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About MissTury

  • Birthday 11/05/1989

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  1. Cute and funny, and it makes a point. As a technicality, there is no doubt that arctic ice would be missing there, since that is Antarctica in the image!
  2. At least on that note, I am a bit different. When I vote, I do not think in terms of what is best for me, I vote asking myself the question, what is best for all of those affected! Sometimes that mean voting against my personal self interests!
  3. Whether or not that is the case, we are all sinners. Sinners like you and I, are tempted to sin. Sin is what sinners do! Sinners are called to repent. Some do some don't. Sexual attraction is powerful and common. We (and God) expect people to exercise self control, even when that goes against our instincts, desires, and selfish interests. It is therefore not an unreasonable expectation that those who are homosexual (as well as everyone else) to follow God's rules. Homosexuals are not different in that way. Just like me, I am also a sinner, and can choose to follow my temptation to sin, or resist it. Who has not either acted in violence or hate, or stolen, or lied? These are all sins. It does not matter what our specific temptations are, or whether or not they are influenced by genetics or birth defects. We still need to resist sin and abstain from it. We can either do that, or we can rebel against God.
  4. Wow, I am late to this party, but I am still looking for the elephant!!!
  5. No, the Bible does not save us, but it tells us what it means to be saved, and what we do when we are saved, what the characteristics are of those who are saved, and, what things they believe and should come to believe. I suggest reading the gospel of John, thoughtfully, and learning about salvation there, at least for starters.
  6. I would just add, that rejection is one thing, and persecution is something very different. Persecution is of course a kind of rejection, but not all rejection seems like persecution. The cost is higher for one than for the other, but devout Christians should be [in my opinion] willing to endure both. Unlike Jehovah's Witnesses, who have told me that having the door closed in there face is persecution, I think persecution tends to be physically dangerous, at least it sure looks that way to me in the new Testament. Looking up a word for it in Helps Word Studies, I read - HELPS Word-studies Cognate: 1375 diōgmós (from 1377 /diṓkō, "follow, pursue") – properly, pursuit (chase); persecution – literally, "the hunt to bring someone down like an animal," trying to suppress (punish) their convictions. See 1377 (diōkō). 1375 /diōgmós ("religious persecution") literally refers to those seeking to punish God's messengers with a vengeance – like a hunter trying to conquer (obliterate) someone as their "catch." [1375 (diōgmós) is used in ancient and biblical Greek for persecution (hostility) shown by confused, spiritual "leaders." For example, it applies to the Roman Emperor, Decius (ad 250-251). He killed thousands of Christians who refused to offer sacrifices in his name.]
  7. Far be it from me to police this thread, but Omegaman 3.0 just mentioned that media censorship happens, and used climate change as an example. Since then, every post in this thread as been off topic?
  8. Then I said "I have a simple question. How are we to know that you have fairly represented the claims and not misrepresented them? Shouldn't the same standard apply to you that you want from others? Maybe your assertions are inaccurate or taken out of context. Were these claims made in these forums?" Never mind, I found it for myself. Omegaman 3.0 said: So notice what Omegaman said: Joyce has said She has said She has said She has said She had a version Notice any similarities in the tenses of his comments? There are all past tense, and do not allege that she currently hold these views, or that she has never said anything which indicates that she things otherwise now. If that is the case [and it is] then Fidei Defensor has not done what he [or she] claims they have done. Then have not demonstrated the accusations to be false or refuted anything about them. What he or she has shown is that Joyce Myer might be singing a different song now. Even that is not evidence that she has repented of past bad or sloppy theology, it only proves that she has not been consistent over the years. Now if there is evidence somewhere of Joyce saying things like such as "you know when I said that, I was wrong and I apologize for misleading you" or "when I said that, what I really meant was". That would be good evidence of her current theology being better, but it would not remove those errors in her past history. Omegaman's accusations were about her saying things in the past that shows she had not been a good teacher, and that as such she should not be held in high regard as an example of why women should teach. Now in as much as that is the case, I think an apology to Omegaman is probably in order, for misrepresenting what he said, which so far may well be right on the money. Perhaps a more thoughtful and accurate analysis is in order, one with less much emotional investment in the topic. Interesting thread though, by the way!
  9. I have a simple question. How are we to know that you have fairly represented the claims and not misrepresented them? Shouldn't the same standard apply to you that you want from others? Maybe your assertions are inaccurate or taken out of context. Were these claims made in these forums?
  10. Slander, is a false spoken statement that damages another's' reputation. If a false statement is written, then that is called libel. You accuse someone of slander who what, wrote something? That is a curious thing. So first off, you wrote something false that damages a reputation when you accused a writer of Slander. You are presuming what he wrote is false, so guilty because you have pre-judged him just assuming he was wrong, maybe you should wait to see where the evidence points. This does not sound like an impartial investigation, it sounds as if you are out to get even with someone for daring to state that there is something wrong with a teacher you like - or am I missing something here? If it turns out, that there is evidence that Joyce Meyer made these statements, or other ones which may come up, are you ready to apologize for what you are doing? Really, you should already apologize even if she is not a false teacher, because you are making your accusations before you have looked at the evidence. I believe what you are doing, is called sin. If the evidence is not up to your standards, like citations of written materials, and voice recordings of Ms Meyer, you are now going to claim that they are doctored? Seriously wow! If video is produced, will you then claim they were crafted using CGI technology? Then, you go and assign motive [jealousy] to those who accuse her. Can you really know there hearts? Maybe examine your own heart and see what really is motivating you. Still, here are some plausible sources of information, that readers may look at, because if she is a false teacher, that should be exposed. You have already set the bar very high for what you consider to be proof, others may have different standards, and find them credible, and not assume bad motives. By proposing bad motives, you are again [without knowledge] damaging reputations. That may not be false information, but it is certainly not something you know to be true. youtube: Is Joyce Meyer a False Teacher The beat by Allen Parr Joyce Meyer || False Teacher Police Leader Joyce Meyer: False Teacher? - 12 Concerns (w/ Voddie Baucham, Justin Peters, Todd Friel) ReformedWiki Did Joyce Meyer REPENT Of Her False Teaching?! Fight For Truth Joyce Meyer is a False Preacher Exposing her False Gospel Teachings Berean Perspective Apologetics websites: https://www.equip.org/uncategorized/joyce-meyer/ (Christian Research Institute) deliverd by grace exposing Joyce Meyer https://static1.squarespace.com/static/586c240e725e250e1dc73403/t/5aba6dd988251bc5b38f49ad/1522167257765/Exposing+Joyce+Meyer.pdf https://carm.org/preachers-and-teachers/joyce-meyer/ https://broadoakpiety.org/2019/01/17/exposing-false-teachers-no-1-joyce-meyer/ https://www.equip.org/article/the-teachings-of-joyce-meyer/ https://the-end-time.org/2021/02/09/bullet-points-on-why-joyce-meyer-is-a-false-teacher/
  11. Well, send me a three page essay, singles spaced, about why you think you might want to date me. If I like it, I'll send you an application to date me, then I will consider it. Preview: Question one: Is Jesus Christ the most important person in your life? Question two: Is Jesus Christ the Lord of your life? Question three: Is Jesus Christ the only God, and creator of the heavens and the earth?
  12. I don't, but I wonder why the government is even in the marriage business in the first place!
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