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Christ's Free Servant

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About Christ's Free Servant

  • Birthday 12/31/1949

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  • Location
    South Carolina, USA
  • Interests
    Walking with God one day at a time.

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  1. NOT normal - take this from one who was abused by her father severly. He has no business even seeing their bare bottoms unless it is a medical emergency. And, spanking bare skin is more likely to leave injuries. And, spanking should be reserved for direct defiance only. Too many parents spank for everything, and that shouldn't be. And, it should be done consistently, with a full understanding between the parent and child of the rules and the consequences, and it should never be so hard as to leave any kind of mark. It should be enough to get the point across and to hopefully deter the child from returning to that behavior, but not enough to cause injury. There are also other creative methods of child discipline that don't involve spanking at all. I think spanking should be a last result thing when nothing else works, though I don't believe in bribing children or giving in to blackmail. I do believe in rewards for good behavior, but not while the child is acting up as a way to bribe the child to behave. Rewards should also be preplanned in advance and the child should know that certain behaviors result in certain rewards. And, last of all, spanking should never be done in anger. Well, that's my take on the subject.
  2. DC, You always bless my heart. I can see that God is moving in your life. Yes, just keep trusting Him, keep listening for his voice, keep following him wherever he leads you, and yes, always ask for prayer when you need it. I'm learning that, too. I will pray for you today and throughout the week as God brings you to my mind, which I'm sure he will. Love ya sis!!
  3. Why? I don't know. Why is prophecy so complicated? I mean, look at all the OT prophecies and NT prophecies about End Times. Are they not convoluted? They are certainly not straightforward, otherwise we would all understand what they mean and we would not have all these differences of opinion over the meaning of them. And, look at the parables of scripture. Are not many of them convoluted? I mean, even those who lived and walked with Jesus on a daily basis did not always understand his parables and he had to explain them to them. So, not only are there many words in scripture that are convoluted but scripture is not all that black and white. It is filled with symbolism. So, God speaks much through symbolism. He says that he speaks through dreams and that in these last days he will speak in dreams and visions, etc., so from a scriptural standpoint, we have no cause to disregard the possibilty that this was a message from God. We can neither say that it definitely is nor can we say that it definitely is not. That is something that DC will have to determine between her and God. I believe if the Lord has a specific message he wants to deliver to any of us at any particular point in our lives that he can use whatever means he chooses apart from anything that would be contrary to his divine nature. Since all through scripture the Lord spoke to people in dreams and since he says that he will speak through dreams in these last days, then it is perfectly in line with his divine nature to speak to people in dreams and visions. This is his way, or one of this ways, of letting the individual know that he has a very specific message for him or her about something. Yes, it is true that dreams of having babies can certainly be a normal occurance. I've had four babies, but I never dreamed of having a baby, except twice in my life - once was in March of 1990 and once was several weeks ago, and both had spiritual contexts to them.
  4. DC, Many women right now are having dreams about having babies. I believe you are dreaming about the birthing of revival, especially since you said you went for a shower and the water broke. A shower represents cleansing and cleansing represents revival for believers. I think it is interesting how you describe the placenta and the cord being stuck inside you and you having to push and you threw up and then they came out. I think that, too, represents revival - throwing up sin out of our lives; pushing it out. I would not disregard this dream at all, DC, but would take it before the Lord in prayer and during your time in His Word and ask the Lord to increase your understanding. I believe very much so that the Lord is about to birth revival in the church and that is why so many of us are having such dreams. We all need to be praying for revival in our homelands. God is ready to move. I believe it with all my heart.
  5. It means that time passes way too fast! I remember when you first joined. You do? Is that good or bad? Or, maybe a little of both?? Iused the "cool" smiley so that must be good Sue. I was just messing with you. I know you meant it as good. And, I appreciate it, too!! So, thanks a bunch!
  6. It means that time passes way too fast! I remember when you first joined. You do? Is that good or bad? Or, maybe a little of both??
  7. Did they throw you a BIG party? Or, did they just throw something at ya? Just kidding, of course! Well, belated "Happy Anniversary" to you, too!! It is good you are here.
  8. I've only been here since August but I'm certainly glad YOU are here!! Awwwwwwww, shucks! Thank you ma'am! I'm glad you all are here, too, not meaning that you are "you all" but just including everyone while I'm at it.
  9. Congratulations, happy anniversary. Second anniversary gifts are traditionally cotton. Would you prefer a pair of socks or a set of towels? Well... I just bought me a bunch of socks for Christmas since mine were all worn out, so towels would be swell!!
  10. I've been on Worthy for two whole years this coming Sunday. I don't know what that means, but I just thought I would share.
  11. OK! Thank you all. I know I hear a different melody in my head from the traditional one, so I guess it is just the old hym put to new music. Too bad I don't have a way of humming it for you. I will say this, though: A-ma-zing grace how sweet - is all just two notes repeated 3 times, and then it goes up on "the sound" (one note repeated twice) and then back down on that saved a wretch (same two notes repeated twice) and then goes down further on like me. Ok, I don't have a keyboard here - no room for it - but I think the notes could be C D C D C D E E C D C D B A if that helps and it could be in the key of D, at least in my head it is.
  12. There is a contemporary Christian song, maybe a P&W song that has these words in it from an old hym: "When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun." Does anyone know what contemporary P&W song contains these words? Oh, Nebula, I have to tell you something funny, well... funny to me. I had another song stuck in my head, only this time, I could not remember any of the words - zip! I only knew the tune, but by the time I found someone to tell, the tune was gone, too. I was telling my daughter about it, and she said, "Did it have to do with people?" You know, that song that all I could come up with was lalalalalala people or lonely people or plastic people? And, it turned out to be two separate songs in a Casting Crowns album and one follows the other. I told her how I frustrated you on that one, not on purpose, though.
  13. It worked for me. Try again, or maybe just do a cut and paste. Links are funny things sometimes.
  14. I don't agree with everything in this article, i.e. I am a post-tribber, but I do think Jack Kelley writes very insightful articles about current events in relation to End Times, and I found this one particularly good. He helps to tie up some of those loose ends, I think, and he brings things into perspective. It is worth the read. It connects a lot of the dots.
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