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Silver Shadow

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About Silver Shadow

  • Birthday 10/10/1990

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    In my own little world. But it's ok. They know me here :)

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  1. Considering the "rightly dividing the word" part, and your own instincts, I'd say RUN, not walk away. If it feels wrong, chances are, it is!
  2. I have headaches quite often. My advice would be for you to go see a GOOD doctor. When I went, she had x-rays done to see if bone spurs were the problem, or if something more serious was afoot. I now know I have a stick straight neck that don't flex much, and strains my muscles causing the headaches. I agree with Old Shep that Doctors are the healers
  3. Keep mind that even though they claim no religion, "Griffith, with the backing of groups working for church-state separation, last month complained to the Secretary of the Army that the fort was discriminating against certain religious groups."
  4. It seemed interesting when I saw it. Usually, the people who wrote the note would be all for what the WBC is doing.
  5. Check this out! If anyone has heard of those "chan" imageboards, the collective group of people known as "Anonymous" has had enough of the foolish rantings of Westboro and has delivered an Ultimatum. Read the letter here My link First part goes like this: AN OPEN LETTER FROM ANONYMOUS February 16, 2011 TO THE CONGREGANTS OF WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH: "We, the collective super-consciousness known as ANONYMOUS - the Voice of Free Speech & the Advocate of the People - have long heard you issue your venomous statements of hatred, and we have witnessed your flagrant and absurd displays of inimitable bigotry and intolerant fanaticism. We have always regarded you and your ilk as an assembly of graceless sociopaths and maniacal chauvinists & religious zealots, however benign, who act out for the sake of attention & in the name of religion. Being such aggressive proponents for the Freedom of Speech & Freedom of Information as we are, we have hitherto allowed you to continue preaching your benighted gospel of hatred and your theatrical exhibitions of, not only your fascist views, but your utter lack of Christ-like attributes. You have condemned the men and women who serve, fight, and perish in the armed forces of your nation; you have prayed for and celebrated the deaths of young children, who are without fault; you have stood outside the United States National Holocaust Museum, condemning the men, women, and children who, despite their innocence, were annihilated by a tyrannical embodiment of fascism and unsubstantiated repugnance. Rather than allowing the deceased some degree of peace and respect, you instead choose to torment, harass, and assault those who grieve. " The "chan" boards may be very very off kilter most of the time (Ok, about ALL of the time!), but it is pretty bad when even they can't stomach it! Read the rest on the link!
  6. Rofl Sephiroth: The evilest one of all! Who else with a "Mommy Complex" can (almost) take over the world, and then get his tail kicked by an effeminate blond crossdresser (referring to a certain point in the game here!)?
  7. At number 9 on the list, I'd like to add at the end: or the heroes of winds, twilight, or the first heroes in the NES, and the gameboy advanced games. Try out Wind Waker, or Twilight Princess. They are both pretty good games all around, though TP is darker in the story than any other Zelda game, other than Majora's Mask. Wind Waker has a very good story, and it keeps you interested all though the adventure. Even when you are sailing around, there is much to do, and there is much humor through the game. WW is considered a game from a split timeline. If Link had remained as an adult in OoT, and TP if he had remained as a child. While I could go on and on about Zelda/Final Fantasy and the like, I would get too far into it top 5 fictional baddies to me personally 5. Naraku/Onigumo (Inuyasha) 4.Seshomaru (Inuyasha) Not a bad guy at the end, but pretty evil for more than half the series) 3. Majora's mask (Zelda game) 2. Uchiha Madara (Naruto) Tobi's a GOOD boy! 1. Sephiroth (along with Genesis, and Jenova) Final fantasy VII Crisiscore, and other spinoffs
  8. Well, as long as there is nothing indecent, they wear shoes (bunny slippers are shoes too!!!) and the clothing of choice is not filthy, I see no problem with it really
  9. Actually the US has sent troops, first aid medical teams (including surgeons and other specialists), food water supplies ect. In fact, we have a hospital ship there right now mending wounds and such. The ship can handle 30 to 50 patients at a time. The ship has 12 operating rooms and a 1,000-bed hospital on board, digital radiological services, a medical laboratory, a pharmacy, an optometry lab, an intensive care ward, dental services, a CAT-scan, a morgue, and two oxygen producing plants, completely outfitted with Nurses, docs, volunteers, antibiotics, bandages, food and water!. You can not tell me honestly that the US is not doing its part, when in fact it is doing more than most other nations!!!
  10. Hiya Turtle!!! Most people on here just read the opening post, and don't reply simply because they don't have the time, or the knowledge to add a useful statement to the topic is all. I personally only reply if it is about the animal world (Evolution, ect), or if it is cooking, or in the humor section. It don't nessesarily mean we don't care! The "giddiness" as you call it is just them playing games and such. It really does help lift the spirits. As to the phone numbers, it may seem like lots of people give it out to others, but if you look REALLY closely, not many people give them out, since they really do not know who is on the otehr side. For all the person knows, the recipient of the phone number might give it out to telemarketers and such! Btw, I'm not replied to much on here really either, but if you look at the "views" column, you can see that there is usually many views. If the topic is for prayer, just viewing the opening post is all they need to start prayer for ya! ^.^ So don't let it get you down, we love ya on here :24:
  11. I agree with Sir Gareth. As long as it is not vulgar, I think it will make a fine story would you PM me the link once you have the first chappie up?
  12. I did notice a bit of a problem where the sequences of the pages are messed up (the sample pages). Some are read from right to left, and others are read left to right. Remember, Japanese is read from left to right, and is sometimes "flipped" to make it more familiar to readers. Japanese manga from Tokyopop usually leaves the manga in its original unflopped format, since flipping it sometimes exposes errors in the artwork that would not have been seen otherwise. The first time I read an "unflopped" manga I felt a tad backwards, but I now know why it was left like that. I hope that they don't have these sequencing problems in the manga itself! Oh, here I go rambling again!
  13. Manga in general is not really made for the more serious Bible stories that we all know. From what I saw when I flipped through it (I love different mangas), They did a so-so job on bringing out the stories, as it is done in a slightly lighter manner to bring interest toward it from teens and such. There is also added humor based on different events. No, it is not a perfect rendition, but for manga, it is really not half bad. If they get an artist that drew more serious panels, then teens would find that a turn-off, since most manga-readers like some humor, and light-heartedness in their manga. Trust me, better the way they described the Bible events there, than in a worse way. I'll let your imagination fill in what I mean. Me? It may be something to buy just to compare with what the real Bible states.
  14. Good for you Andy *whispers- I weigh 200lbs O.O* Yep... I need to lose some too I should be around 170-ish I'm rather tall (6ft), and the weight-gene kinda runs in the family. I'm not overweight too much. It is a matter of 30lbs..., so I am hoping to start to eat fresher veggies, and less junk food. I love Fruit, so I'm gonna see about getting some fresh fruit and making fruit salads and such. You can make a smoothie out of Bananas, strawberries, kiwi, and ice Don't add sugar. I posted a cheesecake recipe that is low-fat and low cal, if ya'll want it. Plan for tomorrow: B: Honey crunch n oats, with whole milk (tastes better than the watered down stuff) L, Pineapple, D.something not fatty lol Gonna ride my bike 1 mile or so, and try to boost the distance each day Soooo, I'm gonna count calories and try to keep them low. I'm an impulsive eater >.< Glad that there are several on here that are in the same boat Btw, a tip for ya'll. Chocolate is good in SMALL doses. so you can have a little piece a day. it won't hurt. It will actually help by reducing "cravings" if you let yourself have a bit. You are in the store, and want to buy some choco impulsivly, and you remember, you have some waiting for you at home Let Chocolate be a reward, not a teaser.
  15. Wow O.O The news station the link goes to serves my area They are so nice ^.^ One guy actually danced in a fountain in a dress after losing a bet that his team would win lol
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