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About Akabu

  • Birthday 10/27/1965

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    Apopka (Orlando), Florida

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  1. HalP, I will attempt to answer you here even though I wanted to keep my posts short. Many people do not read long winded posts and I can't say as I blame them. To those people I apologize now.... First off. I wanted to become a paleo-anthrapologist at a small school called University of Chicago. After being saved I changed my mind, thinking I was wrong, but after talking to a professor at Liberty University I started looking at dinosaurs from a Biblical standpoint. As to Kent Hovind, I never studied with him and I dont believe he ever taught at Liberty (at least not that I know of). So first thing is to DEFINE evolution. There are 6 accepted definitions: 1) Cosmic Evolution
  2. I hope I can convey this to you properly to make it understandable. When looking at the "Geologic Column" you never see any species in the middle of becoming anything other than that same species. Evolutionists have never shown how any species can create anything other than itself. You can show dogs becoming other types of dogs (wolves, coyotes, dogs, so on) but they cannot show a dog becoming anything other than that. Same for cats, birds, fish and so on. You can see adaptations to the species like fish that can walk on thier flippers but there is NO proof that those "walking Fish" became anything with 4 legs that walk on land all the time and those same "walking fish always return to the water for the greater part of thier life. They claim that it happened, but they have no proof. You said "the fossil record shows fossils of animals that are all or mostly extinct, followed by a layer of fossils of animals that are all or mostly extinct, and so on." They like to do that. Take for example the most know of all fossils the Trillobite. They claim those are extinct but there are many different trillobites found today from the warm waters of the Carribean to the fridgid waters of Northern Alaska. What about the extinct coelacanth? You know, that fish that was extinct but was found off of Madagascar where the locals said they have always had them. Just because scientists cant find something why is it assumed they are looking in the correct places in the first place? Remember, if you have faith in evolution you are a scientist. If you have faith in God, you are a nut job. Having quite a background in science I can take hours to show you ways that God made evolutionists look stupid, but I wont get into that on this board again after the bad feelings created last time I did that. Let me throw something else in there to confuse you. My science books in school said that you can date the bones by the rocks they are found in. They also go on to say that they used the bones found in the layers to date the rocks. Try going to a museum and ask how they date the layers. Depending on how you ask the question you will get both answers. Do you see the circular logic? More fun with evolutionists: I grew up in a small town called Glen Rose Texas. There is a river there called the Paluxy. Back in the 30's I believe it was (the date is not important) there was a flood that ripped up a layer of limestone and dinosaur tracks were found. It is true, I have seen them and many anthropologists have done studies on them and even removed some for museums. Here is the fun part. In some areas there are human tracks running alongside, across, and even inside of these tracks. In many of these places the area is marked off limits. Why? because it puts a serious question to the evolution claim that dinosaurs were here "millions" of years BEFORE man.
  3. To go with what Agua said there also cannot be anybody "burning in hell" yet as nobody has been judged yet. I do not know any of these people personally nor have I read thier books, but I do not feel inclined to believe them. They may have sincere motivations, and maybe they have had vivid re-occuring dreams, or they may just want to sell books. I really could not say which, but there is no Biblical support for thier claims. Blessings~
  4. Sadly, groups like that just reorganize under a different name. No debt, no scandal attached to the new name, same modis operandi. Also, just to help with what was quoted in the article: ""It's really declining revenue in the face of a series of attacks from partisan operatives and right-wing activists that have taken away our ability to raise the resources we need," ACORN spokesman Kevin Whelan said." That means, "We got caught playing fast and slick with the system and people didnt like what we were doing, but it's not our faults, it is the fault of people that called us on our questionable activities."
  5. First there are no questions that are personal information really. Nothing to worry about there. Second answer to this is "render unto ceasar that which is ceasars." So yes, answer it. Just my 2 coppers worth, your milage may vary.....
  6. "A government that is strong enough to give you every thing you want is strong enough to take everything away from you" -Thomas Jefferson As long as people continue to vote for those politians that want to increase the role of government are going to find this truth in the worst possible way.
  7. Only God the Father knows when the time will be. Not Jesus, the angels in heaven, satan, and surely not any human on earth. If anybody wishes to make a noise that he/she knows the date it will happen it will show just how much of a fool that person is. The two most foolish statements connected to end times studies are "I know what the date of the second comming is", and "I know who the antichrist is". The answer to both issues will be resolved by God Himself at the time He decides.
  8. They said the same thing about the cylocanth. Then they found it off the coast of Africa, local fishermen said they had been fishing them for generations.
  9. You have to love an energy source that takes $1.27 to make $1.00 worth of energy. (Not counting the increase in prices of food products)
  10. Did the Illuminatti or the Freemasons order the NYPD to send up the chopper?
  11. I just love how "Separation of church and state" equates into being told we cannot worship how we wish. When a school can tell christians that they cannot wear a symbol of their faith the state run school has crossed the separation.
  12. This is a classic twisting of the scriptures to get what the person wants out of it.
  13. Well, as I have heard so many time from the wacko's "Global warming also causes flashes of intense cold". Whatever. Anybody wonder why tempeture data from 1924 to 1935 is never used by the so-called experts when "proving" global warming?
  14. 2 quotes come to my mind right about now: 1) He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. (John 8:7) and 2) And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Matt 7:3)
  15. are you serious????? yes she's serious. It was the worst duty that any marine could serve when the clintons were in office! When the clintons left office, that day they got on the helicopter, the Marines turned their back on him as he left. That was the only way they could voice their displeasure at having served under them. The proper proceedure is to turn toward the leaving president, and to await the newly arriving president facing the CIC. When they turn their back on the CIC they are disrespecting him. While I couldn't blame them, I doubt that could be true. A Marine follows orders and protocol. Period. They don't decide what they do or don't do. If they disobeyed an order or broke protocol, it would be an insult to the corps, not to the president. I'm guessing it is protocol for those standing nearby to turn their back as a helicopter lifts off ---as a safety precaution. Maybe someone could check it out. I haven't been able to find the protocol. Please dont doubt that it happened. As a former Marine who served a little over 8 years I can say for a fact that respect, or lack thereof, will trump protocol more often than not. Take a look at pictures with politicians Marines that were taken overseas or even in the states. Many, many times you will see Marines with Dems. The Dems are smiling and jovial while the Marines will have obviously pasted on smiles or even look very bitter at the Dem. Then take a look at visible hands, you will see what is called "Flying the flag at half mast", basically hand in a fist with the middle finger slightly extended. This is not only flipping off the person, but also shows the picture was taken "under duress" or by order of superior officers. I kept in touch with many of the guys I served with at "Eighth and I", which is the designation for the Marine barracks that does White House duty and there are some classic, and even "Epic" stories of how the clintons were dissed by Marines on duty. Great stories like how the Marines would eat 2 cans of beans 6 to 8 hours before duty for the "smell factor". The protocol is to remain facing the Helicopter pad for the incoming Commander in Chief. This would also NOT be the first time for this action to take place.
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