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About MightyIsTheLord

  • Birthday 02/20/1990

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  • Location
    South Yorkshire, UK
  • Interests
    PHP Web Development,
    Javascript & jQuery,
    HTML5 & CSS3,
    Listening to music,
    Trying to give up smoking,

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  1. I'm certain that I am saved, because my life has never been the same since I first met Jesus as Lord and Saviour, that day something inside me changed forever, like I became someone new. I guess you could say I am a work in progress and I intend to let God finish what he started.
  2. Hi there...you need to adjust the spelling in your article....you wrote, 'If you tell people their an animal...' and it should be 'they're an animal'. Best regards Botz thanks but i cant :/
  3. I've had my ePetition on the direct gov website published arguing that creationism should be taught in schools as well as evolution. If your from the UK, please sign it? If we get 100,000 signatures it might be debated in parliament. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/14634
  4. I've recently learned (very recently) that in order to successfully lead a life pleasing to God is to bring Glory to him in everything we do. I've read 1 Corinthians 10:31 loads of times but never really understood it until earlier today. Which brings me to my main question. I am a huge Doctor Who fan, I've got posters, registered on a fansite forum, got about 10 doctor who dvds, never miss an episode when its on. But I'm wondering, by watching doctor who I dont think I'm glorifying God in anyway so does that mean I should stop watching it and get rid of my dvds, posters, etc. thanks.
  5. I give in to temptation more than I resist it. When I try to live the holy, self-denying life that Jesus showed us It always comes crashing down like a ton of bricks when I'm hanging around with a non christian. I believe, but I don't think I have any faith whatsoever. I pray, but I'm impatient. I dont practice what I preach. I use bad language and I watch things I know I shouldn't be watching (you know what I mean). -- In the past 4 years I dont think I've ever gone more than two weeks trying my absolute best to live like God wants me to. I just don't know what to do. Half of me wants to just accept that I'm going to hell and theres no point trying. I don't like going to church because: A) I can't sing and get embarrased trying to. B) I'd rather be at home all day playing on my computer than go out and talk to real people. C) I'm lazy and often stay up all night saturday. But there is some hope. No matter where I go or what I do, I always know that I need Jesus more than a whale needs water. Its like even though I take pleasure in sinning, somewhere deep inside is God telling me to get my act together. Whats worse is, chances are someone will post a reply here that will really help me, I'll pray, think im a christian and tommorow I'll have forgotten. I want to follow Jesus more than anything, but I'm afraid I'll backslide again.
  6. I've been told that God is a spirit, but what i'm wondering about is when Jesus ascended into heaven he was in human form. That must mean that heaven is a physical place where you can walk around, Jesus also spoke of mantions and a table.
  7. When talking to nonbelievers, only speak the word from the Bible and don't add to it or take away from it. Because when you stray away from the true word, you are opening yourself up to a whole new can of worms. (just my opinion) its so weird that you said that, last night i was tossing & turning in bed took me ages to get to sleep but then it hit me, i dont quote the bible often and i dont pray much anymore no wonder im getting it wrong. - Because im trying to do it myself, rather than relay God's message by his holy spirit.
  8. Thanks, you guys are right. I guess i was just trying to win, relying on my own wisdom (or lack of it as it appears to be). Thanks for making me see how foolish i've been.
  9. I try and I try but no one ever listens, there all stubborn fools. I've noticed the people who actually care about knowing the truth lessen and those who just mock rising.. Is it time to give up and prepare for the end? Coz im ready for giving up.
  10. Romans 1:23 KJV - "and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles." http://goldendome.org/EvolutionOfMan/EvolutionOfManColor.jpg Doubt you'll find a christian with a poster of that picture on his bedroom wall. Doubt you'll find an atheist with a picture of Jesus on his bedroom wall. Need I go on?
  11. I once was lost an now am found. Then i got lost again and found again. I kept getting lost and now I AM FOUND. I know where i am, who i am and where i want to be. I can feel him right now, hes in my heart and in my soul. Hes holding my hand and wiping the tears from my eyes. I fell down and he didn't help me get back up, HE PICKED ME UP and put me on my feet. All glory to God forever and ever. Amen. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.
  12. I was on this website in this chatroom and i dont really know how to talk with people i dont know, it went horribly wrong. I dont know how i got onto this but i ended up saying i was gunna buy a gun and kill people, i'd never do it i dont know why i said it. This guy who said he was ex-navy told me hes reportin it, this is in america but im in england but still they have people for doin this thing over seas dont they. Anyway he told me he was on the phone to the FBI and its been done, he was on about gettin the webmaster of the site involved to get the information lined up (i've deleted my account). so i told him i'd kill myself and he said hes already done it and its too late and hes sorry. The thing is, if this comes over here and i get into trouble i can kiss college goodbye and that'll be the end of me. college was the one thing i was lookin forward to. So if i end up locked up with no hope and no future but without the guts to kill myself i will really have screwed myself over. The worse thing of all is i've backslidden again to pornography and masturbation. everything is falling apart. i dont know what to do.
  13. That video just about summed up my relationship with Jesus, or lack thereof.
  14. yeh, im listening to one of his videos on youtube now called "Islam is NOT a religion of peace", its very interesting.
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