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Jeff Wickham

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  1. In the Bible, the snake is usually a symbol of Satan, evil, and sin. However, in John 3:14-15, Jesus compared Himself to the bronze serpent that Moses hung in the wilderness. In fact, God used the snake symbol multiple times with Moses, and each experience reveals something about Jesus. This video looks at three of those experiences, and the amazing things that one can learn from these living parables.
  2. In Christian circles the term "born again" is very common, so much so that I believe sometimes it has lost the force of its original meaning. This video explores four key lessons from the conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus about being born again. And in it, we also explore a derelict house, since it is a good illustration of certain aspects of being born again. What is most meaningful to you about being born again?
  3. Jesus cleansed the temple but then revealed that the true temple is His body. The time He drove out the money changers was an illustration of the greater work He desires to do within His members. He approaches this work in an aggressive and refreshing manner, like a moose chasing away threats. This video shares three points that unpack the deeper meaning of this living parable. What are some ways you have experienced Christ's cleansing work in your life?
  4. When Jesus changed the water to wine at the wedding feast in Cana of Galilee, it was a symbol of His blood. This video looks at the marvelous symbolism behind this living parable, including six parallels between the symbol and the reality to which it pointed. Check out the story, starting at 7:43, where I tell about my medical device engineering team smearing blood on some prototypes, and the important spiritual lesson that came from that experience. Much is said in Christian circles about being washed in Jesus’ blood, as though the full purpose of the blood is to dissolve and wash away our guilt. Based on this living parable, how might one better describe the purpose of the blood?
  5. For sure! Some topics would require a whole series to adequately cover them. But thankfully, the word comes "here a little, there a little." I try to zoom in on a sliver that will make sense, even standing alone, and trust that the Holy Spirit will eventually use it to help recreate the big picture for other people.
  6. You are welcome! And thank you for sharing your thoughts too. There are indeed many deep trains of thought in the Bible. So many ideas worth exploring.
  7. Jacob's dream about a ladder had two parts - the ladder itself, and God's promise about a seed. Both parts describe one another, and both parts are a prophecy about Jesus. Jesus was the ladder (John 1:50-51). Jesus was also the seed. Paul points out in Galatians 3:16 that this seed of Abraham (and Isaac and Jacob) was only one individual, namely, Christ. But the plot thickens. In Galatians 3:26-29 Paul reveals a startling insight: if we are united with Christ, then we are part of that one-and-only seed. Although the seed is singular, it is composed of many parts. Since the promised seed and Jacob's ladder both describe one another, this means that Jacob's ladder is also composed of many parts. The ladder represents Jesus, both head and body. This union of Christ and believers is the means by which God pours out His heavenly blessings on the world. How does union with Christ affect your efforts to bless the world?
  8. I believe that the story was literal. The reason is because of the fulfilled prophecies. If God is able to predict the future, which is a very difficult thing to do, it gives me confidence that His account of the past is also accurate. If you are interested, I shared a few of my thoughts on this topic in a recent YouTube vlog entitled "Is the Bible Reliable?". Adam and Eve ate fruit, but the real issue was that they chose their own way over God's way. This action opened a way of life that resulted in untold evil. I suppose in this sense, all the evil could be attributed back to that first act. But I think it is more accurate to view the way of life, continued through the years, as the real culprit. As far as mercy in the Garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve that in the day they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they would surely die. Yet they did not die. However, something did die, because God clothed them with skins, and then they were allowed to live on, at least for a time. This experience was a symbol of Jesus. Paul wrote, "All of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ" (Gal. 3:27, NASB). When we are baptized, we are united with Christ, just as Adam and Eve were clothed with the animals in Eden which were sacrificed. And then He grants us eternal life, which is even better than Adam and Eve being allowed to live on for a time. And one might even say that Adam and Eve were symbolically united with the animals in Eden. After all, they sure looked like them after being clothed with their skins. Thus, in a symbolic sense, Adam and Eve did die on the day they ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Likewise, when we are united with Christ, His death counts for us because He considers us part of Himself. This union is so close that He considers our sins as His own, thus His death can justly pay for our guilt. As mentioned already, this union happens because of baptism. Baptism is a symbol of death and resurrection. In other words, believers respond to their sinful desires as a dead person would, and they respond to Christ's desires as very much alive. This way of life undoes the problematic lifestyle introduced by Adam and Eve, and restores people to a path that will result in eternal happiness.
  9. The sin offering in the Old Testament sanctuary service symbolized the Lamb of God. The study in this video reveals that in the amazing reality to which the sin offering pointed, believers are to eat the Lamb of God. Much is said about the importance of Christ's blood releasing us from the guilt of our sins. In what ways does the concept of eating the Lamb of God clarify the purpose for Christ's shed blood?
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