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About Hvnly1Rose

  • Birthday 04/23/1967

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  1. I apologize for getting sidetracked but work and family have gotten hectic. I'm going to try to catch up today. I think the biggest thing in my life I have problems with right now is my weight. It's my belief that being overweight adds to the chance of other diseases. I don't believe that God wants us to be obese. The Bible says that physical discipline profits little, but a soldier trains in both the physical and the mental. If we are sick because we're overweight, how do we do the Father's work? My wife and I are both starting a 40 day fast today that we would hope that everyone would pray for us about. Our purpose in the fast is to have God change us both inside and out. We are seeking to have a closer walk with God and to hear Him with a clearer voice. We are looking to overcome the addictions (food, distractions) in our lives. God has made it clear that we are called to a ministry but we continue to get distracted by other things. We desire to overcome these things and grow closer to Him. Keep us in prayer during this time. Asduke, I commend you on your quest and 40 day sacrifice. I will pray for you and your wife concerning this fast, that it is what God wants you to do. I would like to suggest a book to you that I just recently started because I have also been dealing with a weight problem for most of my life. It has become a noose and even though it is easier to leave it alone it is better to work with God to get the pounds off. My church has a support group that I am going to for the first time tonight and they are the ones that told me to get "Thin Within" by Judy Wardell-Halliday. I have read the first few days and it really has had a profound affect on me. It is not your traditional weight loss program and it certainly is NOT a diet (bad word by the way), it is designed to help you do what you are trying to do. You can go to this web site to learn a little more about it but I think with you both fasting this is a good book to read, and maybe even find a support group in your area. I have also gotten a free sample of their online study (there is an extra cost for that though). If you would like to see it I can send it to you, just let me know. Blessings, Rose
  2. I think that my family would say the driving force in my life is my husband. I would like the driving force to be the Holy Spirit instead of fear. I am working on that, prayers would be a great help. Dave, Thanks for your insight and listening to the Spirit, it was a help and lifted me and gave me understanding. Blessings, Rose
  3. I wanted to be here on the first day posting, but to be brutaly honest, I was lazy and selfish with my time. I ask for prayer for commitment to this study and increased desire to spend time with the Lord. Day 1 Question to Consider: In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself? My answer: Making sure that He is the first thought on my mind every morning and last thought every night. Always looking for Him in everything I do & see, even advertising. Making Him visible throughout my home and everywhere I go. Years ago, when I was just a babe in Christ and my hubby younger yet, we both had a desire/a fire in our hearts to see Him and speak to Him as if He were standing right next to us. We woke in the morning with a song on our hearts and spent more time then not with Him, ending our day with prayer before our heads hit the pillow. We have both lost that first Love, if you will, and I believe that if I can get back to how we were then it would be very easy to remind myself that life is about living for God. It has become such a struggle, I feel as though I am being crushed by the enemy and I can barely breath. So with every thought of God I feel like I am hanging on by threads that are slowly breaking, one by one, with every victory by the enemy. I struggle with grabbing on to the next thread only to lose my grip time and again. I know that He will never leave me or forsake me, but the struggle is exhausting and I don't know how much longer I can hold on. Day 2 Question to Consider: I know that God uniquely created me. What areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept? My background I cannot change it is what brought me to this point in my life, it brought me to God. I am thankful for that and even though I would love to change things I did I know it is what shaped who I am. I believe that I have accepted my personality, I am happy with it. My appearance is a problem that I have struggled with for all my life. I am considerably over weight and have not been able to overcome the enemy in this area. I don't know why the Lord would want me to accept my current weight as ok. I know that He created me for a purpose but I don't think he wants me to stay where I am. It has been a constant source of distress in my life. Sorry that I am so down, these things are supposed to be uplifting. I need a lot of work. :down: Blessings & Love to all, Rose
  4. Green Ink, Although I cannot say that I have the same intelect as you I can say that in Gods economy He uses all types of people to reach His children. Answer me a few questions, What is it about the scientific field that interests you? Why did you chose that particular field? Did you have a strong desire to find out things about the world we live in or was it because you were good at scientific things? If you had a desire to go into this field then maybe the passion God has in store for you is in that field...maybe He wants to show you Himself through that field. Do you get excited about what you do? If you do then think serously about why you do. Ask God to send you a mentor that will lead you down the road He wants you to take. Don't worry about not feeling comfortable with prayer now, you will eventually be comfortable with it. God shows Himself through others and all you need is for God to send that someone to help give you an understanding of Him through eyes that see like yours do. Be open to His signs and don't close any doors without really giving careful consideration as to wheather or not it is from Him. You will have that personal relationship with Him, be patient, He does things in His own time. Blessings to you and be of good cheer, Rose
  5. My hubby bought a set of books for him, myself and our teen daughter but he never followed through on it so I will try and be faithful to this thread and the Lord of course and prayfully learn something. Thanks Dave for bringing this back up at the request of others. May God strengthen you through this time of leadership. Blessings, Rose
  6. Just bumping this back up to the top again. Love the posts Neb & Cats.
  7. Sorry Yod...that is also a bad example because jealousy is involved and not just morality. Why not take the clothing issue into account. In one society it is prohibited for a women to show any skin at all (Afganistan, Saudi Arabia..etc) and then in another it is widely excepted to show as much skin as you can, even to be naked (France, Brazil...etc). Morals are passed down from generation to generation. What I thought to be moral I later found out was not because I came to know the Lord. So, if in fact you are learning your morals from your parents and society it doesn't mean that they are the CORRECT set of morals. I also believe that the Lord does put His word into our heart from an early age but we don't always heed to it, in fact we usually go our own way and are led by the people around us. So, if I were to live in a tribe of people that are canabalistic then I wouldn't have "thou shalt not kill" in my moral code. I believe that morality is a learned thing, just like after we are saved we read God's word and find out that something we thought was ok really wasn't, then we fix it (hopefully). So, when we except the Lord we become righteous and the Lord guides us in our walk of His morality...not society's. JMHO Blessings, Rose
  8. What a wonderful and uplifting post....Thanks
  9. Considering your name, this would be a good choice God-man. However, I still like the butterfly. And I think it's a manly butterfly. why, just the other day I saw that it had on a construction hat. :bg: Actually, though I don't know my butterflies, in the animal kingdom all the males have the better colors, so it probably really is male. Keep the butterfly I agree
  10. Gary, I think you have a good thing going there. I am sorry that I cannot help in what your asking for except by prayer. God's blessings be poured out on this endevour and be patient with waiting on the Lord. And welcome to Worthy Boards. Blessings~Rose
  11. Yes it is a woman. Her name is Rosalinda Celentano.
  12. I watched it also...and I have to say that I was astounded too. I couldn't believe that these so called Christians were saying the things they were saying. It was hard to watch. I was very impressed by Joel Siegel and his support of this film. I pray that he too is questioning...searching himself. That would be an awesome testimony!
  13. I need help with understanding these verses. Here, the Lord says that people will be able to do things only someone with spiritual authority could possibly do!...such as driving out demons, performing miracles and prophesying. How is it that they can do these things in Jesus' name and under His authority and still be regarded as outcasts? I'm really confused about this...Does this mean that they lost their salvation? I believe that this is refering to those who claim to know the Lord but all they did was the works and did not spend time with the Lord because they didn't open their hearts and let Him in. You can do things of the Lord and not be saved. Those wolves in sheeps clothing...ya know. Ephesians 2 8For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not of works, lest anyone should boast.
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