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    Enjoying retirement as of 2019-09-25

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  1. Mr. Gandalf, Sir, I was trying to find the words, and you said it perfectly. I'm Noel's temporary guardian in her father's absence. I just want to assure you that at no time day or night is she ever alone. Noel and her dad, and my wife and I, our homes are in close proximity to the firehouse in one direction and our church in the other direction, so our homes are always spilling over with brothers and sisters in service, along with brothers and sisters in the Lord. It's a 24/7 type of situation. Noel's got 5+ firefighters within 10 feet of her pretty much 24/7. But that doesn't mean we should advertise who's home and who's away. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to the internet, and Noel's interest in this church on-line came on suddenly. So we're adapting. Her father is registered here too but isn't able to be in here right now to monitor things. Sir, you've given some excellent advice above, and I think Noel and I need to go back and do some editing. Noel was reminded early on to be careful how much she shares in this place, and she was holding back a lot of information, but obviously not enough. Thank you again for your input. It's entirely appreciated! David
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