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Everything posted by NickyLouse

  1. First of all, I hope this doesn't sound harsh. It's not meant to. Secondly, I considered replying privately, but there are others with the same sentiment as you. Let me ask 2 simple questions: 1. What do you not like about church? 2. How are you serving our King?
  2. I am in agreement with a couple of responses here: It is always good to agree on the definition of a word before we answer the question. I think that another good question to ask is, "How do you know that you're a Christian?" This leaves the floor wide open for them to give their opinion about what it means. I think that once we are satisfied with the person's understanding of salvation and their profession as such, we believe them and trust them. As a Christian, they are to be held to a higher standard. When a Christian sins, it is to be addressed as Galatians6:1 says: Whereas the sins of an unbeliever need not be brought up. It is only important to convey to them that they have sinned against a holy God. Pick any sin... lying is usually one that everyone agrees on. The verse that comes to mind is 1 Timothy3:6
  3. Murder is legal when it happens in the privacy of the womb where no one can see the violence happening. but God sees...
  4. Thanks for your confirmation of what I was feeling was true. Our pastor spoke on 1Cor7:1-16 Sunday and he mentioned that v10-11 were indeed directed towards believers. As I mentioned earlier I have been hoping for reconciliation after my ex-wife recognizes her salvation through Jesus, our Lord and God. For the same reason you gave about v12-16 being addressed to unbelievers, my thoughts were in agreement. But I have learned not to trust my feelings in regard to what God is saying and instead rely strictly upon the truth. So anyway now, my emotions are swinging again. On one hand, I am getting that feeling you get when a weight is lifted. On the other hand, I am suffering through those feelings of aloneness and separation that you get when you are first divorced.
  5. Do verses 1Cor7:10-11 not apply? What about 1Cor. 7:15 God has called us to live in peace, Hunterpoet. Thank you for sharing that. I have come to realize that God has not gifted me with singleness and I am sorrowful over 2Cor6:14-17 since I have hoped for reconciliation, but my sorrow is a consequence of my sin I will face. My greater grief is over the fact that I have lost what I consider my first and foremost ministry.
  6. I am the Christian involved. Thank you, LT. It is my heart's desire to be obedient to God above all else. On the one hand, I feel more free to serve in His service as a single person and I could be much happier without the burden of waiting for reconciliation. On the other hand, I hear God's command to deny myself very clearly, meaning that I should be obedient to 1Cor7:10-11 and remain unmarried. By the way, at this time there is no interest in any other person by either of us.
  7. Do verses 1Cor7:10-11 not apply?
  8. NickyLouse


    This is not a poll. Here's the scenario: 2 unbelievers are married. 1 of them receives faith in Jesus. The new Christian sinfully leaves the unbeliever. The Christian repents and tries to return, but is then rejected and ultimately is divorced by the unbeliever. The unbeliever wishes to maintain a friendly relationship, but currently does not want to remarry. Here's the question: Is the Christian obligated to remain unmarried as long as the possibility for reconciliation exists?
  9. The words of the Lord also tell us to be forgiving to those who sin, even such an evil sin as sodomy. We should not interfere with their sins of the flesh, as it is already to late to save them from themselves; God will do as he sees fit when they pass on to judgment, and they will atone for eternity. Instead, we should enlighten those who have not been tainted by the evils of the lustful ways of the homosexuals, and ensure that the union between man and woman is upheld in the house of the Lord, through law if we have to. For if we do the Lords work, and remove them from this plane, are we no better than them? By killing another man, do we not warrant eternal damnation as much as they do? Welcome Isaiah! I think I get what you are saying about not interfering with their sins. The heart of the unsaved sinner must be turned before any behavioral modifications have any bearing on their eternal souls. We would not want the unsaved person to believe that if they change their ways, they'll be guaranteed entry into Heaven. It is only by faith that we are saved. However, I agree with OneLight about it never being too late as long as the person still is alive. There is no depth of which God cannot pull us out. I thank God He was patient with me and there would not be just a few that would have written me off... for sure.
  10. I find peace and rest in Hebrews 4.
  11. Jesus and other Jews knew that it is only God who can forgive sin. Jesus never would have offered forgiveness of sins (Mt9:1-8, Mk2:1-12, Lk5, Lk7:36-50), if He did not know that He was God Incarnate. He was giving the Jews (especially the Pharisees) clues to His divinity throughout His ministry. They had to have known that He was either blaspheming or He was truly the Son of God sent to take away the sins of the world. Sadly, most of them could not admit their own blindness to the Truth. I agree with what Kross said here about Jesus doing only what the Father showed Him and that until He was resurrected He worked within the limitations of His earthly body including His omniscience.
  12. I thought you were going to say that he left Mormonism
  13. What did Samuel Adams and others do when the colonies were not being represented?
  14. Greed won out! At 1:30pm EST, House Reps submitted to the god of greed!
  15. Greed contributed to this mess and the Senate is relying on greed to bail them out. The Senate sweetened the deal with pork to entice Representatives that did not vote 'yes' for it Monday. So God has presented us with this fateful question for us to answer what what we think is best: Is greed good? Yes - bail out and reward irresponsibility... or No - let us lick our wounds and learn from our mistakes.
  16. That's not what I have seen reported...and my source is FOXNEWS. ...and it looks like Wall Street is sending a message. The DOW is down over 700 points and falling fast. Y'all really do need to read up on the New Deal, a series of programs that led this nation out of the Great Depression. Sometimes the Federal Government does need to step in and reestablish some "balance" to our economy. At approximately 1:54pm today on FoxNews, Neil Cavuto did affirm what I also have personally noted reading "Letters to Congress" (prior to the failing of this bill). Only now that the bill has failed and the subsequent correction in the stock market are people voicing opinions to support a bailout. I can't help but believe the sudden turnaround in these letters are motivated by the fall of the market after Congress reacted to the will of the People. I believe those calling for support now are losing money and are greedily trying to avoid losses that are due to the corruption on the part of the lenders and the irresponsibility on the part of the borrowers. I respectfully disagree with your opinion about the New Deal. Our failing Social Security system was created by the New Deal. Anytime we leave it up to government to take care of what we should be able to personally care for, we find ourselves worse off. The reason for that is because it empowers government over us which leads to corruption. I do think that the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was a good program, but that was a national program of development - not a loan to irresponsible people.
  17. And now coming out of the sewers in Washington are the rats who point their fingers at those they hate on the opposite side of the aisle. Neil Cavuto stated that letters to Congress numbered 1000 to 1 in opposition to the bailout. Why wasn't this a unanimous vote in opposition? I think the answer is that our "civil servants" think they know all so much more about what is best than the People they are supposed to represent. This should be a wake up call to Congress that we do not trust them and we will not sit idly by while they try to pick our pockets.
  18. Read these "Letters to Congress". Probably more than 99% of the letters are in opposition to the bailout - even in its latest form. See financialservices.house.gov for the absolute latest if you can gain access to their site. I read through 150 letters Friday before I came across any letter other than the bailout and every single letter in regard to the bailout was in opposition. I believe Gallup and USA Today is operating as agencies of the government at this point to ward off any panic from the public. If the public knew the truth that essentially no one is in favor of the bailout, there would be a run on banks that could not make sufficient cash withdrawals and would have to close their doors. That would lead to further panic and the FDIC would be overwhelmed in producing cash for all of the insured banks. Another reason for duping the public is because most people believe anything television tells them and when people accept that the bailout must be a good thing since everyone is in favor of it, they will not revolt against the incumbents in Congress.
  19. The question that I have is concerning theories and suppositions about the origin of matter and mass. I had a recent discussion with someone about it and the theory of singularity or point mass was brought up. A 'point' from my recollection of geometry is an infinitely small location in space. I conceded to the possibility that matter can reside in an infinitely small volume, but that did not answer my question about matter's origin. The only answer I got was that there has always been matter or energy in one form or another. I watched an interesting program that suggested that as time progresses the universe becomes devoid of matter as black holes swallow matter and then lose their own energy. It also suggested as it dealt with quantum physics that as time went on there could somehow be a ripple or bubble in space that could project into a larger plane of existence in which additional universes may exist. And that this could possibly be how "our" universe was created. This all seems quite fanciful to me, (but then I never thought that imaginary numbers had any purpose until I studied electronics). However, that idea of parallel universes still did not satisfy my curiosity about the origin of those other universes. My personal belief is that God is spirit and is of a supernatural form that defies our ability as creatures who base reality on observable circumstances to understand. I also believe that God intervenes in individuals' lives and reveals just enough evidence that is apprehensible. I believe that there is one God or Creator who cannot coexist with another Creator. I believe that God is not deceptive and that He wants us to discover creation and Himself. I believe that the spirit that is God has within Himself the ability to create and did so. I realize that this explanation of origin does not satisfy everyone. I am a stubborn person who relies on the truth of experience and evidence, but I do not need absolute proof to come to a reasonable decision. So therefore, I am completely receptive to ideas that are consistent with other discoveries. I am a layman with regard to cosmology, so if you reply with a lot of jargon that requires volumes of research to understand, you will not adequately satisfy my curiosity. What will satisfy me is if you can explain in layman's terms about rational theories about how mass was originally created.
  20. I want to address these questions specifically. I lived in denial for 30 years. I heard about Jesus dying for me when I was 11. It never meant anything to me until I was 19. But at that time the soil of my heart was choked out by the cares of the world. I put God on the shelf for over 20 years after that. When the USA was attacked, I started thinking about death. I realized that if there was an afterlife, I deserved to be punished for the things I had done. I started paying attention more to what people would say about God (both Allah and Jesus). I held out no hope that Allah would forgive and that there is no basis on who or how he would forgive. 3I really didn't have hope that Jesus would forgive me either (because the Holy Spirit had been working on me behind the scenes - so to speak). You see my heart was crushed when I acknowledged my sin from God's perspective. And knowing that 2Jesus innocently paid the price for me only broke my spirit further. And that broken spirit was the key for me. I could not let God reach me because I was hiding behind my pride. Once my spirit was broken though, it made me begin a quest to search out why Jesus would want to save me. What I found was a love that is so pure that 4 years later it still leaves me stunned. Whenever I think about this deeply, a wave of love comes over me that makes me want to love someone else the way He loves me. I was never like that before. I was the definition of selfishness. If you want to know what changed my heart and why I believe Jesus really atoned for my sin, 1please read my 'about me' section. May grace and truth be yours through the personal revelation of our Savior, Jesus.
  21. Plank 5 on Karl Marx Communist Manifesto (pg 21 of 44) says, "Centralisation of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. " Please read the following proposed Act and see if it doesn't sound like Marxism, noting especially those areas in bold. LEGISLATIVE PROPOSAL FOR TREASURY AUTHORITY TO PURCHASE MORTGAGE-RELATED ASSETS Section 1. Short Title. This Act may be cited as ____________________. Sec. 2. Purchases of Mortgage-Related Assets. (a) Authority to Purchase.--The Secretary is authorized to purchase, and to make and fund commitments to purchase, on such terms and conditions as determined by the Secretary, mortgage-related assets from any financial institution having its headquarters in the United States. (b) Necessary Actions.--The Secretary is authorized to take such actions as the Secretary deems necessary to carry out the authorities in this Act, including, without limitation: (1) appointing such employees as may be required to carry out the authorities in this Act and defining their duties; (2) entering into contracts, including contracts for services authorized by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, without regard to any other provision of law regarding public contracts; (3) designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Government, and they shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Government as may be required of them; (4) establishing vehicles that are authorized, subject to supervision by the Secretary, to purchase mortgage-related assets and issue obligations; and (5) issuing such regulations and other guidance as may be necessary or appropriate to define terms or carry out the authorities of this Act. Sec. 3. Considerations. In exercising the authorities granted in this Act, the Secretary shall take into consideration means for-- (1) providing stability or preventing disruption to the financial markets or banking system; and (2) protecting the taxpayer. Sec. 4. Reports to Congress. Within three months of the first exercise of the authority granted in section 2(a), and semiannually thereafter, the Secretary shall report to the Committees on the Budget, Financial Services, and Ways and Means of the House of Representatives and the Committees on the Budget, Finance, and Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate with respect to the authorities exercised under this Act and the considerations required by section 3. Sec. 5. Rights; Management; Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets. (a) Exercise of Rights.--The Secretary may, at any time, exercise any rights received in connection with mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act. (b) Management of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary shall have authority to manage mortgage-related assets purchased under this Act, including revenues and portfolio risks therefrom. © Sale of Mortgage-Related Assets.--The Secretary may, at any time, upon terms and conditions and at prices determined by the Secretary, sell, or enter into securities loans, repurchase transactions or other financial transactions in regard to, any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act. (d) Application of Sunset to Mortgage-Related Assets.--The authority of the Secretary to hold any mortgage-related asset purchased under this Act before the termination date in section 9, or to purchase or fund the purchase of a mortgage-related asset under a commitment entered into before the termination date in section 9, is not subject to the provisions of section 9. Sec. 6. Maximum Amount of Authorized Purchases. The Secretary's authority to purchase mortgage-related assets under this Act shall be limited to $700,000,000,000 outstanding at any one time Sec. 7. Funding. For the purpose of the authorities granted in this Act, and for the costs of administering those authorities, the Secretary may use the proceeds of the sale of any securities issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, and the purposes for which securities may be issued under chapter 31 of title 31, United States Code, are extended to include actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses. Any funds expended for actions authorized by this Act, including the payment of administrative expenses, shall be deemed appropriated at the time of such expenditure. Sec. 8. Review. Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency. Sec. 9. Termination of Authority. The authorities under this Act, with the exception of authorities granted in sections 2(b)(5), 5 and 7, shall terminate two years from the date of enactment of this Act. Sec. 10. Increase in Statutory Limit on the Public Debt. Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking out the dollar limitation contained in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof $11,315,000,000,000. Sec. 11. Credit Reform. The costs of purchases of mortgage-related assets made under section 2(a) of this Act shall be determined as provided under the Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990, as applicable. Sec. 12. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply: (1) Mortgage-Related Assets.--The term "mortgage-related assets" means residential or commercial mortgages and any securities, obligations, or other instruments that are based on or related to such mortgages, that in each case was originated or issued on or before September 17, 2008. (2) Secretary.--The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Treasury. (3) United States.--The term "United States" means the States, territories, and possessions of the United States and the District of Columbia.
  22. I like the sensibility of your question provided you are open to trying to understand the response. When I stopped disbelieving in God, the first thing that came to mind was that I needed to measure up to God's standard for living. I tried really hard and do you know what happened... I became frustrated and bitter because I realized I could not do it. I thought of all of the ways in which I was not living right and swore to myself that I would change... because God loved me enough to die in my place and He deserved to have a better child than what I was. So I started doing the things you mention... living a moral life, giving to charity, helping people, etc. But in my heart I was bitter because I wanted everyone to behave as I did. It wasn't fair that they could go on sinning while I had to tow the Christian line. But the problem was that although I was open to believing in Jesus I had not accepted the fact that He died so that I wouldn't have to do the thing that I could not do, namely 'measuring up'. I could not forgive myself for being in part to blame for the death of such a wonderful person as Jesus. Then, it dawned on me that Jesus went to the Cross willingly and with joy in His heart for all the good that would come from it. He certainly could not have been happy that men devised such a torturous way of killing and He was not happy that it came down to Him being killed for our sakes. But He had an eternal outlook on matters and it gave Him joy to do His Father's will. My point here is that men intend harm, but God intends it for good. In the same way we see suffering as harm, God does intend it for good. All people will see at the conclusion of history how each and every thing we intend for harm was allowed by God so that good would turn out. Suddenly, the things I was trying to do 'to measure up' became rewarding to me as I am sure they are for many people who consider themselves 'good people'. The whole difference is in the motivation behind our deeds. Am I doing good to impress myself or others? Am I doing good because I think I might need someone else's help someday? Am I doing good because I think that this is what everyone should do and I am going to do my part whether others do or not? ... Or am I doing it out of love - love for the One who looked into eternity and found joy in His own sacrifice for my benefit? If I unexpectedly was given evidence that Jesus was a fraud and a liar or a lunatic who only believed he was fulfilling a ton of prophecy and that his miracles were in fact just some strange coincidence... If I unexpectedly became aware that my life since coming to know Him is based on a mountain of lies, I think I would become homicidal or totally withdrawn. Life itself would mean nothing to me. Assuming I would be able to get over my depression, I don't think I would give any other person another care. What I would do for the remainder of my days could not be wasted on doing anything that did not benefit myself. There would certainly be selfish reasons to help others, but ultimately it would boil down to what was best for me.
  23. Concerning Jerusalem: Romans ruled for 600 years. Then, Arab Caliphates ruled for 600 years. Then, the Ottoman Empire ruled for 600 years. Over the past 100 years as God started regathering His people to Jerusalem and especially since 1948, there have been many wars and rumors of wars.
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