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other one

Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by other one

  1. The ship was under control of the Harbor Master people until it is out past the bridge and maybe further., not the captain. All I am saying is we need to wait to see what shows up when it's really investigated. Who do you know that can tell us for certain what happened to this bridge? I've watched it hit it and knock it down, and I saw the lights go out and understand what that entails. I saw the wake of the ship and I took the time to look at My Radar to see the direction of the wind and the speed to see what it would do to the ship that was coasting without power. What the pilot reported, and the video shows, all adds up to being exactly what they said. It may well be that the problem was/is some very substandard fuel the ship picked up for the trip. Tests will show that, but it takes time to test it.
  2. ... and if you have the Holy Spirit, you have your name in the book of life, and it is not possible to be deceived. So instead of overly concerned about end times and who's the antichrist and who's going to deceive us, maybe we should be making sure everyone has the Holy Spirit and a relationship with the Lord. Jesus knew what he was talking about when he said his sheep knows the Shepard. Who do you know that can tell you for certain what happened to this bridge? I've watched it hit it and knock it down, and I saw the lights go out and understand what that entails. I saw the wake of the ship and I took the time to look at My Radar to see the direction of the wind and the speed to see what it would do to the ship that was coasting without power. What the pilot reported, and the video shows, all adds up to being exactly what they said. It may well be that the problem was/is some very substandard fuel the ship picked up for the trip. Tests will show that, but it takes time to test it.
  3. I personally think he is referring to Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit was given to each of us who follow him.
  4. That was the problem. God seemed to want them so show him they would do what he told them to do. They did not do what they were told for selfish reasons. To answer your question, if God told me to go somewhere and cleans an area, I would be obligated to do so for I've declared him as my Lord. I personally can't see him doing that for any reason, though.
  5. You can make your life miserable considering all possible conspiracies. Been there, done that. Let's just see how things go. I would agree that the CIA and President Johnson killed Kennedy, 9/11 was an inside job, and Saddam did not have mass destruction weapons. We overthrew the Ukraine government in 2014 and that whole mess is all our fault. I do understand what the so-called deep state is, and what it is capable of, but I also know who's in charge of it. I walked with them for about ten years in the 70s, 80s and got the inside understanding of what they intended to do.
  6. Keep in mind that it's not the first time this ship has had problems and ran into things
  7. I know. I spent a very long time on these kinds of websites looking for news. It's pretty much impossible to trust anything these days. Look for the news, but don't listen to their assessment of it.
  8. The first Adam didn't fail, he did exactly what he was supposed to do. His eating of the fruit gave mankind the knowledge of sin (right/wrong<>good/evil) Look at the first example of the fruit: They had been running around naked for some time.... Until they ate of the fruit, and they realized that they were sinning and by their own selves, not that someone told them. It's also the reason that none of us are free from sin, for even before we know of Jesus and the Father, we sense right from wrong just like Adam and Eve did. What the fruit did was bring the knowledge and recognition of sin to people. And that is what God needed to happen, and it's poetic justice that Satan himself did the work on it himself. God's been 14 steps ahead of him from the start.
  9. It is huge for the economy. The only port in the country that is busier is Los Ángeles. About a fourth of coal exports leave there. It shouldn't take long to clear the sea lane, I don't know about the reconstruction.
  10. All but two of those things he calls explosions are simply lights that are aligned with the top of the bridge. They are still there when the bridge falls. The two interesting ones are high voltage arcs as it pulls some good-sized cables apart, which is visible after the bridge comes apart. Select setup on the video and watch it at 1/4th speed, and it is easier to see.
  11. That was the way it was designed. The way it is all tied together. Old technology. I heard someone speaking for the city say it would likely take a year. Traffic there was awful as it was. It is an interstate loop.
  12. 285 posts and counting. My, My, My, will there never be consensus.
  13. There were barriers there, but when the bridge was built, we didn't have ships that weigh 400 million pounds. I'm not sure what kind of barrier could stop that kind of weight.
  14. They had a harbor master crew guiding the ship out of port. They had reported that they were having some kind of propulsion problem and had lost control of the ship. I had wondered how something like this had happened and wondered if it was on purpose. Seems as though trained specialists were at the controls when something went wrong.
  15. Chill out guys, you both are getting personal here.
  16. How many days of the Lord have there been?
  17. By the righteous covering we get from Jesus when we make/allow him to be our Lord.
  18. Once the mark is established, I doubt any Christian will hack anyone's number. As for now, we have our Discover card misused at least once a year. I just had to received new cards this month, twice last year. It just goes with the kind of use we do. I do enjoy the 4 to 6 hundred dollars cashback we get. It's worth the work, and we are never responsible for the fraud use of the card. Almost all the time, Discover intercepts the fraud as it happens, and it is never approved.
  19. I firmly believe our last election was won by deception and outright illegal doings across the country. We've let the devil work himself into the full-time government employees and main stream media so the more evil people running can win over the will of the people. I didn't get that thought easily, but by watching a lot of local senate and house streaming and people I personally know within the voting system.
  20. Considering what's against him, and he's still in the race, I have to wonder. If he's still alive to move back into the White House, I do believe I'll think he's Gods choice.
  21. Will someone please tell Putin that when is starts pushing the Nuclear buttons that most of us over here don't like what our government has done and is doing.
  22. ISIS does a big terrorist attack on Russia, and Russia votes to demand a ceasefire against Hamas. This world is so devoid of common sense it's frightening.
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