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About ladypeartree

  • Birthday 02/23/1953

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  1. Sad not mad is what I have no doubt God feels at the moment You say you dont want to give up control so lets be honest here ................. God says no sex before marriage so you took control and had a child with someone you didnt even stay with Did God get mad ? NO He made sure you had a roof over your head and food to eat and some help with your child BUT it was not the perfect paradise you wanted control of SOOOOO You did it again and had another child with another person you didnt marry or stay with so YOU are in control NOT God Am I judging you ? NO I have a granddaughter that has done the same thing and she too likes to be IN CONTROL of her life ...it is HER choice and between her and God just as it is your choice in in YOUR control YET you both feel that God should be doing more for you , should be making your lives easier because by making YOUR OWN CHOICES and being IN CONTROL OF YOUR POWN LIVES you have made your lives more difficult and harder so who do you blame for this ??? Yourself and your control issues ??? NOOOO you both think it is God being mean to you Instead of being on your knees and weeping for joy that GOD has given you two healthy children you blame HIM because YOUR choices have not brought you the control and happiness you think you are entitled to Perhaps you do have a problem but it is NOT because God doesnt care about you it is because YOU dont care about anyone BUT you . I understand you are depressed and it is an illness and I understand you feel overwhelmed at time and tired ( I had 4 very young children and escaped from a violent husband and was left to work and care for them and try to maker a better life for us all so YES I DO KNOW HOW HARD IT IS ) Yet never did I contemplate killing myself as the easy way out and leaving them to face what I couldn't .YOU HAVE THE CHOICES AND CONTROL NOT THEM they didnt ask to be born nor do they have ANY control Does you post offend me ?? NO I just feel sorry for you and will continue to pray for you but it is time to grow up and learn to live with the results of YOUR choices' and control of situations and maybe learn to make better choices or hand over that control to God who cant make things worse than YOU have done but will not just wave a magic wand and make your consequences disappear We ALL make bad choices at times and we all have to live with the consequences of those choices but with Gods grace if we humble ourselves before Him and ask for His help and guidance ( and I dont mean just make public gestures and think thats all we need ) He gives us the strength and the grace to get through the valleys in life and back to the hill tops were we can give praise and thanks to HIM
  2. Her lifestyle is not yours to judge and any child is a gift from God so congratulate her and keep praying that she hears Gods voice
  3. Well Jackie gave up first but it took some persuading to get Shadow to leave the nest, A young eagle has visited a couple of times now that the nest is no longer guarded. One egg broke and just disappeared into the nest but the other two were there as the young eagle was scrounging for food but had disappeared by the time he left ( not sure if he trampled them or if they just got buried under the material he was scrounging through .) It still is not abandoned though as a flying squirrel also has decided it is safe to go and forage around in the nest now that the big scary birds are no longer there Lets hope they have better success next year and it would be nice to still be around to watch it
  4. ask Aimes if she ever returns
  5. those kittens did NOt want to be at home in the new house
  6. If it follows the pattern for last year they will abandon the eggs soon ,, not sure if it is too late for a second clutch but apparently Spirit may be visiting even if he is not welcome near the nest
  7. Either end times for the entire world or just for those you have a call to witness to doesnt matter What does matter is your heart and that is in the right place so stay strong sister God KNOWS his people and is using you to reach them it is not madness it is love
  8. You may want to give up on God but THANK GOD HE DOESNT GIVE UP ON YOU Not sure how or why you think your life would be better without God in it . It is NOT Gods place or promise to give you everything you think you want or need but to be with you as you walk through the valley Praying for you to find some peace and help
  9. last year they just left them and the squirrels disposed of them
  10. and they are beginning to leave the nest for an hour or more so they are coming to the realisation that this clutch is not going to hatch
  11. AGAIN ?????? Poor birds wonder they dont move home
  12. In case anyone doesnt see the updates on face book.. Finally, night duty! Most of yesterday, Jackie and Shadow had a day of well-timed shift changes. Then in the afternoon, Jackie was just a bit off. She announced to Shadow she was leaving and flew off…only a minute before Shadow arrived with a fish dinner! But not to worry. Shadow loudly called out to her, making sure she knew that he had brought dinner home. Then he patiently waited without taking even a nibble of the fish. Hearing his news, Jackie immediately flew from her nearby perch tree straight into the nest. Of course, she had to call out the whole way, making sure the neighborhood knew that the fish was hers. There was some boisterous discussion about the situation as she arrived. Then Shadow stepped aside, letting Jackie have the fish as she continued loudly laying claim to it. When she finally took official possession of the fish, Shadow left her to eat in peace. With Jackie on the nest around dusk, Shadow brought in a nice, 3-pronged stick. Even though it was a beautiful stick and he laid it right in front of Jackie, she just started chirping and twerpling instead of getting up. So, Shadow came up with a better plan…the leftover fish! Jackie had not eaten the whole fish earlier, so Shadow very kindly pulled it right over to her beak…and that was simply too tempting for Jackie to resist. Shadow was most likely just being kind and loving to Jackie, and not secretly using the fish to lure her off the nest. But in any case, Jackie got up from the nest bowl to claim and eat the rest of the fish… …and while she was eating, Shadow sneaked very quietly around her and over into the nest bowl to settle onto the eggs. Then, being his mischievous self, he couldn’t resist nipping Jackie’s tail while she ate. Maybe Jackie’s full crop made her feel generous—instead of arguing with Shadow, she flew off the front porch. And Shadow had finally earned night duty on the nest! While he slept, Shadow provided an easy-to-see demo of the bald eagle’s eyelid--it closes from the bottom up, rather than from the top down like ours does. Much later, while Shadow slept, Jackie either couldn’t sleep or ‘Jackie’s rules’ got triggered by the windy conditions—in bad weather Jackie has to always be on the nest. She flew into the nest just before 2 a.m., startling Shadow. Bald eagles usually don’t like flying at night, but the moon's brightness must have created an exception. Even in the midst of being startled by her late-night visit, Shadow voiced his official complaint. He got up from the nest bowl, looking a little confused about what to do next, but then finally flew out the back door. And Jackie settled into her usual mode of taking care of the nest at night. Jackie and Shadow left the eggs on their own for over an hour during the afternoon today. Their process of realizing the eggs are not going to hatch usually includes a slow pulling away from the continuous incubation process. But Jackie was back on full duty tonight. We’ll look forward to seeing what nature has in store for us tomorrow. Thank you for continuing to keep up with Jackie and Shadow's journey. Sandy 3:57 / 6:11
  13. In a few hours I am off to pick up the next two foster dogs that I will look after till they find new homes ( making a total of 527 dogs I have been able to love ) They are 11 week old huskie crosses and will make 8 dogs here in my home at the moment .. the most I have had at one time is 24 but they tend to be puppies n0t huge dogs when I have that number ..perhaps it is just as well I dont have 22 acres
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