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About Mamato3

  • Birthday 12/10/1974

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  • Location
    New England
  • Interests
    My family, reading, and cooking!

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  1. It turns out it was the slider bar. Thank you for all your help!!! Finally...something is working for me. Have you ever had one of those days...weeks...months....
  2. Hi everyone... I really need some help from those that know computers. Here is the problem...(besides letting my kids use it and mess it all up!!!) The words and graphics seem too long... The words and graphics look blurry... When you open the internet, the page is too big to fit on the screen and you have to scroll to the right to read it all. So annoying. I deleted everything these kids have been using, I tried to restore to default settings, I have tried to change the zoom, I have tried EVERYTHING. Please help me!!! Thank you!
  3. Thank you scarlet! When I named my boy Elijah, I had no clue he was a prophet but it totally fits him so perfectly. he is always telling his friends about church and telling me what he learned in kids church. Marley, is of course, after Bob Marley and Lucy is in honor my husbands grandmother who passed away the year before she was born.
  4. I know I read somewhere in the New Testament where Jesus told a man what the two most important commandments are. I want to get it right for my kids. Can anyone help me? Are they - To have no other God before me and Not to bear false witness against your neighbor? Thank you!
  5. Last night I read the Bible for an hour - much longer than I normally have time for. I read it until I was ready to fall asleep. I was on Psalm's but it was so slow going that I switched to Proverbs and I will tell you... I got SOOOO much out of it. I mean, I realized things about myself that I never thought about before. Thanks for all your replies!
  6. Hi everyone, I haven't been a Christian too long - about four months. I have turned myself around 180 degrees as I heard my pastor say about himself. Well, today I have found myself slipping up and resorting to my old ways. This is what happened...I was in the dunkin donuts drive through and all of a sudden I heard the roar of the fighter jets from our local air base. These were no ordinary jets, they are visiting from England. It was AMAZING - three of them flyin real low wing to wing! I quickly got my phone out to tell my husband they were headed his way and then it was my turn in line. I would never normally use the phone at a time like this, but I had to tell him! I was trying to juggle the coffee, the change and the kids muffin all while telling DH to go outside. I'm not too coordinated as it is and I was fumbling around. As I was pulling out, the server at the window says, as he was turning away (really scarcasticly) "Don't drop your phone..." Well, I slipped up. I was so shocked to hear that from him that I said, "Thanks for the advice A-h-." I immediately regretted it, but still feel like a jerk. I asked for forgiveness and later my daughter told me she also asked God to forgive me. How's that for setting a good example?
  7. Funny this topica came up again! I was baptized this past Sunday at "my church" - how far I've come in such a short time. Wow...
  8. I just burned everything! It felt good to do it, a relief they aren't in the house anymore.
  9. Thanks...I never considered myself Wiccan. I just sort of read the spell books, fooled around with it and read tarot cards for myself. I will burn them. Thanks everyone!
  10. I just keep thinking that I feel blessed!
  11. Hi all... I have a bunch of old books - wiccan spell books and tarot cards that I really feel the need to get rid of. How should I do it? I am thinking chimnea for some reason but I guess I could just toss them in the garbage, right? I can't explain why I feel embarassed about them either. Maybe because I am ashamed of some of my past? Thanks!
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