed sins, then we may boldly approach the Throne of Grace; and if what we ask is in accordance w/ God's will, then we know we have the answer to our petition. And since knowing and understanding God's Word leads people to salvation (and it's God's will that as many should be saved as possible), it must be His will for us to understand His Word. There actually is a lot of scientific evidence for the flood of Genesis, as well as for many other things in the Bible. However, many claims are asserted as fact in mainstream science, even though there's no definitive evidence for them (I personally don't consider these particular scientists to, in fact, 'be' scientists, since they've abandoned the scientific method, which is supposed to be the backbone of science), and, many points of evidence for the Bible are suppressed by mainstream science. There are very good books out there which give great supporting evidence for God's Word (much better than any of the stuff "claimed" as evidence by critics of the Bible, in my eyes), but a lot of publishers won't touch them, because the prevailing attitude of mainstream, modern culture is one of hostility towards God and anything to do w/ Him. There's a war going on, and it spills into the affairs of humans. The devil will do anything to try to get people to not believe the Word. We live in very dark times so this anti - Bible/God movement has gained a lot of momentum (but God and His followers are also hard at work).
  14. First of all, I'd like to thank you for your politeness as well. I still disagree w/ you, but I wish everyone would study their Word as much as you do, and I'm glad God put you on my side. I think you'll do a lot of good work for God. My personal take on the Exodus passage when seen next to the Revelation passage, is that - while the words of Exodus 19: 6 were certainly only physically addressed to the actual, flesh - and- blood Israelites - the death and resurrection of Yeshua/Jesus granted spiritual access to those promises of God for those outside of the fold who would become born again through accepting Yeshua/Jesus' incredible gift. But, as I said, that's my personal take on it, and I'll pray for further knowledge on it so that I don't run the risk of spreading an interpretation that's not fully accurate. I think I've probably said everything I can on this topic, so I probably won't comment on it again (although I'll definitely still read and consider any further points you have on the matter), even if you quote another differing opinion. Plus, I don't want you to think I'm just badgering you, or seeking an argument. However, it's not common that I meet someone w/ a love for the Word, so I don't want to pass up the opportunity to have more conversations w/ you, on whatever topics, in the future. Peace, brother!
  15. Very good answer! Everyone is blessed w/ good qualities, and it really helps when correcting someone to let them know you see the good things about them too. And, the Word is incredibly powerful; it helps in every situation. I wish more people went about correcting others as you do.
  16. One of the most important things,I'd say, is to lead by your own example. The best and truest words possible will often actually drive a person further from God if the person delivering them isn't living for God themselves. Connected to that, is not looking down on the person you're trying to help. If we attempt to help someone w/ the spirit of condescension and arrogance, then we're opening ourselves up for an embarrassing fall as well (God resists the proud, but He has respect for the humble). Besides, w/out God in a person's life, anyone is susceptible to any sin. God really showed me the extent of spiritual forces in our lives. He taught me not to hate, hurt, or judge others (although I can't accept/condone sin [including my own] either). Only God is fit to judge a person; Only He knows their heart and where they've been. God showed me that if I had another's demons (and especially if I had had their experiences) I'd do anything they do, or worse. And God hates ALL sin (although He loves all PEOPLE), not just some of them (and there's really not as much difference as people think, as one sin [unless the person truly repents and asks God for forgiveness] will lead to another, bigger one). About a year and a half before I came to know God (in 6/'17) I was so low, spiritually, that I'd firmly decided to kill as many prison staff as I could, and then myself; I was just waiting for the best opportunity. I thought love didn't exist, and that hate was the path of growth. Guards, police officers, politicians, most psychiatrists, and employees at pharmaceutical companies I didn't even see as human. That's how much I hated them. As I said, I came to know God in 6/'17, and w/in weeks of God revealing His Holy Spirit to me, I learned to see EVERYONE as a brother or sister; a precious creation of the One True Living God. He taught me to understand the tests and trials that the ones I was ignorantly and unfairly looking down on were going through. And He showed me that on our own (i.e., w/out Yeshua/Jesus in our lives), we're all hideous and disgusting. God also showed me that even negative thoughts about a person send demons their way, and if that makes me sound nuts, even physicists are starting to validate it. Actual scientists've come out saying that our thoughts are actually a very subtle form of energy. And, It's been confirmed that sub- atomic particles actually behave differently based on whether or not a person's observing them (they have to come up w/ elaborate setups for experiments in order to circumvent the peculiar phenomenon, and not 'directly' observe the processes under scrutiny). So, when trying to correct someone we believe to be in error, we have to do it in a Spirit of love and compassion, w/out trying to tear them down, even if they sort of annoy us (God loves everyone, and He's got a plan for each of us; every person has worth). God keeps drilling it in to me that He wants people to really have a passion to build others up in love, and especially w/ other believers. He wants us to see each other as we truly are, and as His Holy Word says, different members of one body, in Him; if one hurts, all of us should feel the pain. We have to be patient and forgiving towards them, as we'd all be dead in our sins still if it weren't for God's awesome saving grace. The other major thing would be to pray on the matter, and really seek the Lord's guidance on how to proceed. We should also pray for verification (if it's a complicated matter) that we are not the ones in the wrong. And, while we're talking to the person, we should really allow and trust the Holy Spirit to say the right words, as He knows a lot better than us the words a person needs to hear. I try to meditate on what God is trying to get through to me, and what He wants me to say/do for awhile before I open my mouth, as much as possible. I often find it helpful to find ways in which I can relate to the person (even if it's from a completely different sector of life), and/or incorporate my own shortcomings and mistakes - and how God helped me to correct them - into our conversation, so they know I'm not looking at them like they're from space, or like they've just crawled from the deepest cess - pit. If we find that we're in over our heads, we can seek the help of one or more other born again believers who are strong in the Holy Spirit. And, of course, we should keep them in our prayers, plead the Perfect, Powerful and Precious Blood of Yeshua/Jesus around them, and ask God to protect them w/ His Angels and minister to them in a way they'll understand (and that the person be attentive to God's correction). Another very important thing is that we have faith that God can and will answer our prayers (to ask for His help and not believe this [especially if the person is born again] is actually pretty insulting towards God), and that there will be results in the life of the person we're helping, even if it isn't always in accordance w/ our own schedules, or if it doesn't happen in front of our eyes.
  17. Thank you for letting me know that you got something out of my post (and the other post as well). It's encouraging to know that my posts are not in vain. I always feel like I could've done it better, and I never intend to go for so long, but it just comes out how it does. I've read and enjoyed some of your posts as well, even though I didn't quote them. I actually didn't even know about quoting until now. I know what you mean about how precious it is when 2 or more like - minded believers come across each other. It is, unfortunately, pretty rare. But, I agree that it's getting better. If God can change me He can change anyone!
  18. I personally believe that what's referred to as "mental illness" is due to demonic influence, and it can possibly be a result of demonic possession. If a person's truly born again, and knows God, then I don't think they can be possessed (even if they once were) unless they choose to forsake God, but born again believers can definitely be "influenced" by demons if they're not careful. But if a person isn't truly born again (even if they think they are),i.e., if they don't know God yet, they can be influenced or flat - out possessed. Before I came to know God I went through possession for a pretty lengthy period, and I cannot imagine a worse experience. The hatred that demons have for us is just as profound as God's love for us. When things were revealed to me, it was done in a way where I knew it was spiritual, and not just a misfiring neuron, or some thing. Things were moving around - right before my eyes - w/out anything touching them; the demons would tell me things that were going to happen in the future, how those things would happen, and who would do those things, and it'd all happen like they'd said it would (only God truly knows the future, though; demons try to trick us into thinking they can by craftily orchestrating their actions among their own network, and their network of human slaves [knowing and unknowing]) ; I was burned where invisible forces held me; they could even control the weather (actually, they can do nothing w/out God's permission, but it's nothing for them to control anything physical [including electronics] f they're allowed). When I was possessed, they put me through every type of torture you can imagine, psychological, physical, etc., especially if I refused to do what they said. I was still conscious, but I had ZERO control over my actions, words, or even my thoughts, or beliefs/perceptions. When a demon's in you, it can make you think you're a giraffe, or that the sky is made of congealed gravy. It can make you hate someone you love more than anyone - someone you'd normally never even think you could possibly be angry at. It can make you love something you've been incredibly disgusted by your whole life. It's not only physically that they control the victim. But, they do control you physically. I had no choice but to observe as they made me do things that could've destroyed my life. I was a skin puppet. However, if the torture didn't work, they'd try to appeal to my fleshly nature. Through them doing it through me, they taught me many esoteric/mystical techniques. They showed me the level of influence they have in the world. They showed me how many people they had enslaved (some knew/chose it, and some were unaware of it), and told me I could control them if I accepted the truth (their version of it - a disgusting lie). They said they'd give me the world. They said I could be a god (one of their most common lies, seen in any 'New Age' section of bookstores now). They filled me w/ a sense of raw power I can't fully describe. They had me shouting the most despicable blasphemies (so loud my throat hurt for about a week) for, like, 20 minutes on 3rd shift, in a G.P. unit in a double - max prison, while a Sergeant who hated me was working (and I was throwing and breaking things, etc.), and instead of being immediately taken to the hole (and probably put on 'control/naked' status), as would've happened any other time, the guards acted afraid of me. They cowered in my presence. The demons wanted me to think they'd make me all powerful and that I was above any law now, but it was all a lie. There's no power in evil. I've seen what happens to the ones who choose evil when their eyes are opened, and it's not pretty. And the things they wanted me to do were so evil, even for the world, I wasn't going to let myself become that (especially now that I knew that God's Word was 100% true, and that His Perfect Son died for my disgusting sins). It was revealed to me that many people go through/have gone through some version of what I went through, and unfortunately many of them choose the devil. Just as Paul said, "Many there be that are enemies of the cross, whose only God is their own bellies." They became willing slaves of the demons. They do and say whatever the demons tell them, and they spend their lives in misery, trying to pull others down into the pit they've fallen into. It was like I'd woken up in a spiritual version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Again, it was revealed in a way where there was no mistaking it, and where it was obviously spiritual (the only way all of this stuff could've been just 'in my head' is if my sub - conscious can control the world intelligently, and that's absurd). Plus, God showed me He'd always been w/ me; no brain malfunction could ever communicate w/ one's soul as subtly and profoundly as God, where their whole wasted life finally makes sense to them in mere moments. The demons, and their human operatives, made me believe I'd be horribly tortured and murdered if I didn't join them, but I chose God anyway, and I didn't even have to die. Quite the contrary, I received new life, because I chose to lose my life for Yeshua. If I'd chosen the devil, my life would've become more hideous than it ever had been, and it would've been my fault, because God gave me enough information by that point to make the right decision. Mental health professionals don't know what causes mental illness; they have no definitive evidence for the theory they claim as fact (because it fits their worldview). But, they're trained not to believe in anything they can't see, and to think that there's nothing in the universe/multiverse that could possibly know more than a human. Plus, if they don't accept the officially promoted theory, they might as well kiss their careers goodbye. The parts of a person's brain that light up (during certain types of imaging) when they hear a person's voice, also light up when a so - called schizophrenic hears a spirit's voice. The truth is, everyone hears voices, some people just don't know it yet. Demons will literally put thoughts into our heads in the first person so we think they're ours. A born again believer when I was a kid told me about them. He called them "self - imposed thoughts," and I really wish I'd listened more to him. But when things are revealed to a person, and the demons aren't trying to hide anymore and you get the true augmented version, there's no mistaking that they're separate entities. The same goes for possession; anyone who's experienced it knows it's real, and not just mental - there is no ambiguity. I'm REALLY opposed to psychiatric drugs (I refuse to call it medicine - it is poison). I was severely doped in the juvenile system and it ruined my life. The people in those pharmaceutical companies should be prosecuted; they know what that stuff does to people. And, it let's demons in. Whenever you alter your brain chemistry, you allow spirits certain types of access. I've met people who've done DMT and they had spiritual experiences very similar to mine (they never come out of it not believing in a spiritual reality). I do NOT advocate the use of DMT (or any drug), to be clear. I've known tons of people on psych. drugs, and the ones who hear spirits still hear spirits when they're taking the drugs, but they'll rarely tell their psychiatrist, because they don't want be chemically tortured even more. I'd rather be beaten to death slowly than to ever have to take that poison again. Mental health practitioners and people w/ mental health diagnoses need spiritual couselling; it takes a spiritual cure to fix a spiritual problem. I was tested and tortured by the demons for a long time before God kicked them out of me. I had to keep choosing Him no matter how the demons tortured me or what they offered me (and the world sounded nice to someone who's been locked up most of his life, but it wasn't worth forfeiting God's friendship). I had to learn not to resist the Holy Spirit. But God did come through for me. The final year and a half or so of my time in was the best time of my bit. I was happier, in prison, than I'd ever been in my life. Then, God got me out of prison in 4/'19, instead of 8/'20, like I was originally scheduled to get out. He kept me from being doped up, even though I'd told multiple psychologists and psychiatrists about all of the spiritual experiences I'd started having since 6/'17. If any of you've ever been locked up, you know that's not normal. Every negative thing we experience (e.g., a sinful urge, a negative thought, inexplicable fatigue, sickness, or a bad mood, and so on, is a direct attack from (a) demons(s) - this was shown to me. It sounds nuts in the age of quantum computers and electron microscopes, but it's the truth. And I'm not saying that bacteria, viruses, and brain injuries, etc., don't play some role in these things as well, they do. But just as humans are made of a body, soul and spirit that are very intricately connected, so is there a spiritual cause/force behind anything else in our enviornment. And just as drugs can open one up to spirits' influences, so can injuries and germs. And, conversely, how we're living spiritually will reflect in us phsically. I rarely hear demons anymore, but that's because I don't want to (and because God, in His incredible mercy, has taught me and brought me to a point where my faith is stronger and I'm less moveable). It's like God has a protective force - field around me. I can usually feel them at the fringes, hoping, trying to get back in. I could talk to them any time I wanted to, but why would I want to? They are absolute filth. Nothing, nothing good could ever come from talking to them. Nothing good can come from a demon (but they'll try to lie and take credit for God's blessings). But I do, literally, talk to God sometimes (we must test the spirits, though, and pray for spiritual discernment). I'll never be alone again; I never truly was. My life is indescribably better than it's ever been. If I'm mentally ill, that can't be so, as an "illness" implies a worsening of one's condition. If I was ever mentally ill, it was before the existence of spirits was revealed to me, and I was shown what this life is really about. People w/ mental illness diagnoses may be chemically imbalanced in certain cases, but I don't believe that's the cause, just a symptom (or, at the most, a co - cause). If Paul, Peter, etc., or even Yeshua/Jesus Himself were alive today, they'd be branded as mentally I'll. But worldly philosophies cannot stand up to the Word.
  19. I respectfully disagree w/ you Douge. Some of the reasons are among some of the Scriptures you've quoted, so I won't go too much into that stuff, as it's obvious that we just see those Scriptural passages differently. I do believe that the church, including Jews who've accepted Yeshua/Jesus as the Messiah, is spiritual Israel. Gentiles who've come to Christ are the wild olive branches grafted into the tree of Israel (we are borne by the root, but part of the same tree). Rom. 11: 11 - 24 goes into all of this. I agree that the gentile church has not "replaced" Israel. The Word is clear that Israel is God's chosen people forever, and history confirms the Word on that. Paul encouraged early converts to provide for the church in Jerusalem (who were mainly, if not completely, Jews) since it was only fitting that they should look out for the material needs of the ones whose spiritual blessings they'd been made partakers of (not verbatim). The nation of Israel will never be stripped of it's prophetic future, or of God's promises towards it (and it's amazing how many of those prophecies've already come true), and it hasn't been replaced. I agree, too, that it's not the outward things that truly make one a member of Israel, but the inward. I believe we are being made into priests and kings, under the One Perfect High Priest/King, based on Rev. 5: 9 - 10., and also based on my own experiences since I've come to know God. God is always teaching me to look out for others around me. Indeed, He holds me partially responsible (since He's revealed a lot to me) for my general environment and the people in it (especially if those people don't know God yet), since it's my duty to help others however I can, e.g., materially (If possible), praying for them, having compassion on them and forgiving them when they wrong me, witnessing to them, and potentially instructing them. He's always teaching me to be more like Him (and I've got a long way to go), to sacrifice myself and my ego to help others, just like a priest is supposed to look after his flock. Sometimes it can be wearying (even Moses complained to God about the burden of being responsible for so many people, so God poured His Spirit out on other leaders to share/distribute the burden). I agree that believers are the children of Abraham, but I, personally, don't think that negates believers being spiritual members of Israel as well. When the New Jerusalem is described, the 12 gates around the perimeter are labelled w/ the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, but all who accept eternal life will enter them. Please don't think I'm attacking you, or anything like that, I simply see things differently, and I'm presenting some of my views. I consider this a conversation, not an argument, and I consider you my co - laborer in Christ, definitely not an enemy. I'm fine w/ you, or anyone, presenting alternate views on things I post (and the Lord knows I CERTAINLY don't know everything, so I can be wrong here or there).
  20. There was an experience I had w/ God. I'd started suffering from demonic possession, and I was in a horrible situation (to put it all very briefly). I chose to give myself to God. I got rid of anything connected to the occult, and threw my radio and tv away, because I didn't want the temptation (to listen to evil music and lust for women) in my cell (and the tv is usually the most valuable thing for an inmate), and I started bawling like a baby because I could finally see the way I'd truly been living despite the fact that God was always protecting me and trying to bring me back. As small as the sacrifice was in comparison w/ the sacrifices God made for me, God recognized it. I felt His presence. It felt like time stopped, and I could sense how unreal the material world really is (at least, compared to the spiritual). My gaze was directed to a big heap of all of my torn up books and notes, and so on, that I'd been forced to destroy when I was possessed. I actually felt all of my interests, talents, and even desire to engage in those interests and talents disappear. God said,"You've wasted your gifts." I said, "I know, but...," and God cut me off; He said, "No, you've wasted your gifts," and I knew He was right, so I didn't try to justify it anymore. He eventually gave me all of my talents and interests back, He was just letting me know that I am a steward right now, and everything good about me is a gift from God. I didn't see God, but I felt His presence. I was sitting still on my bunk, but inside my soul was trembling; I could sense His awesome power and majesty. Since I'd just been reprimanded by my Creator, and I'd been going through possession before that, I was understandably worried that I might be damned. So I asked, "Am I damned?" God replied, "Do you still accept Yeshua as your personal Lord and Savior?" I said, "Yes," and He said, "Then you're still saved." So, I can relate to you when you say that God told you you're saved and I agree that not everyone who says they're a Christian truly is (there were multiple periods in my life when I claimed Christianity [and I was truly trying to live it, but I didn't trust God enough to really let Him in my life - I was confused], but I didn't know God till I was 35). And, I can relate to you when you say that God can take your struggles away and change you. I am definitely not the same person I used to be, and God has taught me to love instead of hate, He removed my depression, and He removed my lust (I used to think that was impossible, and it was a main source of my anger towards God before I knew Him). But sometimes I still backslide (although less than I used to). I believe we should always strive for perfection, as the Word says, for God has given us everything that pertains to godliness. But I haven't met a believer yet who doesn't struggle from time to time. Even Paul, after his conversion, mentioned doing that which he would not, and not doing that which he would. We have to strive for perfection and repent and come back to God as soon as possible when we screw up (and keep God as the Central Pillar of our lives so we don't screw up as much). I agree that that God can change us and remove our sinful natures (because I've experienced it - before I knew God I'd given up hope in that); unfortunately, it's very hard for believers to choose to allow Him to 100% of the time (and I'm no exception to that, I'm ashamed to admit). But, if we truly repent and ask God's forgiveness, He will forgive us. When a person knows God, it won't take too long for them to come back to God, because God is doing everything possible to bring them back (and they're no longer dead to the Holy Spirit's promptings), and they feel so sorry for causing God and/or His creations pain after everything He's done for them. So, you can still tell people by their fruits. Even though a believer may make a mistake here or there, they'll still stay on the right path, overall; they'll be climbing, and growing in their relationship w/ God.
  21. I am a Messianic Jew, and I love when I see other Christians bring this type of stuff up (it means the word is getting out). Not only Easter (which I don't even like saying out loud, as it is the name of a pagan goddess [or, a demon, in my beliefs]), but Christmas, Halloween, Father's Day, and practically all other mainstream holidays were pagan holidays, centered primarily around the solstices and equinoxes, and the cross - quarter days (like May Day, and Candlemas, etc.). I also observe the Sabbath from sundown on Fri. to sundown on Sat., as the Word of God instructs. I still celebrate Christ's resurrection, but I do it at Passover, and the Feast of Firstfruits, as these holidays symbolize (or, were prophetic of) Christ's resurrection. Jesus wasn't even born in the winter time, but the ancient, pagan sun - god (demon) was supposedly reborn at that time. The Biblically instituted holidays are more than enough to keep us spiritually anchored in our yearly journeys. I don't even like saying the names of the week, or many of the months, as they, too, are named after pagan deities (demons). The Sabbath on Sat., and several of the Biblical holidays/feasts/festivals were instituted by God "perpetually/throughout your generations/ forever," etc., and I believe He meant what He said. Many church traditions and dogmas were man - made, and have no Scriptural authority. That's why it's so important that we study the Word for ourselves (and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit). For example, the time I was closest to God (so close I could never adequately describe it in words), He told me that my brother - who'd committed suicide about 3 to 4 years prior to this experience - was saved. I don't know the details of it, but I know God doesn't lie. So, those man - made dogmas that say all suicides go to hell are incorrect, and, sure enough, you won't find any Biblical passage that states that suicides go to hell. In my beliefs, if something violates the Word of God or love, then it can't be from (or of) God. I absolutely will not dye eggs or exchange gifts on Christmas, etc. God said, "Do not worship me in their way." But, I'm NOT saying I'm a better servant than anyone else, or that anyone who celebrates Easter, etc., isn't a true believer or doesn't know God. Many people don't even know about the pagan origins of most of our holidays. And some people think that the resurrection of Christ abolished all of the things that were instituted in the Old Testament. But, the earliest church fathers all observed the Biblical feasts, as did Jesus Himself, and Jesus said that He came to fulfill the Law, and that not one jot or tittle would pass from the Law. But, it's a person's heart that God is interested in, not their intellect, etc. Only God and the person in question know the status of their relationship, so I don't look down on others if they celebrate a holiday I stay away from. No 2 humans've had the same experiences; we are all different, and in different places in life. I,ve met very strong believers who celebrate all of the mainstream holidays. A lot of Christians don't like my views because of their interpretation of the writings of Paul, and that's fine, there doesn't have to be 100% agreement on every tiny little aspect of interpretation (there's way more devisiveness between believers than there should be; if people uphold the basic, core beliefs of Christianity and do their best to live by them, then they're on the same side). I don't believe Paul's writings conflict w/ my practices, but Paul's writings are incredibly deep (many of them didn't truly start making sense to me until I came to know God), and I can see why others might think otherwise. I, personally, think that if God's given someone the knowledge of where a lot of modern practices've come from and it's a source that's contrary to the Word, then it's best to eliminate any elements from that contrary source as much as possible.
  22. Before I came to know God, My spiritual eyes were opened, and I was given a difficult test. A lot was shown to me, and I suffered much at the hands of demons and some of their earthly followers. But God was also communicating to me throughout it all ( as He had been my whole life, although I didn't know it), and I had to chose good or evil, the truth or a lie, freedom or slavery. I chose God, and then He revealed Himself to me more directly (pretty much in every way but visually), and started teaching me the proper principles of spiritual warfare. I don't have time now to go over even a small portion of every thing I experienced and everything God's taught me, so I wanted to focus here on the subject of free will and fate. For about the first 6 months after God opened my eyes, there were long periods of time where I didn't know left from right, or up from down. The demons tried every possible tactic to try to get me to not believe the Word and give up on Jesus, including (but definitely not limited to) incredibly strong deceptions (and once a person doesn't just believe but 'knows' that they exist, they don't pull their punches anymore; any time they get the chance to attack or deceive, they go all out). One of the things that was overwhelming for me was that it felt like I'd been controlled like a puppet for most of my life, and I had been, but it was by my own choice. Before God opened my eyes, I was a zombie whose actions and even thoughts were determined by demons about 98% of the time. I now know what Jesus meant when He said,"Let the dead bury their dead." The majority of people are dead on their feet; puppets w/out knowing it.When things were revealed to me, I kept repeating stuff like: "This life is not what I thought it was," "How could I have been so blind?, it was all right under my nose my whole life," "I never expected this," "I'm just a puppet, or a robot w/ no way to refuse my programmer," or, "I wonder if I've ever had a thought that was my own, or performed an action by my own choice." A lot of believers struggle w/ the concept of fate when they become spiritually aware and experience the level of influence that spirits have in our lives. They think it's pointless to try to manage their lives, because their futures are already determined, so all they can do is pray and hope. But they don't strive for perfection, remain vigilant, or even avoid sinful situations. But we do have free will. Good spirits, and evil spirits are always communicating w/ us, whether we realize it or not. For most of us, it's a lot harder to hear the still, small respectful voice of God than it is the shouts, lies, and threats,etc., of the devil's minions. It's harder to hear God (until He reveals Himself) because He refuses to usurp our free will (out of love for us). The devil wants robots, slaves, and puppets, so he's always running interference, trying to stop us from hearing God's call, and he's a dirty, merciless deceptive fighter. It really is just like those old cartoons where there's an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other. We choose who we follow - which promptings we accept. With everything I've learned, I don't even believe in coincidence, at all. That's how much spirits are behind the scenes in our lives. EVERY decision we make is incredibly important, no matter how seemingly small, or trivial, because every decision leads to a slightly bigger one until, eventually, that original, tiny decision becomes a giant decision, and often w/ no easy solution. Demons'll frequently attempt to get people to embrace the most despicable views and actions very gradually, step by step, even over the course of years or decades, as this helps them to remain less noticeable, and they don't want people to know of their existence. God knew the end from the beginning. God is outside of time. He chooses those who He knows will choose Him, but He calls everyone because He's just and He loves everyone. He never would violate our free will, but even if that weren't the case, strictly hypothetically speaking, He doesn't have to. He sees the whole past and future simultaneously w/ the present, and He knows how to mould us w/out usurping our will. When a person makes a choice that gives a demon a foothold in their lives (unless they repent and ask for forgiveness right away) then they're a little more under the control of the evil one and it makes it harder to make the right choice next time, or to avoid a higher degree of degeneration. Plus, more demons are drawn to them, and eventually, if they've been yielding too much for too long, it'll lead to possession. Every second of our lives we are at war, spiritually, and every second of our lives (even after we have a relationship w/ God) we have to make the choice and expend the effort to follow and obey God, because He won't take away our will. If someone chooses the devil, it'll break God's heart but He'll honor the decision. But God showed me what I'd become and where I'd go if I ever chose the devil; it's horrible beyond words. The fallen Angel's are always worried that a human'll come to know God some day. If they see a person really changing their life in ways that'll enable them to have a relationship w/ God, they'll try to destroy or recruit them (really the same thing) before it happens. But, our whole lives they're weaving webs of deceit as a backup plan, in case God reveals His Holy Spirit to us. One of the many lies they'll use is that it's all out of our hands, we have no free will. But we do. Once a person becomes possessed, they can't say,"No," or,"I'd rather not." I know this from experience. However, it is the person who chose to let the demon in in the first place. Even when we're being sorely tested and it feels like there's nothing we can do, we have to still fight and be vigilant or we're choosing to surrender. In the Word, it says,"God knows how to deliver the just from temptation," and it also states that He won't give us more than we can bear. But if we accept the devil's lie that we have no free will, we may miss the escape hatch God provides us (because we're not looking for it).
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