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Everything posted by dailyprayerwarrior

  1. I believe that we cannot begin to grasp what God knows. He is outside time so He can tell who will choose Him and who will not. He knows the end from the beginning. If one chooses Him, He knew it. If one does not, He knew it.
  2. Praise God that you found a good church!
  3. I would hold them accountable regardless of how long ago it happened. Those who were affected by the crime deserve justice. Take God for instance. He has forgiven us for our sin but Jesus HAD TO pay for it. There is a price that must be paid.
  4. Great post Coliseum. I've heard it similarly related to a parade. If you watch the parade along the roadside, you can only see the floats as they go by. All things being equal, you can't see the start of the parade nor the end. However, if you're in a helicopter, you can see the whole parade - from start to finish, and everything in between. God is in the helicopter - so to speak - and we are only watching the parade along the roadside. God knows the end from the beginning and we only know life in a linear sense.
  5. I know how you feel. Yes, there are days where you wonder if what you believe is real. Hang on though. Keep trusting Him. He who has called you is faithful. When I feel this way, oftentimes I realize I haven't spent as much time with God and His Word as I should. I quickly rearrange my schedule and ensure I pray and seek the Lord far more than I was prior. I also check what I've been watching and listening to. I am praying for you. Thanks for sharing your struggle.
  6. Unfortunately I feel that there is more to this environmental story than the news is letting us in on. There is a lot of money to be made by people if the climate change agenda is pushed. Sadly, it is not with good intention in some cases. There are investors behind the recent push. Dig deeper before you make a decision on what you believe. Do your part. Look after this earth the Lord has given us. Hold people and businesses accountable for how their actions negatively affect the environment. And clearly state what is and is not acceptable. Ambiguity has got to go. Be sure to listen to more than one news outlet in an attempt to filter out the lies, including ones you may consider as an outlier like Glenn Beck. Above all, seek God with your questions. Let His peace settle the questions on your heart (Colossians 3:15).
  7. Yes, stick to the Truth. In the end we will all stand before The Great I Am. What a humbling and a reverentially fearful thought.
  8. That would be a very difficult situation indeed because according to some Believers, what comes next will be 7 years with a grand finale that is beyond comprehension - the nations waging war on God (Psalm 2).
  9. The new is in the old contained and the old is in the new explained! I believe we should study the whole Bible because you really can't thoroughly understand the new without the old and vice versa. I just love God's Word, the Old and the New Testament!
  10. Dog person! But I do pet cats when I see them as I love all animals.
  11. Most church growth comes from small groups. I know that it's not the prettiest picture when you look at how people live their lives outside of the 4 walls of a church building. I know how you feel. I've felt that way too. What I found helped was to stay in fellowship (as you are) and keep an eye out for another fellowship that is a better fit with accountable leadership (knowing that there will never be a perfect group of Believers). I also just saw this posted recently on social media that I believe may be a blessing to you. "Jesus didn't say follow Christians, He said follow Me." So whatever you do, keep in fellowship with the Lord and allow Him to steer your life always. God bless you! I am praying for you.
  12. Well said Willa! I love God's Word and for all that Jesus Christ has done for us.
  13. I agree with Wingnut... the churches I have been to call a church covenant a statement of faith. And yes, I believe it's important to pay attention to it and to attend a class if they are teaching about it so that you can keep tabs on the pulse of the church you attend and their belief system, etc.
  14. I've learned that when you are saved you, your spirit becomes one with Him. He's so close that when you think you have a thought or feel something it may actually be Him. I've prayed that God would give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37:4). Not as its been often taught but from the sense of asking for God to plant in my heart His desires for me since He knows best. Then when I go about my day I look inside to see whether I sense a peace or lack of peace to move forward on a decision (Colossians 3:15). For example I have to decide whether to stay or move out of state. I seek God and desire His will be done in this situation. I then ask Him to give me the right desire concerning this situation. Then I go about my day, week, month as I would and if I think about that decision I just praise God that the answer is rising up within my heart. That the desire is forming - His desire. Then I check my heart numerous times AFTER my emotions have settled (the decision to have to move or something similar, may bring anxiety and its important to calm down and not REACT out of fear). Does it seem within my heart like I should move or stay put? Does something feel off in either staying or going? I go with whichever direction gives me the most peace. The truth is that it takes practice but over time you get better at recognizing what has been described as a still small voice, following after peace. I hope that adds value to this conversation. God bless.
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