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  1. Thanks Reneesb, just passing through, notme, worship warriors, neighbor, Justin adams and couppy for your comments.
  2. No, I am not looking for that to happen, unless God wills it. I just want more of hearing God through various means.
  3. Yes I learned simple and profound things, makes sense.
  4. I have been reading the bible since 2009. I know a lot about them. I pray constantly, I pray about what I read. Yes pray to God through Jesus Christ the Holy spirit is always invited into my daily life. I never hear God speak to me reading the bible. It bothers me.
  5. I am desperate to hear Him as much as I can. I have a method to hear God through feelings. I just want to hear other methods.
  6. I know I am not hearing him through thoughts as much because I don't hear thoughts as much as I do feelings. Makes think that I am not on the right frequency. The questions I ask are for knowledge about Him and getting closer to God. All I receive is a blank mind with no thoughts. God speaks to me more through feelings not emotions. I just want to hear more thoughts.
  7. Hi, I am not asking for personal information, just steps on hearing God. I have tried listening for thoughts God speaks but most of the time don't hear anything. If I do its not when I am asking a question. I have been praying since 2009 to hear God, it 2019 now. I don't hear him when I am asking questions that much, I am seeking to hear Him more often. I am just seeking to know peoples methods. Not their personal information.
  8. How come there is no where in books, or on the internet describing methods and steps to hearing God speak to you, a guide how to hear God. People don't tell you, Christians don't speak up. They just say either, He speaks to you in your heart, or you'll just know. No one seems to give examples or steps, no one guides anyone how to do it. If they do you cant find books on it, and no one posts it on the internet. I am tired of searching for dead ends and spending lots of money on books on hearing God's voice and finding it didn't tell you any good information. So here I am asking anyone to give me a step by step example of how to hear God. There is one stipulation, Only post examples on how to hear Him not just data that tells you about hearing God, I want to know the how to, examples of your communication receiving from God. I hear of some theories of hearing God, one through feelings, others through thoughts, If you hear Him through feelings post examples of how you hear God through feelings. If through thoughts, post how you hear those thoughts and examples of the steps to hearing God that way. Post various methods of hearing God through examples and a how to. I know this will help me and it will help you. Just speak up. I really want to get closer to God. Thanks.
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