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Everything posted by backontrack

  1. Even though it hurts to see it happen because i love America and it's people and just cannot believe such evil came about so fast.
  2. I sit here in my chair eyes filled with water seeing the White house celebrating transgender day on this Resurrection Day of my Lord Jesus Christ. Oh God forgive us of our sins please God let your Glory fall on your Church and may your people rise to the occasion set before us to bring our Saviour to the for front.
  3. Not me I want a front row seat let your Glory fall on this world
  4. Yes the end is near but so many need to hear Gods voice come to me i will give you rest but it is even more then this my spirit is heavy oh God let your Glory fall
  5. I wish I knew my spirit is heavy and as if something is going to happen and I think God is in this what ever it is.
  6. What changes It's bigger then that I feel it in my spirit God is up to something but what!
  7. Why would on not say that without his blood we are all lost souls, he also breathed the people receive the holy spirit. That is what dwells in us and that is God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all in one. God can not look upon sin therefore Jesus Blood covers all our sins and he lives in us!
  8. The blood of Jesus Christ that's how cover all my sins and short comings
  9. I read somewhere but cannot recall where the rib theory was not right men have all their ribs! None missing!
  10. Who feel like something big is on the horizon coming down the pike but cannot put their finger on it!
  11. So now that the illegals are here lets go after them so when they get deported they will take with them Jesus!
  12. I guess time will tell if it is intentional
  13. Amazes me how they can create something that's not their the internet is so deceptive at times!
  14. https://x.com/RagingKuJo1222/status/1772807240191275162?s=20
  15. Was it brought down by accident?
  16. My heart goes out for the Native American people as I spent time on Pine Ridge res, I got to know the bloodline chiefs and the daughter who's dad was head over crazy horse monument. Sit in meetings with them and it was not a common thing when they let a white guy in. They said I had pure blood. I have many stories when living in Hot Springs Sd. It was a glorious time. I spent many times weeping over the Lakota Sioux. I was in awe many times, my son is married to a Crow Indian and I will always treasure what I experienced. The first Americans will always have a special place in my Heart. I was elated to hear White Clay Neb closed all the liquor stores. But unfortunately, the Mexican cartel has invaded both the Crow res, and Pine Ridge res with so many drugs it unreal. I pray for them always! The evil Administration we now have running America has destroyed so much and I do not know if it can be undone. We do have an opportunity to spread the Gospel to the 10 million illegals God has to have some kind of plan here.
  17. Remember the Word walked among us Jesus is the Word God in flesh. He is the Holy Spirit 3 in one. Oh thank you Jesus!
  18. My daughter could not let them fire her as it would of went on her resume they basically forced many of the RN's to resign. Sick that's my opinion. She now works for Legacy saving babies from abortion. Pay and benefits way less
  19. To be perfect in the presence of God is impossible without the blood of my Saviour Jesus covering all my sins and short comings. Thank God for his Son!
  20. My Daughter is a RN BSN degree worked for the VA in Sheridan Wy. They refused to except her exempt letter for religious reasons not wishing to take the jab, signed by her pastor as well. They tried to force her along with a few other RN's but she and them refused. Well they forced all of them to resign. They offered my daughter a position in the kitchen which she refused so she to resigned. Now tell me this what the heck happened in the USA and why! They tried to find an Attorney to represent them but not one would take the case. Big tech and big farma rule this and God is out and evil is in. When people call good evil and evil is good the end is near.
  21. God always has a plan the question is does the church back God or man
  22. I think White is beautiful, Black is beautiful, Brown is beautiful, Yellow is beautiful all colors are. Yes, there is ugliness in all colors as far as evil is concerned. God thinks all humans are a wonderful creation and he Loves all humans. One can arrange the colors in an order and it's all good.
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