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  1. I have read his work, both books as a matter of fact. It is not the True Christ, as far as I can see. It is a feel-good, no-repentance, pop-psychology/pagan ritualistic heresy. Nowhere in his books does he talk about the redemptive qualities of a contrite spirit. Warren is a dangerous man and will harm many, deceiving them.
  2. Couldn't agree more heartily. well said.
  3. I presume you are being sarcastic? No, I loved his book, and saw no problem with it whatsoever. In Warren
  4. I presume you are being sarcastic? No, I loved his book, and saw no problem with it whatsoever. In Warren
  5. I presume you are being sarcastic? No, I loved his book, and saw no problem with it whatsoever. You mean you didn't pick up on the neo-paganistic elements of his message? or the seeker-sensitive overtone? Saddleback has like a couple dozen services each sunday, last time I checked. If you want to be a goth, you go to one service. "Western style" worship? go to door 3. rock and roll? Go to door 4, etc. its on his site, just look it up. From the Saddleback statement of Faith: God has allowed evil to provide us with a choice, God can bring good even out of evil events and God promises victory over evil to those who choose him. The statement is totally confusing and rife with doctrinal assumptions. The remainder of the site presents a person-centred type of humanism/pop-psychology that denies the existence of REAL SIN and the need for REAL REPENTANCE.
  6. I presume you are being sarcastic? No, I loved his book, and saw no problem with it whatsoever. Did you read the articles on the sites I posted? Try this: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/expose...n/scripture.htm
  7. a Charismatic is just a Pentacostal who can read. This is not a helpful statement. The seriousness of the question should allow you to put a gate on your flippancy. The rise of extreme charismaticism is dangerous to the church. Avoid it.
  8. Greetings FC, These are the wolves in sheeps clothing, they have an agenda that is not from above. H. Are you talking of Schuller/Peale/Warren or the website authors? GET OUT OR DIE "If your Church has been plateaued for 6 months, it might take 6 months to get it going again. If it's been plateaued a year, it might take a year. If it's been plateaued for 20 years, you've got to set in for the duration! I'm saying some people are going to have to die or leave" (Ministry toolbox No 263 6/14/06) Rick Warren's concepts of how to be a loving shepherd. Sounds pretty scary to me. This is a very serious thing indeed. Warren's teachings need to be exposed as hatred against believers. FC
  9. Here's a great article that can help answer your question. http://www.fundamentalbiblechurch.org/Foun...icConfusion.htm Stay firm in Christ, resist the devil.
  10. Here's a description of the rise of charismaticism. http://www.piney-2.com/RMPiney.html
  11. Greetings FC, These are the wolves in sheeps clothing, they have an agenda that is not from above. H. Are you talking of Schuller/Peale/Warren or the website authors?
  12. Read this article and let me know what you think. Personally, I wonder if this is in effect what is ailing our Christian walk. http://www.pawcreek.org/articles/endtimes/...eGoldenCalf.htm The effects of Warren's/Peale's/Schuller's writings are detrimental to the true message of the Cross. Comments? discussion? FC
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