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Everything posted by BFOJ

  1. Based on your response, I still believe you missed my point. Where did I mention that the elders or clergy would have been left behind, where did you get the idea I was in an apostate church. We shall disagree on your reference to the websites I linked being on the lunatic fringe.
  2. Please explain what you mean by "invisible event". Thanks.
  3. I've yet to meet a Christian that did not speculate in one form or the other whether it be to a lesser or greater degree. Not all Believers agree on what the Bible says in regards to the matter of a Rapture as has been proven in this thread and the many other posts we've all come across whether it be online or elsewhere. We can't even agree whether there will be a Rapture or whether "cloud" is literal or not.
  4. Thank you for your response, you are correct on all points. My post could have been more clear and obviously some were confused, but others were not, they understood the gist of my point. I will disagree that my responses to those confused were a retort, more so a clarification.
  5. My post was not based on the "Left Behind" movie. I appreciate your response on the battles matter, but my hope was this Christian forum was different than others I've joined. It's a real shame when Christians can't share their beliefs without being mocked or attacked. When I used to be a FaceBook member, I did find one such forum, was hoping to find one elsewhere since I won't be rejoining FB.
  6. You missed the point of my post. I was projecting a possible scenario at some time in the future, not that it's already happened. FYI, there are websites that offer Christians to send emails and posts before the Rapture so that they can be sent after the Rapture to the unsaved so the unsaved will know why the sender of the email or the post is no longer on earth. Personally, I would not partake of such website offerings.
  7. Of course the rapture has not occurred otherwise some of us wouldn't be here posting. I offered a possible scenario of what might take place AFTER the rapture happened.
  8. Not true. The Rapture is not the 2nd Coming. Please revisit the Word and clear up your confusion.
  9. You and a couple of others have misunderstood what I wrote. I wasn't speaking about me, I was speaking of someone who was left behind was either not a Christian or just thought they were but they were not since they didn't get raptured. I was not referring to myself as having been unsaved and the scenario obviously hasn't happened yet but may come to be. At no time have I thought or said I will stand in my own righteousness.
  10. The point of my OP was specifically on the matter of the Rapture, it was not meant to create a battle against or in defense of the Catholic faith. I am neither a Catholic nor Protestant (in the sense of the word), more so one that is closer to the First Century Christian. I will make one point on the Catholic issue. The Bible never changes, yet the RCC has on many occasions have changed their beliefs, their traditions, and their hierarchy and the changes have been without scriptural basis.
  11. I'm not clear on what your point is. Are you criticizing what I wrote in the OP, or offering support of what I wrote?
  12. You wrote "As you may know Catholics do not go by Scripture alone", this is also what Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses believe about their religion.
  13. The below article addresses the second statement you posted. We "rapture people" believe He only comes to the Earth 2 times. By the way, mocking us by referring to us as "rapture people" is very disrespectful and not befitting a Christian. https://www.gotquestions.org/difference-Rapture-Second-Coming.html
  14. Scaremongering is the spreading of frightening or ominous reports or rumors. The Bible is not a report or a rumor, I based my scenario on what millions of us believe is supported by scripture. It is not ours to point and say that that person is or is not a Christian, that is God alone to know. I was generally speaking of those left behind, I was not judging them specifically. There are many scriptures that support we are to judge or not judge but it must be done in the context of scripture. I am not to judge people by my standard but by the Word of God. So, yes I am ready to be judged by those standards.
  15. I'm not clear on why the clothes would be blood drenched. Are you suggesting that the body (which is flesh) will be raptured, but the blood contained within the body will not be? If this is what you're suggesting how does this fall in line with the scripture you quote?
  16. I understand what you're saying, but is it private interpretation when millions have found scripture that is supported by scripture on the matter of the Rapture? http://www.absolutebiblestudy.com/Study/PRIVATE_INTERPRETATION.htm
  17. You have every right to believe what you wish. I offer the following that even if you don't accept what this man presents, perhaps others might. The Timing of the Rapture (Ron Rhodes) https://christinprophecy.org/sermons/ron-rhodes-on-the-rapture/
  18. I wrote this message a couple of days ago. I take it if you're reading this, you were left behind. Think about this. You're a parent of one or more young children, perhaps a baby, perhaps a toddler. You're not a Christian or you thought you were. Here today you are shocked, crying, feeling so hopeless because your children are no longer here. They were raptured yesterday. You scream out their names, you run from room to room looking for them but they are not to be found. OMG, why have you forsaken me? I went to church, I went to the altar, the Deacon prayed over me, the Pastor told me I was a Child of God, so why am I still here? I tithed, I was in the choir, I never missed a morning in Sunday School, why, oh why Lord am I still here? Crickets. Don't let this be you.
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