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Everything posted by AngelInTraining93

  1. Hello The eclipse is going to occur above my house today and I thought I’d share a word of encouragement. In 2017, I viewed an eclipse in Kentucky with a reverend. The moment the eclipse ended and the sun started to come back out, I saw a cloud formation in the richly detailed shape of an Angel blowing a trumpet. Believing I was hallucinating, I pointed out what I saw to the reverend I was with. He saw it too and now shares what we saw at his fellowships. I’m no biblical scholar, I’m not a prophet, I’m really not much of anything. But I wanted to put the word out why I believe this eclipse, which takes place seven years after the 2017 eclipse, is a sign that the course of our world is about to change. That’s all I have for you today. Enjoy the eclipse and if you’re traveling to see it have a safe trip. Jesus is Lord, Jesus is coming.
  2. God has already delivered me. On November 12 I stopped using nicotine and had no withdrawal symptoms after 11 years of addiction. I am 100% healed and set free 😎
  3. Over two months without nicotine. Glory to God. He took my addiction away completely.
  4. I agree, it should be in the heart. The heart decides whether or not the tattoo is sincere.
  5. God the Father is a battery, Jesus is a phone, and the Holy Spirit is the signal. The gifts of the Holy Spirit like healing and prophecy can be found in First Corinthians chapter twelve of the New Testament.
  6. Yes, I shook hands with a demon once. It lied to me saying it was a neighbor and that my mail key was the same key as my condo key when I moved into my new place. Took the form of a man, said it’s name was Steve, and I haven’t seen it again after praying for protection from such occurrences. PRAY THEM OUT!!!!!!!
  7. So I found out years ago that my dad is not a true believer. He denied the resurrection in front of me. Found out earlier this year that my mother is in the same boat. She also denied the resurrection of Jesus in front of me. This from two people claiming to be Baptist 🤔 They have no interest whatsoever in listening to what I have to say about the Bible, period. They attribute any and all belief in Jesus Christ and his miracles He’s performed in my life to mental illness. My offering to pray for them makes them angry. They have forbade me to talk to others about the spiritual at family gatherings, even at houses that don’t belong to them. I deny them, of course. How does one “honor” such people?
  8. Think of it as rekindling our old self! The meds aren’t going to weigh you down, the disorder is! It’s the dark thoughts that are making you feel like you aren’t yourself, not the meds. Just the two cents of a guy medicated for schizophrenia. Hope you feel better!
  9. The mystery is found and solved in the Bible. “In the beginning.” Genesis 1. All things begin with God, and all things end with him. The soul is created by God. Consciousness is created by God. Your flesh was made by God. Your soul, however it may be defined, was made by God.
  10. This is a very well informed post and I appreciate you taking the time to make it for me. I will keep a close eye on your posts as well as rethink my sense of humor in a more spiritually appropriate context. I will keep a lookout for any more study material you throw my way sir ✝️❤️
  11. I mean I guess it’s a blessing to have such a great relationship with the Big Guy that the inside joke between you is being mooned by…well 😅
  12. He knows that he’s doomed, God marked him for death/damnation in Genesis 3. There is also a victory celebration over the beast somewhere in revelation. Mourn the guy who introduced rape, murder, and sin all you want, your sympathy for the Father of Lies ain’t going to score you any points with me or anyone who knows the Devil’s true nature.
  13. And that releases pheromones and attracts all its buddies! So ten times the stinging power! What the hay Father?!?!?!? And we haven’t even started talking about arachnids🦂🕷😳😱
  14. Oh HECK NO I am passing along the thought that Satan is soon to get what’s coming to him. Is that not biblical? I am happy to listen to a rebuke regarding the manner in which I am expressing that thought after reading that other gentleman’s scripture-based rebuke but expressing that God and I both despise the Devil for what he has done to mankind is somehow evil? Sinful? Improper? Inaccurate? What “thoughts” have I expressed that don’t belong on a forum that glories Christ, even if I am learning a more proper form of expressing them from Michael’s post?
  15. Could you define dignitaries for me please? Am I correct in assuming that refers to demons/the demonic?
  16. Why do bees have stingers? If they are so important for pollination, why not ditch the stinger and restructure there bodies to behave like a stress ball? Make ‘em harder to squash and no more stinging! 😅 granted bumblebee venom has medical qualities I’m told but maybe we would just kind of milk the chemical compound out of the stress ball bee like an orange in a juicer….ugh my imaginative idea thought is already sounding kind of cruel to the poor bee next to God’s more perfect decision for them lol
  17. Actually that was exactly my intent. What curse word do you believe defines the Adversary the best? God choose damnation in Genesis 3! 😂
  18. Pray for God to be your drink, inhale the truth of Jesus having sacrificed His life to save your, mine, and our lives and risen again after three days having been dead to get your buzz, and wear the fruit of the Spirit on your sleeves like tattoos! ✝️ Saw your request for my input and thought this would satisfy you, bubba! Happy praying sir!
  19. If a man and a woman have sex and a baby is born, where does the soul come from?
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