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About Bractal

  • Birthday 10/28/2005

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    The Midwest

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  1. You know, I was just about to click on that with interest until I saw the term "Fox News"... Then it was just "Hah, Fox News. Funny. I wonder what propaganda it's going to say today?" Seriously, Japan concerned over a lack of population? They're one of the most over-populated countries on this planet, and if it comes down to labor force, then the obvious solution is to merely shut down some factories and plant a forest in the debris. Giving that the population is becoming lower, and making the world healthier for all of us, the loss of a few factories would harm no one as there wouldn't be a need for that much production anymore to begin with. "Last year, France increased monthly stipends to parents who take time off work to care for a third child." ... If I recall correctly, that has nothing to do with over-population; they just ruled that having that many children tends to require more time to adjust to. Over-population in this country frightens me; I like nature, and don't wish to see the world covered in pavement.
  2. I'm just glad the citizens of South Dakota can go to Indian reservations to get their abortions done now. Fortunately, the natives of this land seem to realize how irrational a state-wide abortion band is, and how it's a threat to our freedom of religion. Of course, since Ohio's the only state which has tempted to police beyond their borders; S.Dakotaians could always go to any other state as well.
  3. In our society, we typically have a conditioned desire to want that - everlasting - relationship with someone, or someones, of our personal gender preference(s). Those who plan on growing old generally fear being left alone, and from our youth we're fed information similar to "when you grow up, one of the best things you can do is get married to someone who loves you!" Children are easily indoctrinated; therefore, most develop this idea of eternal love early. Music reflects a country's culture, thus naturally... I don
  4. Bractal


    To me, freedom means being able to declare I'm a black, pansexual, pagan, communist whose had an abortion and not be prosecuted for my beliefs on life, nor my personal identify. Freedom is a wonderful and beautiful thing - something we need to keep, and if any religion, even my own, manages to work its way into the state then the freedom of others begins to deteriorate. They have as many rights to act according to their beliefs as the rest of us. [Note: I’m not a black pansexual pagan communist, just before anyone restricts my posting access to the “Inner forums”]
  5. Actually, it would take far more than a couple deployed nuclear weapons to cause a so-called "nuclear winter", and it would be incredibly difficult for humanity to take the steps necessary to even invoke nuclear war. Thus, global climate change is probably a larger threat than nuclear war could ever be. I'm uncertain as to why some Christians deny the concept of global warming, some claim that God would never eradicate the planet we inhabit, but how do you know it isn't God's way of punishing humanity when our society ends up excessively greedy/centralized around money? The environment isn't limitless, and by always consuming to unhealthy degrees I do believe we've invoked this global climate change. I have yet to see Al Gore's documentary as it isn't playing anywhere near me, but I've read up quite a bit about global warming, and you can even begin to see the beginnings of a global shift now. The past seven years have been the warmest on record, there have been increased hurricanes due to warming waters (we've never manage to make it to "Z" before), dryer summers/wetter winters in the Midwest, Tennessee and Illinois virtually becoming part of tornado alley, coral decaying globally... All of these side-effects of global warming were predicted far before they began occurring, and just look around, we're living in the middle of this now.
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