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arunangelo last won the day on October 20 2012

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  1. The kingdom of God is within our hearts (Luke 17:21). It is the spirit of Jesus which is unconditional, selfless, sacrificial, merciful, humble, ever-forgiving and faithful. This spirit is instilled in every human heart (Ezekiel 36:27) through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Those who make him the Lord of their life by accepting his spirit (Romans 10:9), are enabled by the spirit to love their enemies, do good to those who hurt and betray them, offer the other cheek if struck on one, give without expecting anything in return, bring healing to their offenders by their prayers and acts of sacrificial love (Matthew 5:43-48), consider others as superior to them, seek the interest of others over their own (Philippians 2:3-4) and stay faithful to their marriage vows even when there is hurt and unfaithfulness (Luke 6:18 & Hosea 3:1).
  2. In marriage; a man and woman unite their lives in love. This love that unites them is God. God therefore becomes the binding force in their marriage; and through Him, with Him and in Him they can express His love to one another. God stayed faithful to His covenant with his people (his spouse) although they were unfaithful to Him, rejected Him and betrayed Him. Furthermore, in His faithfulness to the covenant with his people, he saved us from eternal damnation by accepting the most painful death. We too are called to love our spouse as God loved us (Ephesians 5:25). We must therefore deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow what Jesus did (Luke 9:23) by accepting pain and suffering in order to bring healing to our spouse; especially when there is hurt, unfaithfulness and betrayal. Those who are obedient to the word of God are able to do this; because faithfulness to His words enables us to live by his spirit. Since God is the binding force in a marriage it is permanent and no human organization can dissolve it (Matthew 19:4-6). Divorce therefore is rejection of the covenant (binding force), rather than its dissolution. Remarriage after divorce therefore is adultery (Luke 16:18). Furthermore, since God is the binding force in marriage rejection of it through divorce is rejection of God.
  3. Though Jesus was God he took the form of a mere human person and came into this world (Philippians 2:7) to proclaim good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind and to set at free those who are oppressed (Luke 4:18). The world however did not recognize him (John 1:10). He was therefore wounded for our transgressions, was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth (Isaiah 53: 5 &7). Furthermore, during his suffering and death he forgave his persecutors (Luke 23:34); and was concerned about the suffering they would bring upon themselves by their sins rather than his own suffering (Luke 23:28). Through his chastisement he healed us and set us free of sin; so that we too can love one another as he has loved us, quietly bear each other’s burdens, forgive without any limit and bind each other’s wounds. Christianity therefore is not about our rights, our feelings or our life. It is about sacrifice, undying fidelity, humility, obedience and forgiveness.
  4. Marriage is not about getting; it is about giving-giving oneself totally to other as an expression of unconditional love. God, therefore, created us as male and female so that in marriage husband and wife may complement one another through procreative union, as an expression of total giving. This union can’t be broken, because it is sealed by God (Mark 10:7-9). In addition, because procreative union is an expression of marital union, to have procreative union without marriage is to abuse the procreative act for selfish purpose. Furthermore, since this union is reproductive in nature, to contracept or to procreate without procreative union ( in-vitro fertilization), goes against the sanctity of marital love and human reproduction. Your thoughts?
  5. We will find true peace with God only when we are in peace with one another. It is sometimes very hard to overcome hate and anger when others have hurt us. However, with God’s help we can do it. To accept God’s help, is to accept his teachings and his life of sacrificial love. Therefore irrespective of what we feel about the other person or what that person has done to us, we should obey God’s teachings and follow his example of love which he expressed on the cross, by expressing the same love towards those who hate and hurt us by our prayers, thoughts and actions (Matthew 5:44). We must do this deliberately out of obedience to God’s, even though we are not inclined to do it.
  6. Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth; like a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and like a sheep that before its shearers is dumb, so he opened not his mouth (Isaiah 53: 5 &7). Furthermore, during his suffering and death he forgave his persecutors (Luke 23:34); and was concerned about the suffering that would come upon us rather than his own suffering (Luke 23:28). We too must love one another as he has loved us; quietly bear each other’s burdens; forgive without any limit and bind each other’s wounds.
  7. Marriage is a covenant of love between a man and a woman which is expressed by each one surrendering their own life, and offering it to the other to form a common life (Matthew 19:5-6). Since life is physiological, the only way they can unite their lives is by uniting their physiologies. Among all the physiologies we have, the only physiology in which two human beings can unite is in reproductive physiology. Since union of reproductive physiology is only possible between a man and a woman, marriage is only possible between a man and a woman. Furthermore, since conjugal union is reproductive in nature, willingness to freely accept children is the hallmark of marriage and marital love. Furthermore, to put barriers to reproduction by contraception is to go against the very nature of the act and their marriage covenant. Furthermore, since conception is the fruit of marital love expressed through unitive love, artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization and cloning procedures dehumanize human reproduction by taking the act of unitive love out of it and converting it into a purely cellular process. This devalues the understanding of unitive love in marriage, thereby devaluing the meaning of marriage itself. This causes grave hurt to the institution of marriage which is the very foundation of society.
  8. Love is not a feeling or emotion; it is a person; and that person is Jesus (John 4:8). To love, therefore, is to put on Jesus-that is to do and think as Jesus did. He did not condemn us, did not feel sorry for himself when he carried his cross and hung on it to die; instead he was concerned about the sufferings our sins would bring us. Furthermore, he compensated for our offenses we committed against him; and prayed for us so that his joy may be ours. We may find it extremely hard to do what he did. However, if we love him we should do it out of pure love for him, and out of obedience to his command. We must therefore, swallow our own pride and pray for those who hurt us and do good deeds for them. Then his Spirit working in us will heal our heart and we will be able to love those we hate and restore broken relationship. This will turn our bitterness and self-pity into love, hope and joy. A simple prayer we can pray for those we hate or those who hate us, is, “Come Lord Jesus, fill (name of the person) with your Holy Spirit and kindle in him/her the Father’s love”. We can also say the same prayer for our self.
  9. Marriage is a covenant of love between two human beings (a man and a woman) in which they unite their lives to form one life (Matthew 19:5-6). Since life is physiological the only way they can unite their lives is by uniting their physiologies. Among all the physiologies we have, the only physiology in which two human beings can unite is in reproductive physiology. Since reproduction is only possible between a man and a woman union of reproductive physiologies is only possible between a man and a woman. Therefore, marriage is only possible between a man and a woman.
  10. Rejoice in the Lord at all times because God is in charge of everything. Therefore, even if it looks like the whole world is falling apart, rejoice because a God who loves us infinitely is in charge. If we just accept his help by completely trusting him He will make sure that we are safe. All we have to do is to surrender our will to him and do what we think is his will in every situation. Remember that our life does not end here but extends to all eternity. Therefore, we must not panic even if our present body is dying. The present earth is not our destination. It is a place where we are on a journey to our final destination which is life with God. All we have to do on this earth is accept God’s life. We get opportunities to do this through every situation that arises in our life. In these situations we always have a choice to do what Jesus would do-which is to act in love that is unconditional or to act selfishly. If we choose God’s way we have chosen His life, which is a life peace and joy for all eternity. When we trust Him it will show on our continence, which will be radiant and joyful even in the midst of danger and disappointment. Even in the midst of our trials and tribulations we should find joy and peace; because God loves us. Therefore, if we trust God, even a terrible tragedy is a blessing; because God will bring something good out of it. If we look at Jesus’ death, to all the on-lookers it was a terrible tragedy. In reality however, it was the greatest blessing ever to us all because it expressed God’s infinite love and brought us redemption. Furthermore, our faith in God in the midst of our suffering will teach us humility and patience; and by the response to our suffering will spread the faith to those around us. Remember, that the death of Jesus on the cross was scandal to the Jews and foolishness to the Greeks; but to us it is the power and love of God, which brings us eternal life. In other words the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom and weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
  11. God’s mercy God is Love (1 John 44:8) and mercy (Jeremiah 3:12). He expressed his infinite mercy when he came into our world of sin and suffering as a meek and humble (Matthew 11:29) human being in order to free us from sin. Furthermore, he did not condemn sinners (John 3:17); but ate and drank with them and taught then to overcome sin by his love and compassion. He loved his enemies, forgave them (Luke 23:34), prayed for them, offered the other cheek when struck on one (Luke 6:27-36), and did not fight back when he was crucified; for speaking the truth about God’s love and expressing that love in his actions. In doing this he expressed his uncompromised faith in His Father who is Love. His sacrifice redeemed us from sin by instilling His spirit of love in us. This spirit frees us from sin; which enables us to share in his joy and peace. He makes his spirit available to all, including those who betrayed him and killed him. Furthermore, even as he was led to his crucifixion he was concerned about the sufferings our sins would cause us rather than his own suffering (Luke 23:28). In addition, in order to share more fully in his sacrificial life he allows us to enter his sacrifice on the cross by allowing us to partake in his cup of sacrifice which he instituted the night before he died. Since his sacrifice is eternal, we can re-enter his sacrificial offering and bring our own life as an offering to the Father. Furthermore, his body, which he gives us in the form of bread, rekindles his spirit in our heart; because in it we see Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
  12. Jesus forgave us by sacrificing His life in order to compensate for the offenses we committed against Him. We too must forgive others the way he forgave us in order to accept his forgiveness (Matthew 6:15); because in order to accept his forgiveness we must believe in it by expressing the same type of forgiveness toward others.
  13. Joy is an inner peace which comes from abiding in God’s love. To abide in God’s love we must keep His commandments by loving one another as he has loved us (John 15:9-13). In order to do this we must love and trust him with all our heart. Then our joy will be complete; so that even in the midst of pain and suffering we will have his peace and joy. Happiness, on the other hand is a sense of contentment we feel when pleasing things happen to us. It can therefore disappear very quickly and make life miserable if what pleases us is gone or if unpleasing things happen to us. In addition, our pursuit of happiness can make us selfish; and selfishness will make our heart restless.
  14. The cross is the glory of God because in the crucified Jesus the power and wisdom of God -which is true love, is revealed (1Corrinthians 1:23-25). His sacrifice on the cross revealed his unconditional love; because, although we betrayed him and were unfaithful to him he sacrificed his life in order to compensate for the offenses we committed against him. This love is the only truth which sets apart good from evil. Those who are true followers of Jesus exercise this love
  15. Because God is love, to love God is to have true love for others. Jesus therefore tells us that if we love him we will keep his commandment-which is to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34-35). He loved us by sacrificing his life in order to compensate for the offenses (which included betrayal and unfaithfulness) we committed against him. Furthermore, he asks us to free our selves of anger against another human being (Matthew 5:24); avoid any occasion that would make us have lust in our heart (Matthew 5:28-30); stay faithful to our spouse even if there is betrayal and unfaithfulness (Hosea 3:1); do not retaliate when others hurt us (Matthew 5:38-40); give to everyone that asks for something (Matthew 5:41-42); offer the other cheek if slapped on one; give your shirt as well if someone demands your coat (Luke 6:29); love our enemy; and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5: 43-45). On our own it is impossible for us to follow the above teachings. However, by His sacrifice on the cross Jesus instills His spirit in our heart; so our faith in him will enable us to follow the above teachings.
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