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  1. So if we all know that the Prez an Michelle don't mean to physically harm people...why isn't that good enough. We all get what they meant because thats what metaphores are. Are we now going to start checking our speech habits so that mentally ill people won't "take a long walk off a short pier" or any other random thing we commonly say. I just don't think we need to start questioning ourselves because ONE delusional fool out of 300 million citizens did something evil. So Palin used a target...it was not inappropriate because WE ALL know that Palin wasn't targeting Giffords. It was her congressional seat that was the target. Giffords is actually well liked by both sides...but we were hoping to get someone more conservative. That should be good enough for people with common sense. The people who are now 'targeting' Palin won't be happy until her website is removed. If Palin had used a cute bunny over Arizona's 8th congressional district as a target...people would blame Palin if this had happened near Easter. I'm not gonna change who I am...or the way i talk...or the way I feel about the damage that liberals have wreaked on this country just because one loony toon did something atrocious. That is EXACTLY what liberals want...and exactly how they are attempting to manipulate this story.
  2. Do we have to analyze every metaphore a person uses. Using a target was fine...cuz we were targeting those congressional distrcits. That doesn't mean that Palin (or DailyKos for that matter) wanted people to get shot. After 9/11 the media told us we weren't allowed to use the word "hero" anymore either. Words can be used for many meanings. People will use anything to make their point no matter how ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with 'targeting' a district. I'd be willing to bet that this guy never even saw Palins' or DailyKos map...or watched Fox or CNN. He quite likely couldn't stand any of them and hated their grammer, and thought they were gov't plants, and were planning the 2012 apocalyspe.....
  3. I just read that the 9 year old girl who died was born on Sept. 11, 2001. What a world she lived in..........
  4. This tragedy happened minutes from my home. Several people I know responded to the scene. This is a horrible, horrible event for our community and our city. I find it absolutely disgusting that the MSM is attempting to peg this on the tea-party, Sarah Palin, or politics in general in Arizona. We have ALOT of BIG political issues in Arizona...and there are ALOT of opinions but NOBODY on either side of ANY issue would have wanted or dreamed of this type of event. I also think that it is massively hypocritical of the DailyKos to start pointing fingers at Sarah Palin when they had this posted on their website too. This kid was a sicko...no right or left politics. He was a disturbed and broken mind and he killed a child, shot a publically elected woman in the head at point blank range, and unloaded his weapon on the innocent public gathered at a local grocery store. I voted against Gabby...but I wept for her...I wept for them all.........................
  5. I don't send my kids to school to learn about Hitler...or global warming...or the price of tea in China. My kids go to school to learn how to do math, and how to read and write the English language. A distant secondary reason is to learn basic science, and American history. The problem with public schools is that they have too many agendas they are trying to teach. Instead of teaching basic science they want to teach evolution and global warming. Instead of American history in social studies, they teach world religions and cultures. Too many parents think they don't have to teach their kids anything and they give full teaching authority to the schools.
  6. ppfffftttt...its just a word. They are all just words. Words are a combination of sounds that we use to communicate. You could literally drive yourself batty worrying about words when all they do is convey a message. You could pick any random word and it will only have the power you allow it to have. For example, someone on this thread has allowed the word "baby" to oppress them...which is no more logical than allowing ANY word to offend or oppress you. Are the words "frack" or "frick" offensive? How about "fiddlesticks" or "fudge?"
  7. ' Hey Chief...I just wanted to point out that this isn't the first time this convo has run a horse around the racetrack. There is clear evidence that tongues did in fact disappear from existence just as scripture claimed it would, and that evidence has been presented at length in past discussions. Unfortunately, like many topics around here, compelling evidence and facts are often disregarded for anecdotal emotional 'personal' experience...or even second-hand experience in many cases. You could have a Master's Degree on the subject and you'll still get people to argue with you because their Cousin Leroy speaks in tongues and he's one of the most God-fearing humble people you'll ever meet.
  8. Its not that I don't understand tongues. What I don't understand why you are convinced that you can't effectively worship the Glorious King, and get into a state of worship being filled with the Spirit without speaking in tongues. Why must you speak in tongues to deepen your intimacy, and become more effective in all things? I can accept that you think you need this thing, and thats okay...but why do you need it to be close to God and all that other stuff? It's this kind of emotionalist euphoric talk that makes me think it is not necessary.
  9. Prove that its not. lol. Eh, forget it...it doesn't matter what you are doing, or how you do it. It's still not necessary, in my opinion.
  10. Actually, what I said was, the only benefit I could see was an emotional lift. Beyond that, I really see no benefit. If you say you get no emotional lift, I believe you...which essentially removes the only feasible benefit I can see. God does not move in absurd ways, nor is he the author of confusion. I can't think of anything more confusing than speaking in a way that is completely unintelligible to yourself and those around you. Wait...first you wanted to argue that tongues being for God's benefit was a 'bizarre argument'...now you want to argue that it is beneficial to God? Why do I have to speak in tongues to have child-like faith and humility? Why must I speak in tongues "whether with your mind or with your spirit" in order to talk to him for anyones benefit? It is simply not necessary to speak in tongues to achieve those standards. If what you speak is foreign or unknown...it is by definition 'alien.' I also don't believe that I claimed that tongues was foolish to my understanding. I have a pretty good grasp of what tongues is. I am simply of the opinion that it is not necessary.
  11. Sure...like animal sacrifice. I could go sacrifice a lamb for God in my backyard, but its not really necessary. All I'm really doing is killing an animal. I could likewise go sit on my bed and 'humminahumminahummina' for 45 minutes and hope that God gets it, but its not really necessary. All I'm really doing is babbling.
  12. Explain this to me then. So what you are saying is that since I am imperfect, don't have God's all-knowing nature, and I pray with free-will (what you call mixed motives)...the Holy Spirit (God) supernaturally inspires me to pray to Himself..so that He can answer His own prayer. I happen to think that prayer is a little more personal than that. Its actually me, my heart, my mind praying to my Father in Heaven. I don't think there is any benefit for me in becoming some mindless robot for a while so that God can pray to himself in a language and manner that has zero benefit to me. How do you know that the "Living Water" that is flowing from you is a superior language than English? You can't understand it. It could be as primative as 'click' language used by Bushmen in Africa. You don't know. God hasn't had any trouble using the English language to spread His gospel and His will throughout the world for quite some time. Some supernatural language simply isn't necessary for God to communicate with us, or for us to communicate with Him.
  13. There is a difference between "do they exist" and "is it possible." With God all things are possible. I believe that all those things are possible and within the Holy Spirits power. However, whether all those things 'exist' and are necessary for Christians today is highly debatable.
  14. Thank you. Thats all it was. A personal statement of opinion based on years of spiritual walk.
  15. Who ever said the gift of tongues was for God's benefit? This has got to be the most bizarre argument against tongues I have ever heard. I don't see how it benefits anybody other than giving emotional humans some kind of emotional lift. I've asked God that if he wishes to provide me some kind of spiritual or emotional support I would prefer it done in my own language so that I know what the heck is going on, and can actually benefit from it. BTW...everything in my life is for God's benefit. My life is for Him. If it doesn't benefit God, then it really has no place in my life...speaking unintelligbly included. It is ultimately bizarre to reason that in order to benefit His people God must bestow some weird alien babble upon them. That's truly bizarre...as always, in my opinion.
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