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About LossForWords

  • Birthday 01/04/1981

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    Hicksville, SC

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  1. Nope... Anger is a natural emotion. I try not to sin in my anger and I try not to hold on to that anger for a long period of time. I think maybe if I were to sin or to be angry for a long time about something, I could imagine becoming ill about it. But I get angry, say something about it, or get over it. After reading the comments though, I feel a bit odd about not becoming sick when I'm angry with some one. Oh well...
  2. I used to live in Sumter, SC...practically next door to Shaw Air Force Base. (That was a looooong time ago). But I remember being a child and everyone talking about these things in the sky. It ended up they were the stealth bombers that were being tested at the base. No aliens. Poop. But I do so enjoy the movie "The Explorers"...River Phoenix before his delve into drugs and death. I don't know if I believe that UFO's carry aliens from another planet, but I do believe there are things in the sky that not every one knows exists at this moment. I also #1 don't believe that UFO's are demonic and #2 don't believe that UFO sightings are actually a sign of the end times. There's always been stuff in the sky that we don't always recognize. Like so many others though, I often wonder why people who are abducted by aliens are always people that you would have cause to question their judgement...
  3. Now I've heard that in some cases, after you've been married for awhile, you begin to look like your spouse. In this case, I think I would have begin to wonder when people began making comments about looking alike before the marriage vows had been said.
  4. I have a big ol' ugly gargoyole guarding my garden.
  5. There was once a topic on here about how gnomes are evil, and that if you own a gnome, you're pretty much opening yourself up to demonic activity. The police chief better keep a close eye on those things, don't give the gnomes free roam of the office.
  6. The winning smile and the dancing... Bill Clinton went on MTV, played his sax, and had an entire generation behind him. I saw Obama on Ellen, he was dancing, (poorly I might add)...so now he has the black vote and the homosexual vote? Geesh. I'd cast my vote for Fred Thompson, however, I don't think he'll even make it on the Republican ballet. That's another fear...like Marnie said, I'm afraid my generation will look to the more public Republican like Guiliani...not because he has the best values or what not, but because we all remember him as mayor during 9-11. He's the trendy pick, so might as well put him in office.
  7. "SHEEPLE!!" There's my chuckle for the evening. Thank you Kat.
  8. That's my concern... Oprah shows her support for Obama because he has potential to be our first black president. However, Oprah and Obama are so far removed from any normal situation an average colored person would find themselves in, that it's hard to believe some one like Obama could be a spokes person for any specific race. It seems like once a black person makes it beyond the average socio economic status that the majority of us find ourselves in, they are no longer able to speak for the average person. My fear is that the majority of black people are going to vote for Obama because he's black, but just because he's black doesn't mean he's going to be able to understand the plight of the average African American.
  9. well i'm the ghost hunter. i've seen things that could be easily explained , and some things that could not be explained. was my mind playing tricks on me possiblely. but other people saw the same thing or heard the same thing. i'm talking about " waverly hills sanitarium" over 63,000 men women and children died there.i can talk about waverly all night. but to feel the pain and suffering, come to louisville,ky. and take a tour. then tell me how you feel about ghost. jp Oooooh...I have visited there. When I was a teenager I went to high school in Ashland, KY...one day we all decided to take a day and check it out. It was not dark, we arrived at around 2pm, we lasted about 7 minutes. We did not "see" anything, but heard enough to be frightened into running away. I still do not believe everything we see or hear is demonic though.
  10. damo...I meant your posts are hard to read because of the grammar. It's the teacher in me... sierra...of course you would see where I am coming from!!
  11. Goodness, you are one hard fella to read...where are you from?!? (damo) I don't really want to get on the topic of worshipping Mary, as my church does not have saints that we pray too, we believe Jesus actually came down off the cross, and we don't have long traditional services in which we are made to kneel and then get up and then kneel again. I posed the question because I was curious what others would say... From reading the other posts though I can see that I've probably already formed my own opinion. Which is..."I HAVE NO IDEA!" I could argue either way. Mary was chosen by God and therefore I could understand him allowing her to have a special relationship with Jesus. However, at the same time, if Mary is in Heaven, she got there because of the sacrifice, which means she would also be thinking of him as her savior, and not just her son. If the Bible gave us all the information we could ever want, it would be never ending. The Never Ending Story...now there's an interesting movie.
  12. I don't know...I guess as some one who is getting ready to be a mother, it would be hard to convince me that she ever stopped seeing Jesus as her son. I don't believe in worshipping Mary or the other saints. Which is one reason why I am not Catholic. I don't want to put Mary on a pedastal, because I think she made mistakes as all mothers make mistakes. But because she was given favor in God's eyes, I wonder if she has a different relationship with Jesus in Heaven. I wonder if that relationship is even allowed.
  13. Do people still have visions?
  14. I'm not Catholic, and would rather not dip my tootsies into that one, I'm a Nazarene (like Jesus, hee hee). Jesus did refer to Mary as "woman" various times in the Bible...yet I've referred to my mom as "woman" too...as I was being sarcastic, or I was just in the mood to be a little demanding. And Mary, being human, most definately probably made mistakes, as all mothers do. I just keep going back to the fact that she was his birth mother. She birthed him...in a barn. It doesn't say a whole lot in the Bible about Jesus' infant, toddler, or early childhood years. We get a few glimpses of Jesus as a young man (pre-teens perhaps)...such as when he strays from his parents and sets up current residence in the temple. However, I don't think Mary forgot her place, she just had the same motherly instinct that all women have once they give birth. Obviously Mary was chosen for a reason. Maybe she was able to cast aside her motherly burden and see Jesus as God's son and only God's son, sent here for a mission, and maybe she was able to distance herself from her child for that fact. But because she was around so much, even when Jesus was ignoring the "woman" it makes me wonder if her motherly instinct was always there. Which brings me back to the original question, what is her relationship to Jesus in Heaven? I guess it's not really something that can be answered just yet, just one of those things I'll ponder on for a little while until a new question pops into the old noggin. Hopefully, when we reach Heaven we will either be all knowing or not care that we aren't all knowing...that way I won't be bending God's ear night and day with my 3rd degree.
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