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About willsmom

  • Birthday 07/12/1969

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  1. [i am not a Gideon but a friend of the Gideons,I fill out the the form to join but because I wasn't college educated or a higher rank in the service than I achieved I was not permitted to join. I appreciate what the Gideons do. I love knowing I can always find a Bible when I am away from home and I think it is a wonderful outreach. But I am very curious to know why not being a college gradute would keep you from not being allowed to join the Gideons. If you felt a calling to join shouldn't they let you? Just wondering
  2. There is nothing like the innocence of a child. To hear a child cry out like that is the Holy Spirit. Where would a child get the idea to make something like this up to such a degree. That would be drama beyond a child's ability. Why are you skeptical. Remeber Jesus said Let the little children come unto me. And what a better way to come broken. She sounds like she is laying it all on the line. Besides its not our place to judge. Be Blessed. K
  3. My heart was stirred and I felt the power of the Holy Spirit as I watched the video. I desire for my son to seek and cry out to Lord the way this child did. We should be crying out to God the way in which this child did. K
  4. thanks so much. I am truly relieved. I can't imagine giving up Sunny D k
  5. I heard many years ago that the company Proctor and Gamble were giving proceeds to their "Satanic Church". Does anyone know if this is true? I also heard that there was some type of satanic symbol on some of their products? If you know anything please post. Thanks K
  6. oh wow! YOu have made me feel so much better. I have not been able to think of it this way. Thanks for taking the time to post. Also I love the idea posted earlier about the church providing coloring sheets and things that pertain to the service. Its just so hard in this age of electronics and "high tech" toys to entertain children with crayons and paper. Again Thank you for all of your input. K.
  7. Two questions, off topic, but I ask them anyway. What goes on at a Pentacostal service that is so lively? A nd what is the point, beyond a SHOW of reverance, for standing up out of obligation when singing or reading from the Bible? I can see people being moved to stand for singing. Or a reading for that matter. But, in my opinion, the highest form of respect for G-d's word is listening. Regardless of the position one is in. I underline show because it is just as easy to review ones pocketbook contents standing or sitting.
  8. I agree with everyone so far as to what gossip is. Now for confession. I am a recovering gossiper (is that a word?). I wasn't one that spread it but I listened to it. I thought since I only listened that I was in the "safe" zone. Then I learned that listening to the mess is just as bad. I have been looking and praying for ways to break the cycle of listening and I would like to know peoples take on escaping gossipers. K
  9. Most Pentacostal services I have been in are very emotional and would be downright scary for a child.
  10. My son is 8 years old and is a very creative and intellegent child. We attend service 3 times a week and in 2 of those services he is in Children's Church. On Sunday night services he goes to the santuary with me and his dad. My question is this, do you all think it is ok for him to bring things of entertainment (coloring books, books, small games etc.) into church. I have tried to get him to sit still and listen to the pastor but he falls asleep. We're pentacostal so I really don't know how he manages to stay asleep. I don't want him to dislike church services. We were in Revival this last week and I wanted him to stay awake and pay attention but he started to whine and beg to stay at home every night. I just want him to be involved in church and love it. Do you think I'm pushing too hard? Oh and before you ask, he does have a good bed time K
  11. I can only give you my opinion. The Bible says "Thou shalt not murder". I consider suicide murder. I have been to the bottom and thought that killing myself would be the answer but I realized that I would go to hell for murder. Not only that but the Holy Spirit reminded me that He would never put more on me than I could bear. If I would have taken my own life then I would have been calling God a liar and I know as well as you do that He is the truth and the truth shall set you free. God Bless you, K
  12. Fellow Believers, I emplore you to pray for Mr. Brown, Tom Hanks and Ron Howard that they would have a Damascus experience. I will not be viewing the movie. I refuse to support hollywood in tainting the precious name of Jesus. I know that we all take this personally and we should but do you think for a second that God doesn't know whats going on. Even as a baby he took down Herods plans. We do not need to argue or debate this movie we need to pray and be prepared to minister to those who get caught up in. I know you think we should be wise to what the movies about and I understand that point. But all we need is His infallable word, The Bible. It is the truth. It has never failed. I do plan to boycott Mr. Howard and Mr. Hanks movies and the studio that is putting this movie out. But praying for them is first and foremost on my "to do for Christ" list of things to do. Thanks for reading and God Bless You K
  13. I was telling my son (who is from Russia) about the movie I saw as a child telling about the finding of Noah's Ark. It was a documentary type film and My son wants to see it. I was wondering if any of you worthy board members might know the name of that movie so I could search for it on the net. PS.I don't know if this is posted in the correct place or not. Feel free to move it if it needs to be moved. Thanks in advance for your help, K.
  14. I will certainly put you and your fellow missionaries on my prayer list as well as the wonderful people of Russia. Take care and be blessed. Kelly
  15. Kevin, Just curious. Are you a poeple pleaser? A performance based person? I ask because your situation sounds very familiar. When I went through these attacks I went to a evangilist friend and he made this very good point.... Satan is the father of lies. That meaning that everything he says is a lie. no truth is in him whatsoever. You recognize it as an attack of the enemy so every evil whisper of untruth he throws at you profess in Jesus name the opposite. That will be the truth. If you are a people pleaser, it may be more you thinking you offended someone and that perosn may not even have given it another thought. The remedy has already been posted. Go to that person and ask if you offended and ask them to forgive you and then Move On. Of course the enemy doesn't want you to have church friends, that threatens him. By going to that person you have put a stop where his lie could take hold. I am praying for you and I know everything will work out in Jesus Will. Kelly
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