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Everything posted by ColleenLovesMischief

  1. They have confirmed that he died? They gave up on the search because it has been so long. They are supposed to start demolishing the house today.
  2. So Should Young Men Take Younger Girls On Scouting Sleepovers? Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. 2 Timothy 2:22-23 I Think Not Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Believe It Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11 I don't believe any single adult should take children on sleepovers...there should be 2. As for Den Mothers I have a different opinion than most. I believe boy scouts should be for males only. I also don't agree with unmarried men living with a woman leading scouts...but my opinions normally get me into trouble.
  3. My Fathers parents were from Wales, My Mothers Father London, and His wife France.
  4. My biggest problem besides the pedophile matter is just the sinfulness of the lifestyle. I don't like the lowering of the standards to allow sodomites to lead the boy scouts. I don't want them to have an influence on them. By allowing them to be leaders in the boy scouts, the scouts are saying that homosexuality is ok, and Biblically speaking, it is an abomination. Also may I bring up and ask about the straight leaders that are living in sin. Boyfriend/girlfriend, unmarried in the same house. I can't see a difference in the sin here.
  5. My biggest problem besides the pedophile matter is just the sinfulness of the lifestyle. I don't like the lowering of the standards to allow sodomites to lead the boy scouts. I don't want them to have an influence on them. By allowing them to be leaders in the boy scouts, the scouts are saying that homosexuality is ok, and Biblically speaking, it is an abomination. The sinfulness I agree. Also there are female scout leaders (Den mothers) which I have never agreed with. First one I encountered is when I pulled my son from scouts (Not that he argued or wanted to stay in). It really seems they are following the same direction as the Girl Scouts (which was a lot different when I was a member as a child).
  6. Why do people automatically assume if someone is homosexual they are a pedophile? That concept still blows my mind. Of the homosexual people I know all are looking for an adult of the same sex. Thy have no desire for children because that is something different altogether. There are pedophiles of all sexual orientations. *shakes head trying to understand*
  7. Beginning to wonder what the chances of mandated medical care (say once a year or something like that) will be coming along. Meh don't mind me I'm just a tad insane and thinking with my fingers again.
  8. Yeah they said the same thing to North Carolina.
  9. I've had (what I assume to be) strep for the last week and have been trying to avoid going to the ER because of the flu and how widespread it is. I have finally decided to go in this evening when I can get a ride there. It is a shame when you are trying to save the medicaid program money by avoiding the ER (I wanted to go to urgent care), but you cannot even get a callback to change your Doctor (which is almost three counties away). Stay safe guys. I will have a mask on when I go in that's for sure.
  10. *sigh* Now the question is will the people stand, or roll over...
  11. Sure!!! LOL Clear all the buildings off. Set it up nice for a camper. Have a nice little vacation spot lol!
  12. I'm worried too. I keep looking to see if she has checked in. Praying she is safe.
  13. Of course unemployment is down. People are running out of benefits. The jobless rate however is probably up.
  14. Just curious if you have any clue what this is going to do to medicaid. Quite a few disabled people don't get enough to qualify for meidcare. I know the State I live in cut eye care for meidcaid patients at the beginning of the year. They are going to add 17 to 18 million people to the program. It is going to be limited to 3 band aids, and 3 Tylenol a year by the time all those people are added on. Some States are now talking about doing away with medicaid. For some of us this is downright frightening. Premiums are about to skyrocket. Obamacare provides funding to states to expand medicaid. The Supreme Court ruled that states may opt out of the new funds. I f a state does choose to opt out, its citizens with incomes above 100 percent of the poverty line will be eligible for tax credits from the federal government to get insurance, but people below that threshold will remain the state's responsibility, What North Carolina does is up to its governor. Oh it's not only NC. All States have been cutting medicaid coverage.Ohio dropped Dental and chiropractic for those age 18 and older Sometime around 2004. LOL I didn't understand that one at all. NC had to swipe from the education funds to have the money for this year. It's sad really. No Doctor wants to accept medicaid because of how little they pay. I have been searching for a Doctor for the past six months. I've been ill a lot longer than that. Nobody wants to accept the medicaid patient. I can't imagine what adding so many will do. From what I have been reading the States will be expected to fund this because any other funding will be very little. There will be no choice but to drop some of the things that they cover. It's sad really. and expecting a business to oporate on 20%?? Holy moly that is cruel. So how are they supposed to pay their employees, let alone turn any profit?
  15. Just curious if you have any clue what this is going to do to medicaid. Quite a few disabled people don't get enough to qualify for meidcare. I know the State I live in cut eye care for meidcaid patients at the beginning of the year. They are going to add 17 to 18 million people to the program. It is going to be limited to 3 band aids, and 3 Tylenol a year by the time all those people are added on. Some States are now talking about doing away with medicaid. For some of us this is downright frightening. Premiums are about to skyrocket.
  16. Have you ever seen a 500 lb. plus person try to cook, clean and keep up with kids, work at a job, car pool or any of the hundreds of other things a single parent has to do? I've seen someone who is just over 300 lbs. trying to do it and, believe me, it's a hard road. I was 386 at my highest point, and I have done it (now 250 something extra skin included). My first husband was 430 lbs...now somehow we managed to keep up with the kids, the house, and the lawn. In 2006 my second child was born 6 weeks premature, and I was a recent widow. Still 300 lbs 2 kids in the house and alone, and I still did it. It's a hard road if you are skinny. They decided some time ago parents are no longer allowed to sleep since we now get in trouble for children that sneak out during midnight hours that parents happen to miss. Government needs to get their noses out of child rearing.
  17. It's a secular song written for the country music industry....sadly I am laughing. Cutting their own hands off.
  18. The Bible has already defined homosexuality as sin and you have already said that only God make that judgment call, so why are you contradicting God on the matter??? That just shows how naive and uninformed you are. The Homosexual community has NEVER been satisfied with tolerance. They are demanding total acceptance in every sphere of society. They don't want us to merely let them live their disgusting lifestyle in privacy. They are demanding to be able to be ordained as ministers in churches. They are trying to spread their influence into sectors of society for us to acquiese to their demands. If we say homosexuality is a sin from the pulpit, preachers could be arrested for hate crimes. If they are denied marriage in a church, it will and may very will be considered discrimination. It really is a major problem. Please do not label the entire community because of the loudmouth insistent spoiled babies. Many of my friends are homosexuals, and that isn't what they all want. Much like we as Christians get labeled because of things like Westboro Baptist, and some of our own outspoken "Bible thumpers" (to use the words we all are called because of a few or some). Many of my friends are actually pretty irritated because of some in the homosexual community who insist on marriage. All my friends want are legal rights. Most don't even want to call it marriage. Personally I would like to see marriage as only a Christian union. Any union outside the church being a civil union with the same legal rights, but a different defining word. I get incredibly frustrated with both sides because I can see both. No one seems willing to step back and say "if that were me how would I like to be treated". Christians are to be in the world but not of it. Does that give us the right to dictate rights to others? I don't think it does.
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