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  1. Today I studied Matthew 13 and saw some striking similarities with the between the settings of the crossing over when Israel was coming out of slavery. Firstly, Jesus was near the shore, and as the multitudes came to the shore, he went into a boat so they all can see Him. The multitudes on the shore reminded me of the setting, where the Israel was at the Red Sea, waiting to be free. These people too were waiting to be free. They were looking for something. They needed some sort of fruit. They had failed to keep the law. Jesus' sermon here was one that would "get them across" it would see them go from being a slave to being fruitful. He spoke of the parable of the sower and the seeds. I encourage you to read this parable again. It shows the barriers to us becoming fruitful (cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, lack of understanding, fear etc.) What I like about it is the results of those who bear fruit, the fruit was 100 fold, 60 fold and 30 fold. He taught them how to bear fruit, and what it takes. He revealed to them the power of His Word, and the result of those who retain it regardless of their surroundings.
  2. By following the order the bible says for husband and wife: Husbands love your wife. Wife respect your husbands. Respect the order of things i.e. God>husband>wife>children. Wives submit to husband. Husband love the wife, as Christ loves the church, and lay down your life for her. Husbands, remember she is a woman, and will not operate like us. In fact this is a blessing, women bring a different perspective, which is necessary and important (which is why I don't get why women want to be men these days - that's another topic). Men may be the head, but a woman is the neck. She can show you different vantage points, and also can hold you up. He who finds a wife finds a good thing, AND OBTAINS FAVOR. Understand that women come with a blessing attached...favor. As such you should appreciate her in a way pleasing in God's sight. I think anything within the boundaries that God laid out will cause a relationship to prosper. As soon as you step outside then it begins to crumble.
  3. Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your experience. You have been given a host of good ideas to manage this anxiety. I think however most of it was physical in nature. So taking trips, or listening to music only offers your temporary relief. Jesus Christ is able to pull out your problem by it's roots. I want you to know 2 things. Curses are real, and Jesus Christ has the authority to break every curse (Read Galatians 3:13). Appropriate it, and receive your release in Jesus' name. Firstly, renounce all known sin, even ask for forgiveness for the sins of your parents/grand parents. Generational curses are real. Many Christians endure curses instead of walking in God's freedom. He came to give life and give it more abundantly. Above all things He wants us to prosper even as our soul prospers and be in good health. Good health includes your mental health. You have to stand on His Word here. Jesus suffered on the cross to offer you freedom from anxiety. It's already paid for, go and collect it. If you are hungry, and your mother has paid for bread at the store, only for you ti pick it up, will you stay hunger or carry in your receipt? You were paid for by the blood of Jesus. So go and uproot your anxiety by its roots, and be free. Because who the son sets free is free indeed.
  4. He did set this day apart. How do you go about keeping it? Remember when he picked food, healed and saved the animal from the pit on this day? He said it's okay to do good on the Sabbath. If someone has to work to make ends meet, can this be his "picking?" He also mentioned that David went into the temple when he was hungry on the Sabbath and ate the bread there. What do you think constitutes modern day "picking, saving, healing?" I think Jesus is more concerned about the reason why you do things on the Sabbath day, than keeping it out of law. If you have a free day, then of course, it is good to spend it with Him. Also, do you go by days of the week? or do you go by the Jewish day calendar (Friday Sunset to Saturday Night)?
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